Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Why Is Obama Waiting?
Members of Obama's own party are questioning his hesitancy of making massive air strikes to destroy the most notorious terror group of the 21st century ISIS or ISIL as President Obama refers to them. Yes, the President is allowing limited air strikes in Iraq. But, members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have said that ISIS cannot be destroyed without going after ISIS in Syria. That presents several problems. Do we take the chance that President al-Assad of Syria will resist American military action in his country?
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
The Angry Liberal
These are truly the golden days, the era of "enlightenment and enchantment" if you are a liberal (liberal/progressive/socialist is more appropriate, but for the sake of brevity....). Liberals, as I have stated many tiimes, live in a make-believe world where everything they say is always right. What they want is always justified regardless of how many people are hurt by their utopian ideology. If a liberal says, "We must welcome these illegal immigrant children streaming across our southern border. They deserve a chance at life and a chance at the American dream."
leftist politics,
what is a liberal
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Vacation Time!
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Taking it easy1 |
It is August by the time you read this. We at The Right Commentary are taking time off for some rest and relaxation just as our beloved Congress does and how our beloved president does every other week. Hey, why lead a nation when you can go play golf, right? So, some much needed time off is in order for all involved here. Our time off is undetermined at this time. We may take two weeks or the entire month of August. Recharging of the batteries prior to the final push toward the mid-term elections of this year are in order. The Senate is still up for grabs. Obama plans on usurping power from Congress and, once again, establishing law, and not enforcing laws he doesn't like. Such is the quandary we find ourselves in these days. Regardless, I encourage all readers to partake of previous political posts here. If you have comments or questions, you can comment on each post or send us email from the contact tab at the top of this page. We can't promise we'll get back to you right away. But, as soon as feasible, you will get a reply. Until next time...keep the faith!!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
A Nation In Chaos

I've lived a long time. I'll be 63 years old in September. I've seen the United States of America reel from the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy. I've seen President Nixon resign from office in disgrace. I've seen Democrats, Republicans, right-wingers, left-wingers attack each other mercilessly. I've lived through several recessions. I've seen economic upheaval that threatened the very fabric of our nation. I've seen this nation at war several times and the aftermath of war. In summary, I have seen this nation get knocked down and then get back up. The terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 which served to only bring this nation together as one. America always comes together in a time of great need. At least, that's the way it has always been in the past.
border crisis,
illegal aliens,
illegal immigration,
president obama,
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Fatal Blow For Obamacare?
A federal appeals court delivered a serious blow to President Barack Obama's health care law Tuesday, potentially denying billions of dollars in subsidies for many low and middle-income people who bought policies. Without these subsidies, it is unlikely these people can pay their Obamacare premiums each month. Before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, a group of small business owners argued that the law authorizes subsidies only for people who buy insurance through markets established by the states and not by the federal government.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
The Impeachment of President Obama
I've been all over the spectrum on the possible impeachment of President Obama. A case could be made for abuse of power. Now, it may be true he has not had as many executive orders issued as President George W. Bush. But, in Obama's case, he has changed law (his own health care policy) to establishing law (Deferred Action for Dreamers) to not enforcing the law (Immigration Enforcement Act of 1986) already on the books. He swore an oath to uphold and enforce the laws of the land. He did not swear an oath to uphold the laws he likes. He swore an oath to uphold THE laws (U.S. Constitution) of the nation. There are not "ifs, buts, or whats" in that oath. Let's take a quick look at the oath President Obama took:
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Border Crisis - USA in Peril

I think Texas governor Rick Perry said it best, in regard to the ongoing illegal alien surge on our southern border. "He's either inept or has an ulterior motive," Governor Perry was quoted as saying. I'm not sure what Obama's ulterior motive might be. If it is to force the hand of the GOP to pass immigration reform aka amnesty, it has been a dismal failure. If it is to "transform America," it is a mixed bag of success. I'm not sure even the Idiot in Chief expected this mass surge of illegal "children" to our southern border. Many of the criminal gangs are passing as "children" of 16 and over. We will all pay for this eventually.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
The U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Back!
As most should know, President Obama overstepped his authority when he appointed members to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) when he assumed Congress was in recess. But, Congress was only out of order for three days. Take advantage of the situation, in the same manner a child would the cookie jar when mommy isn't home, he made his own appointments. In a stunning 9-0 ruling, the SCOTUS slapped the petulant child's hand. As such, they said the President of the United States violated the constitution.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Detroit - UN May Have To Help City

In what has become an unimaginable scenario, in a major U.S. city, the city of Detroit has half its population unable to pay its water bill! You read that correctly, half the Detroit residents can't pay a basic necessity of life, water. A spokesman for the Detroit Water System stated it is a possibility that the United Nations may have to step in to help provide funds to a U.S. city so people can have water.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Iraq - Another Obama Failure

This will be short and sweet today. I don't feel really well. But, I had to comment on the deteriorating status of the Iraqi government to Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), an offshoot of Al Qaeda. ISIS is marching through Iraq like Sherman marched through Atlanta with terrifying results. Unlike General Sherman, the murderous ISIS is taking no prisoners. They are murdering Iraqi soldiers by the thousands. ISIS controls a large part of Syria and now hope to, at the very least, control northern Iraq.
al qaeda,
Islamic State in Iraq and Syria,
president obama,
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Barack H. Obama - First Emperor of the United States of America

Let's clear up a misconception here, shall we? Barack Hussein Obama is not the 44th President of the United States of America. No, that is no longer valid. He is now and heretofore will always be referred to as the first Emperor of the United States of America. He is, as one political pundit said last week, "...the president that Richard Nixon always wanted to be." Emperor Obama does not give any regard to that outdated document called the U.S. Constitution. He bypasses Congress when they don't bow to his every whim and command. You don't give me what I want, screw you Congress!
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Misfire - The VA Scandal
I've held off commentary on this burgeoning scandal surrounding the VA's total incompetence toward our nation's Veterans. I have done so due to how personal it is to me, a Veteran. Now, that I have calmed down (somewhat anyway), I want to say that, we as a nation, are truly finished by allowing the men and women die for lack of medical assistance. Where is our moral compass? Where is our compassion for those who sacrificed themselves by fighting our enemies? At least 40 Veterans died on a waiting list that was basically ignored or hidden by the VA. This is simply inexcusable by any definition you wish to use. There is no excuse valid enough to excuse this total lack of gratitude for our Veterans.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Stupid Political Quotes

About the only people I consider more dumb than Washington D.C. politicians are Hollywood "celebrities." Both are so far detached from reality, they seem to live in an alternative universe. They sure as hell don't live in the world where most of us do. Both are known for doing and saying stupid things. But, since this is a political blog, we'll stick to stupid politicians. Some that you will see below are "purportedly" said by our politicians. I have no way of proving it. Some I am quite familiar. Others I am not, but don't doubt they were said. Now, there are lots of dumb people in all walks of life. But, you would think our politicians could be held to a higher standard. I guess it just doesn't work that way. Let's take a look at a select few.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Marco Rubio: Yes, I'm Ready To Be President

Senator Marco Rubio has been a rising star among young Republicans and was a star of the Tea Party Movement. He has been rumored to be thinking of running for the Republican nomination for president in 2016. On ABC News "This Week," Senator Rubio was asked by host Jonathan Karl if he was ready to be president. "I do … but I think that’s true for multiple other people that would want to run … I mean, I’ll be 43 this month, but the other thing that perhaps people don’t realize, I’ve served now in public office for the better part of 14 years,” said Rubio. “Most importantly, I think a president has to have a clear vision of where the country needs to go and clear ideas about how to get it there and I think we’re very blessed in our party to have a number of people that fit that criteria.” Senator Rubio replied.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Donald Sterling Racist Comments

The leftists of today are having multiple orgasms as I type. No, not from a sexual point (if indeed they even have sex). But, from a purely cause célèbre standpoint. As many should know by now, Donald Sterling, the owner of the NBA Los Angeles Clippers, the 80-something's 20-something girlfriend, secretly recorded him making racist remarks about her bringing "black friends to the Clippers games." That was a very sad thing to see in this day and age of enlightenment of the 21st Century. Maybe it shows we have a long way to go in racial relations in the USA. But, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Jeb Bush: An Act of Love

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush said Sunday that many who illegally come to the United States do so out of an "act of love" for their families and should be treated differently than people who illegally cross U.S. borders or overstay visas. This comment from Jeb Bush came on the 25th anniversary of George H. W. Bush library and museum. Jeb Bush went on to say that the Senate amnesty was a good effort at proposals that will catch people who are overstaying their visa stays. "A great country ought to know where those folks are and politely ask them to leave," he said, adding later that properly targeting people who overstay visas "would restore people's confidence" in the nation's immigration system."
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
The Cesar Chavez Resolution

Senate Republicans blocked a resolution honoring Cesar Chavez on his birthday (March 31) due to language that Democrats refused to allow to be added to the resolution. Chavez formed the United Farm Workers labor union, which organized agriculture workers. Republicans wanted to add Chavez position on illegal immigration. Republicans would have voted for the resolution if Democrats had accepted additional language that recognized Chavez supported strict enforcement of immigration laws in order to help protect American workers’ wages. But Democrats refused to agree to those additions, leaving both sides at a stalemate. Democrats did not debate on Chavez stance on illegal immigration. But, that didn't stop them from castigating the GOP for not going along with their agenda. “It is an injustice to his memory,” said Sen. Robert Menendez, the New Jersey Democrat who tried to force a vote and who said Republicans were trying to mix the immigration debate with a commemorative resolution.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Will Hillary Run?

As a rule, when the President in power has low approval ratings, the party he represents has presidential candidates who poll likewise. This is not the case with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She is currently polling with 67% of the vote in Democratic primaries and at about 10-12 points ahead of any Republican candidate. It's a mystery to many how she can poll this well with such an unpopular president and the Benghazi scandal she will carry into any presidential primaries and debates. Rest assured, both Democrats and Republicans will bash Hillary Clinton again and again over Benghazi. There are many questions that still lack answers in that tragic incident.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Obamacare Follies - Part V
I was hesitant to call this story "Obamacare Follies" for the simple fact it makes it appear light-hearted and/or funny. There is nothing funny about the following story. Pastor Angran was diagnosed with stage three cancer of the esophagus. He had insurance, but because of a previous heart condition, it did not cover the treatments he needed for his cancer. He found this out just minutes before receiving life-saving chemo. A worker came in to talk to the pastor. He was informed that under Obamacare he is not covered for lifesaving chemo treatments. As a result, the Angrans have emptied their savings account and now are $50K in debt thanks in no small part to Obamacare. The Angrans can't even afford to pay the premiums which are over $800 a month and with less coverage than their former insurance plan. Pastor Angran said there is, "no compassion in the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)." No word from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on whether he thinks Pastor Angran is lying or not.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
A Political War

It seems that both Republican and Democratic parties are all about protecting their turf, their respective parties. The never ending battles between the virulent flame throwers, such as Nevada Senator Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi et al, never stops. The same can be said for some Republicans as well. I respect Ted Cruz. I like Ted Cruz. But, when he engages in this gamesmanship with Democrats, he is lowering himself down to their level. Harry Reid is comfortable fighting these dirty little battles such as calling all the people complaining about Obamacare a bunch of liars. Reid knows he can get away with saying such things because he is old and he is a Democrat. The news media has his back.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
The Russian Bear Has Awakened

The Winter Olympics were no sooner over when Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to do what all dictators do; invade a sovereign country such as the Ukraine. For the moment, Russian troops have limited their invasion to the Crimean peninsula. Ukraine soldiers are surrendering as this post is being typed. President Putin said he reserved the right to use force to defend ethnic Russians while there’s “no such necessity” at present. But, Putin has left the threat hanging over the collective heads of the people of the Ukraine. Putin claims extremists orchestrated a coup to dislodge President Viktor Yanukovych. Putin claims that Yanukovych asked for assistance to combat anti-government forces who were protesting his presidency. Those protests led to his being ousted as President. Meanwhile, the Ukraine has its own set of problems in trying to have a transitional government in place to react to the menacing Russian Bear at their doorstep. Right now, Ukraine needs $15 billion in the next 2 1/2 years to stay afloat, Finance Minister Oleksandr Shlapak said March 1.There is no way to pay police or government officials right now.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Democrats Trying to Destroy U.S. Military

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel plans to shrink the United States Army to its smallest force since before the World War II buildup and eliminate an entire class of Air Force attack jets in a new spending proposal that officials describe as the first Pentagon budget to aggressively push the military off the war footing adopted after the terror attacks of 2001.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
The Bill Clinton Strategy

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky started it off on a Sunday morning show (Meet the Liberal Press). He commented that former President Bill Clinton displayed ""predatory behavior" toward then intern Monica Lewinsky. "He took advantage of a girl that was 20 years old and an intern in his office. There is no excuse for that, and that is predatory behavior," Senator Paul said. Senator Paul said this after his wife Kelley, stated in Vogue magainze last September, Bill Clinton's conduct in the White House should be a factor for voters when considering Hillary Clinton for president. Rand Paul said that Bill Clinton's behavior with Lewinsky should be considered when judging him, he said it shouldn't necessarily impact Hillary Clinton's potential presidential run. The Clintons, for their part, have remained silent on this latest back and forth on the so-called GOP "War on Women." Many people think this tactic will backfire on the GOP in their attempt to win the Presidency in 2016. Mitt Romney also chipped in on this topic.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Obamacare Follies - Part IV

Once again, President Obama is amending and changing law. At one time (and according to the U.S. Constitution) U.S. Congress made and amended laws. No more. President, or rather should I say, King Obama has decreed employers with 50 to 99 full-time workers won't have to comply with the law's requirement to provide insurance or pay a fee until 2016. So, once again, Obama is delaying the health insurance mandate set forth as law by Congress and signed by the King himself. This is, in effect, staying the insurance requirements due to the disastrous roll-out of Obamacare. It's also in response to the Congressional Budget Office devastating news that nearly 2.5 million jobs could be lost due to Obamacare over the next ten years. The Obama administration is still reeling from that report.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
The GOP Principles On Amnesty

The GOP Principles that House Speaker John Boehner and other Republican leaders have espoused are not going over well with the rank and file GOP House members. Boehner and Rep. Paul Ryan desperately want to pass an immigration reform bill to help the GOP chances in the 2016 Presidential Election and to satisfy the thirst of businesses for cheap labor. The consequences of giving amnesty to about 20 million illegal aliens are not being thought through by the GOP. The Democrats don't care what a terrible burden millions of mostly illiterate, low-skilled illegals will have on the social structure of this nation.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Lies of Abortion Barbie

It appears that Wendy Davis, the one-issue (abortion) liberal from Texas, has been doing what liberals are ultra famous for doing; flat-out lying. You see, Wendy Davis (who is running for governor of Texas based on her filibuster of the Texas abortion law) carefully built this image of a hard working single mother of two who put herself through law school at Harvard. She was portrayed as a heroine in the lapdog MSM. Wendy Davis claimed to be a single mother at age 19. Except for the fact she was divorced at age 21.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
The True Chris Christie

It seems my grandpa was absolutely correct. He said, more than once, "Your sins will find you out." Despite the questionable grammar, it all makes sense to me now. You can hide your sinful nature. But, you can't hide it indefinitely. I believe this adequately describes the quandary in which New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, finds himself. One of Governor Christie's top aides ordered the revenge-closings of traffic lanes at the George Washington Bridge. The bridge closing in Fort Lee, New Jersey, last fall was an act of political retribution against the city's Democratic mayor who refused to support Christie's reelection as New Jersey governor. In addition to this investigation of political retribution, there are now accusations that Chris Christie withheld Hurricane Sandy funds because Hoboken Democratic mayor wouldn't sign off on a politically connected real estate venture. Chris Christie and his administration are hotly denying this accusation.
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Obamacare Follies - Part III

The demographics are all wrong. Despite the White House heralding news that 2.2 million people have signed up through state and federal health care exchanges, less than a quarter of people who have enrolled are between the ages of 18 and 34. It is this age group that the Obama Administration has pinned its hopes on to make Obamacare work.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Glenn Beck - Melissa Harris-Perry Said Nothing Wrong

As everyone must know by now, Melissa Harris-Perry (MHP) made a fool out of herself again. It wasn't enough for her to make a fool out of herself with the tampon earrings to protest the Texas abortion bill. Like all the morons at MSNBC, she has to continually try to outdo herself. Of course, she never dreamed mocking the black grandchild of Mitt Romney would come back to almost destroy her career (and the debate on that is not over). To her credit, MHP did make, what appeared to be, a heart-felt, tearful apology for her actions. None of the rest of the panelists in that infamous panel discussion did so.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Top Political Wishes for 2014

Today is January 1, 2014, New Year's Day. This day always inspires hope and the fervent desire for a better year than last. 2013 was anything but a good year on any number of levels for the USA. Politically speaking, it has been nothing short of a disaster for President Obama. From the NSA snooping on private U.S. citizens to the Benghazi coverup to the catastrophic roll-out of Obamacare, it has been a series of disasters for the president. That's only three of the scandals plaguing this president.
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