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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Why Is Obama Waiting?

Members of Obama's own party are questioning his hesitancy of making massive air strikes to destroy the most notorious terror group of the 21st century ISIS or ISIL as President Obama refers to them.  Yes, the President is allowing limited air strikes in Iraq.  But, members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have said that ISIS cannot be destroyed without going after ISIS in Syria.  That presents several problems.  Do we take the chance that President al-Assad of Syria will resist American military action in his country? 
Assad has enough problems with ISIS and other groups wanting to overthrow him.  It's not likely Assad would try to antagonize American forces going after a terror group, such as ISIS, who are committing war crimes by killing hundreds of Syrian soldiers captured in battle.  Is it because of the anti-Assad forces who want nothing more than to bring down the Syrian government?  There are tense relations, at present, between the USA and the anti-Assad forces.  But, the old adage, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.  This is true since both the USA and the anti-Assad forces both want to destroy ISIS.  President Assad is not going to stand in the way of the USA to take out the much feared ISIS terrorist group.  So, what is Obama waiting on in the effort to rid the world of this latest menace, a menace that beheads children?

Many believe President Obama is reluctant to engage this terror group because of his psychotic fear of offending Muslims.  Despite so-called moderate Muslims who publicly condemn ISIS, the vast majority applaud the publicity that ISIS is bringing to Islam being the dominant, feared force in the Middle East and the world as well.  In my opinion, there are no moderate Muslims.  None.  Sure, some may speak out and condemn al-Qaeda and ISIS.  But, few, if any, really condemn the murderous actions of these terrorist groups.  With Islam, the ends justify the means.  But, with President Obama, he has no excuse valid enough to not totally destroy ISIS.  There should be massive bombing of all targets in Iraq and in Syria.  Intelligence is spotty at present for ISIS in Syria.  But, there is enough intelligence to at least get the attention of ISIS and their leadership.  So, the question begs once again, why is President Obama waiting?  Massive air strikes are required and now!

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