It seems that both Republican and Democratic parties are all about protecting their turf, their respective parties. The never ending battles between the virulent flame throwers, such as Nevada Senator Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi et al, never stops. The same can be said for some Republicans as well. I respect Ted Cruz. I like Ted Cruz. But, when he engages in this gamesmanship with Democrats, he is lowering himself down to their level. Harry Reid is comfortable fighting these dirty little battles such as calling all the people complaining about Obamacare a bunch of liars. Reid knows he can get away with saying such things because he is old and he is a Democrat. The news media has his back.
If a Republican says such a thing, it is a career ending statement. The GOP has long been in a quandary with fighting both the Democrats and the MSM on every issue. But, this is a battle they should be accustomed to by now. Harry Reid has said ridiculous things in the past such as Mitt Romney not paying his taxes (a political remark made in the Senate which is forbidden) without an iota of proof. Nancy Pelosi is another star in the fire-breathing category. She, at least, appears harmless when she says things like "We have to pass the bill so we can see what's in it." Democrats are very good at hyperbolic declarations such as the above. Again, they know the news media has their back. Nothing will come of it.
The GOP has their fire-breathers also in the form of the aforementioned Ted Cruz and, of course, Sarah Palin. I've never been a fan of Sarah Palin. I think she made her fortune off of one speech as she accepted the VP nomination at the Republican Convention back in 2007. What I don't like is how those on the left make personal, ad hominem attacks against her and her family. The left is well noted for their violent nature, their vitriolic criticism. It's normal for them. What is lost in all these back and forth battles is what is being done to this country. The acrimony between both parties is at an all time high. None other than President Obama is responsible for this. He is the most partisan, far left, fringe President this nation has ever had. So, President Obama feels it is within his purview to violate the U.S. Constitution when Congress does not let him have his way. So, you have both the executive and legislative branches constantly at war. Caught in the middle is the United States of America. Our laws are not being enforced (illegal aliens making demands on our government), our economy continues to bottom out, unemployment is still very high and our politicians continue to fight. When will Americans understand our politicians don't care about them? They care only for themselves and their respective parties. That's it. We need to start anew in this country. Insist on term limits for everyone in politics. Politics should not be a career field in this country. We now see the result of what career politicians do.
As in any war, there is collateral damage. In this war, the collateral damage is America itself. We suffer while the battles in Washington D.C. continue endlessly. We are now in a war of political attrition. Last man standing wins. But, what type of country will they have left to govern? The answer is, a totally bankrupt country, both financially and morally as well.
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