As everyone must know by now, Melissa Harris-Perry (MHP) made a fool out of herself again. It wasn't enough for her to make a fool out of herself with the tampon earrings to protest the Texas abortion bill. Like all the morons at MSNBC, she has to continually try to outdo herself. Of course, she never dreamed mocking the black grandchild of Mitt Romney would come back to almost destroy her career (and the debate on that is not over). To her credit, MHP did make, what appeared to be, a heart-felt, tearful apology for her actions. None of the rest of the panelists in that infamous panel discussion did so.
But, MHP must understand when you make outrageous, callous remarks, there is a price to be paid. There are consequences for your actions. Liberals simply have never accepted that concept when it comes to them. MHP is a case in point. This isn't the first time this flame thrower has crossed the line. This is only the first time the media has cast a bright light on her outrageous comments. I want to believe she was sincere in her apology. I hope this has calmed her down in her increasingly out of control rhetoric. I suspect it is only a bump in the road for MHP Once things are calmed down, she will, once again, be a fire-breathing dragon.
But, as bad as Melissa Harris-Perry's comments were, Glenn Beck's comment is at least as bizarre. “When I got home and I saw the apology for what she said about Romney, I thought I was going to lose my mind. She apologizes for what?” Beck said on his radio program on Monday. “It was a break with comedians. Yes, it wasn’t nice. Yes, it was hurtful and divisive if that was the intent, but it clearly was not.” In his latest strange, out of character remarks, Glenn Beck appears to be trying to cater to the media who he has castigated continually throughout his career. She apologizes for what, Mr. Beck? How about going through with a segment that she knew would be mocking a baby, a defenseless baby? There is no way you can say you see nothing wrong with that. There are certain areas of discourse where you just don't go. MHP decided to go into that arena. She did not exit bloodless. I suspect Glenn Beck will be taken to task for his remarks as well. I've always liked and respected Glenn Beck. I think he is right on a lot of issues. But, he seems to be trying to bring attention to himself with this remark in defense of MHP. He now aligns himself with a large group on the left who see nothing wrong with what MHP said. I somewhat agree when Beck stated, “I truly believe that our side now is refusing to see her for who she is, and we’re engaging now in the worst kind of political destruction. Both sides do it. Both sides will, in the end — if they continue — be the cause of the death of the once great and united people." As he is prone to doing, Glenn Beck overstated his case, possibly to garner attention.
As long as the left demonizes those on the right for every shooting that takes place (Tucson, Sandyhook, etc), the right is going to jump all over lefties when they are caught exposing their double standard and bigotry. And, I do believe, like most leftists, MHP is a bigot. Alec Baldwin is the poster-child for leftist bigotry. Unfortunately, it is the political warfare that makes US politics what it is, a dog-eat-dog world. Melissa Harris-Perry is just the latest war casualty.
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