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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Obamacare Follies - Part V

I was hesitant to call this story "Obamacare Follies" for the simple fact it makes it appear light-hearted and/or funny.  There is nothing funny about the following story.  Pastor Angran was diagnosed with stage three cancer of the esophagus. He had insurance, but because of a previous heart condition, it did not cover the treatments he needed for his cancer. He found this out just minutes before receiving life-saving chemo.  A worker came in to talk to the pastor.  He was informed that under Obamacare he is not covered for lifesaving chemo treatments.  As a result, the Angrans have emptied their savings account and now are $50K in debt thanks in no small part to Obamacare.  The Angrans can't even afford to pay the premiums which are over $800 a month and with less coverage than their former insurance plan.  Pastor Angran said there is, "no compassion in the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)."  No word from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on whether he thinks Pastor Angran is lying or not.

Remember the death panels comment from Sarah Palin that the liberal MSM laughed about?  In a roundabout way, it is taking place.  We all knew that Obamacare was an inferior health insurance plan that caused premiums to more than double, but with the added bonus of less coverage as Pastor Angran has discovered.  It appears that President Obama and the Democrats did not care if Obamacare would be a disaster upon the American people.  All that mattered was their place in history.  Well, they are certainly going to have their place in history.  It just won't be in the manner they had anticipated.  President Obama and his Democratic comrades will go down in history as changing the finest healthcare system in the world to the costliest, most inferior with far less coverage than people had before.  It will go down as costing thousands, perhaps millions of American lives as a result.  But, none of that matters to the Socialists in the Democratic Party.  They shoved this steaming pile of crap down the throats of the American people and told them to say "Aaaaaaaaaah."  Now, their place in history is assured.  Obamacare will go down in history as the greatest disaster to ever befall American citizens due to direct government intervention.  Remember, "We're from the government and we are here to help you?"  Those of you who voted Obama and the Democrats into office deserve whatever terrible fate that happens to you due to your own stupidity.  Enjoy your "free" healthcare insurance, dumbasses.

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