Let's clear up a misconception here, shall we? Barack Hussein Obama is not the 44th President of the United States of America. No, that is no longer valid. He is now and heretofore will always be referred to as the first Emperor of the United States of America. He is, as one political pundit said last week, "...the president that Richard Nixon always wanted to be." Emperor Obama does not give any regard to that outdated document called the U.S. Constitution. He bypasses Congress when they don't bow to his every whim and command. You don't give me what I want, screw you Congress!
He has ignored U.S. Immigration laws, to the detriment of every unemployed American. He has a "Scandal of the Month" club going now from Fast and Furious to Solyndra to the exchange of five Taliban POWs for an Army deserter last week. He broke the law on the last one and now he is in hot water on that one. He is in hot water over the Veteran's Administration over the deaths of at least 40 veterans needing medical help. Did I say hot water? How can an emperor get in hot water over anything? Well, you see, there are still those who have this silly notion that B. Hussein Obama is still a U.S. President. They think he should be held accountable for his actions of continually violating U.S. law, for violating the U.S. Constitution at every opportunity. These people are DELUSIONAL! An emperor, such as Emperor Obama, has no clothes! He is the be-all and end-all of everything in this nation. Do as the emperor says or else!
Emperor Obama has chosen to be a tyrant, a wannabe dictator in the form of an emperor. He has no regard for the legislative branch of government. The Founders intended to have a separation of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. But, the very first Emperor of the USA ignores that very concept with every "executive decree" he signs into law. His own incompetence is destroying him, his own arrogance is making him enemies even in his own party. This chaos on our southern border is a direct result of his executive action with DACA. His own incompetence has caused this humanitarion crisis due to children thinking they will be eligible for amnesty under DACA. But, what does an emperor really care if he causes a crisis or violates U.S. immigration law? He doesn't care. That's the bottom line. What is really frustrating is that Republicans are too cowardly to take Emperor Obama to task over his many violations of U.S. law. Perhaps they have gotten the message. That message? Former President Barack Obama is now supreme emperor over the United States of Northern Mexico. Get ready to bow to our emperor. Obama showed how that was done early in his former presidency. So, now it is our turn. After Obamacare, we should all be familiar with "bending over."
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