These are Frequently Asked Questions we get in email. So, we decided to put all questions here, along with the answers.
1. What kind of blog is this?
The Right Commentary is a political blog with emphasis on the conservative viewpoint.
2. Do you allow opposing viewpoints, particularly the Progressive view point?
All viewpoints are welcomed here. However, personal attacks will not be allowed.
3. Are international political discussions allowed on The Right Commentary?
Yes, as long as it has something to do with politics involving the USA. This blog is primarily designed for discussion of U.S. politics.
4. Who is the blog owner?
JD Weldy, a published author and owner of two other blogs in the Weldy Blog Network.
5. Do you accept political commentary from candidates running for office?
It depends on just exactly what the candidate wants to post on this political blog. If it is to attack his opponent, that will not be allowed. If the candidate wishes to state his or her platform or position on the issues, that kind of post is welcomed.
6. Do you accept advertising?
Yes, Please click on the "Advertise With Us" tab at the top of the blog for more information. We reserve the right to refuse any form of advertising we deem offensive.
7. Do you sell or exchange links on this blog?
NO! This is something we get asked all the time. Under no circumstances do we buy, sell or exchange links. Please don't even ask.
8. Do you accept guest posting?
Yes, within certain parameters. It must have to do with political commentary on the U.S. Political spectrum.. Trying to sell a service, product or promote any for-profit organization is prohibited. Please use the contact form and give us an idea of your topic. We allow one link and one link only. However, if Google slaps us for that link, the link will be deleted and the guest post will remain. Your acceptance of this is mandatory. Sending us your guest post is considered your total acceptance on this point.