Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky started it off on a Sunday morning show (Meet the Liberal Press). He commented that former President Bill Clinton displayed ""predatory behavior" toward then intern Monica Lewinsky. "He took advantage of a girl that was 20 years old and an intern in his office. There is no excuse for that, and that is predatory behavior," Senator Paul said. Senator Paul said this after his wife Kelley, stated in Vogue magainze last September, Bill Clinton's conduct in the White House should be a factor for voters when considering Hillary Clinton for president. Rand Paul said that Bill Clinton's behavior with Lewinsky should be considered when judging him, he said it shouldn't necessarily impact Hillary Clinton's potential presidential run. The Clintons, for their part, have remained silent on this latest back and forth on the so-called GOP "War on Women." Many people think this tactic will backfire on the GOP in their attempt to win the Presidency in 2016. Mitt Romney also chipped in on this topic.
While I can see the temptation to "one-up" the Democrats on this manufactured issue, I have to think it is not a winning strategy. If you want to go "All Democrat" on the Democrats, how about bringing up their support for abortion that is causing an entire generation of African-Americans to disappear in the wombs of their mothers? In short, you can make a case of the Democrats endorsing "ethnic cleansing" if we choose to get down and dirty with the Democrats. But, the GOP tries to appease their establishment guys as "being above it all." This same mindset has caused the Republicans to lose the popular vote in 3 of the last 4 presidential elections. Go after Democrats where it hurts, the economy, the unemployment picture with over 20 million unemployed American citizens. Continue to hammer them on Benghazi, the failed Solyndra scandal, fast and furious. DO NOT LET UP ON THEM!!! Now, the mainstream media (MSM) will not do their duty and go after the White House on the many scandals. So, the attack dogs of the Republican Party (Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul) need to do the dirty work. But, going after the Democrats on Bill Clinton accomplishes nothing. One, people aren't interested in what transpired nearly 20 years ago, or what happened even 20 hours ago. This is not going to get the attention of the voting public, many of whom were still in grade school when Monica Lewinsky got down on her knees (and it wasn't to pray). Two, it gives validation to the Democrats issue of the "War on Women" crap. Democrats have a winning strategy here. The GOP needs to let Republican women address this. Let leading GOP candidates for president address the real issues that matter most to the American people. This is something Democrats don't want to do. The War on Women schtick deflects from the real problems facing this nation.
The Republicans should not engage in this trumped up War on Women "issue" since it takes away the attention that should be reserved for issues Democrats are fearful to discuss, economy, unemployment and, oh did I mention Obamacare? Those three issues are what Republicans should be focused on right now. Engaging with Democrats on their latest phony manufactured issue only accomplishes one thing; you deflect the discussion away from the meaty issues of economy, unemployment and Obamacare. If the GOP does that, they are playing right into the hands of the Democrats. Bill Clinton must be smiling somewhere.
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