It seems my grandpa was absolutely correct. He said, more than once, "Your sins will find you out." Despite the questionable grammar, it all makes sense to me now. You can hide your sinful nature. But, you can't hide it indefinitely. I believe this adequately describes the quandary in which New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, finds himself. One of Governor Christie's top aides ordered the revenge-closings of traffic lanes at the George Washington Bridge. The bridge closing in Fort Lee, New Jersey, last fall was an act of political retribution against the city's Democratic mayor who refused to support Christie's reelection as New Jersey governor. In addition to this investigation of political retribution, there are now accusations that Chris Christie withheld Hurricane Sandy funds because Hoboken Democratic mayor wouldn't sign off on a politically connected real estate venture. Chris Christie and his administration are hotly denying this accusation.
In some respects, Christie's problems are remarkably like that of Richard Nixon's reelection campaign. Nixon wanted an overwhelming victory as did Christie. Both sought retribution on their perceived enemies. Nixon's paranoia brought him down. It remains to be seen if the same will happen to Governor Christie. He has a carefully molded persona of a hands on type of guy who can get things done. The Republican establishment is in a panic over Christie's problems. The Democrats are delighted because they now have another diversion away from the disastrous Obamacare albatross that Democrats must carry into the 2014 mid-term elections. Meanwhile, the Tea Party-Conservative wing of the GOP is watching this movie play out as they munch on popcorn. Governor Christie has tried to downplay the notion he is a bully. But, his "dark side" has come out more than once. It defies belief someone as hands-on as Christie was not aware of what his top aides were doing. I have to believe they did this with his complicit support. The New Jersey governor is known for his off the cuff remarks and hot temper. Like all bullies, he has met someone much tougher than himself. The governor has met the lapdog MSM who are in the tank for Democrats. I wish I could feel sympathy for this "conservative Republican." I have no sympathy for him. I'll sit back and wait for the conclusion of this movie. I've seen how it ended for one Republican. It didn't end well.
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