I think Texas governor Rick Perry said it best, in regard to the ongoing illegal alien surge on our southern border. "He's either inept or has an ulterior motive," Governor Perry was quoted as saying. I'm not sure what Obama's ulterior motive might be. If it is to force the hand of the GOP to pass immigration reform aka amnesty, it has been a dismal failure. If it is to "transform America," it is a mixed bag of success. I'm not sure even the Idiot in Chief expected this mass surge of illegal "children" to our southern border. Many of the criminal gangs are passing as "children" of 16 and over. We will all pay for this eventually.
The children themselves don't give credence to the liberal talking points of "poor economics" and "gang violence." Most come because they are under the assumption that they will get an "Obama Amnesty." This is reminiscent of the "YouTube Video" excuse that we heard about Benghazi. This is all very familiar ground on which we currently tread. In other words, this is a familiar lie from the Obama Administration. Another lie the Obama Administration is propagating is that "most" of the children will be deported. Always assume the worst when trying to get a true handle on what the Obama Administration spokesmen mean when giving out generalizations such as "most." Border Patrol union spokesmen have been saying just the opposite, that the overwhelming majority will never be sent back. Uncle Sam aka American taxpayers will have to feed and educate these children until they are joined, eventually, by their parents in Central America.
It's all part of the plan to transform America into a third world country. That, basically, is the Obama plan. We are over 17 trillion in debt, we have completely lost respect in the world, friends and enemies alike, and we are choosing to bring in skilled workers with lower wages, thus shutting out the majority of Americans with these same skills. Now, we are becoming a nation without borders. This is the transformation that Obama was talking about in 2008 during the Presidential campaign. I hope the liberal fools are happy. I don't know. Maybe Rick Perry is on to something with Obama having an ulterior motive. I think we all see it now. The motive could be to overwhelm us with illegals until we do take action on immigration reform. But, if you think the border surge is bad now, just wait until these children are not deported. This will be like a day at the beach. Obama's deferred action on the dreamers is the prime reason for this current surge. His own ineptness, his lack of foresight and leadership is creating a tragic situation in the Southwest. Now, to correct his mistake, President Obama is wanting Congress to grant him nearly $4 billion to deal with this disaster. And for what? This is going to continue due to Obama's lax enforcement and deportation policy. As Governor Perry said, “I don’t believe he particularly cares whether or not the border of the United States is secure,” I completely agree. How can you not agree based on the current situation?
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