Today is January 1, 2014, New Year's Day. This day always inspires hope and the fervent desire for a better year than last. 2013 was anything but a good year on any number of levels for the USA. Politically speaking, it has been nothing short of a disaster for President Obama. From the NSA snooping on private U.S. citizens to the Benghazi coverup to the catastrophic roll-out of Obamacare, it has been a series of disasters for the president. That's only three of the scandals plaguing this president.
The IRS targeting private citizens due to their political affiliation is something that has yet to be addressed adequately by this president. I am not holding out hope he ever will. The AP phone records scandal largely seems to be forgotten. Fast and Furious, which has seen the murders of at least two border agents, is seemingly ignored by the Obama Administration. How many more scandals will become known this year? If you thought Bill Clinton was a scandal plagued president, Obama has one-upped him in more ways than one. With all this said, I have a few wishes that I hope to come to fruition this year.
1. A truly bi-partisan approach to working on eliminating the national debt this year. Standing currently at $17 trillion, there is no way this country can continue to be a viable superpower if we keep falling further into debt. The Democrats, with Obama's blessing, have no qualms about instilling more debt on our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Republicans aren't much better. With the likes of John Boehner, John McCain and Eric Cantor leading the party, there isn't much hope that the debt will be honestly dealt with anytime soon. But, I can dream.
2. Immigration reform. Contrary to popular belief, we do not have a "broken immigration system." That is a talking point from those on the left. What we have is a federal government that refuses to enforce the immigration laws on the books. Yet, we are supposed to believe if we grant amnesty to about 20 million illegal aliens, the government will suddenly start enforcing immigration laws and provide border enforcement? That dog won't hunt. Amnesty will only encourage millions more illiterate, welfare seeking illegals. My wish is that our border is enforced by any means necessary. If that means armed troops on the border, so be it. Make it known to the Mexican government that it is incumbent upon them to stop the thousands streaming north if they want to remain a trading partner with the US. That is my wish.
3. I hope President Obama will address the many scandals surrounding his administration. It is beyond inexcusable he will not comment on Fast and Furious where Brian Terry and one other border agent were murdered by guns his administration sent to drug dealers in Mexico. He never will address this scandal or Benghazi. But, I can hope and dream.
4. I hope that both parties, Democrat and Republican, will stop playing a numbers game with the unemployment figures. 20 million Americans are still unemployed. There cannot be a dispute on this. Jobs should be the focus. But, Obama and both poltical parties do not want to address this chronic problem. Hopefully, the jobs outlook will improve. Federal jobs, strangely, continue to increase.
5. Restore respect for the USA around the world. When Obama first became president, he went on an apology tour for all the "sins" of Americans over the years. That little self-aggrandizement backfired on President Obama. Instead of gaining respect, we lost respect. In fact, no one respects us any longer. China, in particularly, is challenging our Navy in the China Sea. Russia is once again rattling their sabres. This happens when our military is decimated. You negotiate from a position of strength, not weakness. This is something Democrats have never understood. The world prays for and wants a strong America. No one wants a weak, vacillating America that we have now. I don't expect Obama to instill strength in this country. But, at least, he can take a break from destroying our image even more than he already has.
Yes, most of those political wishes are not realistic. That's probably very true on the last one. But, I can hope that things such as the above can happen. I can hope and pray. Happy New Year!
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