This will be short and sweet today. I don't feel really well. But, I had to comment on the deteriorating status of the Iraqi government to Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), an offshoot of Al Qaeda. ISIS is marching through Iraq like Sherman marched through Atlanta with terrifying results. Unlike General Sherman, the murderous ISIS is taking no prisoners. They are murdering Iraqi soldiers by the thousands. ISIS controls a large part of Syria and now hope to, at the very least, control northern Iraq.
Their goal, however, is the capital city of Baghdad. U.S. drones and warplanes are expected to bomb the terrorist organization. But, it seems the only way to truly root them out will be with ground forces. Obama is already sending in about 200 troops to protect the U.S. Embassy. The Iraq situation is only the latest in failures of the Obama Administration. Just this past weekend, we heard that the IRS has lost over two years worth of emails that went to former IRS official, Lois Lerner. They don't even try to hide their incompetence any longer. But, the Iraq mess, if the government does fall, presents us with the stark reality that thousands of soldiers died for apparently nothing, nothing at all. It also presents the incompetent man-child, in the Oval Office, with a new problem. How can you allow a terrorist Iraq to exist, knowing full well this will be a launching pad for new global terrorism funded by the vast oil reserves of Iraq? Iraq was to be Obama's one shining foreign policy achievement. It is now on the verge of disaster. Of course, as usual, the MSM will cover for him as will his zombies throughout the nation. But, Obama will not be able to hide this failure from the world. He will not be able to toss it aside as another "fake scandal." Stay tuned.
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