As a rule, when the President in power has low approval ratings, the party he represents has presidential candidates who poll likewise. This is not the case with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She is currently polling with 67% of the vote in Democratic primaries and at about 10-12 points ahead of any Republican candidate. It's a mystery to many how she can poll this well with such an unpopular president and the Benghazi scandal she will carry into any presidential primaries and debates. Rest assured, both Democrats and Republicans will bash Hillary Clinton again and again over Benghazi. There are many questions that still lack answers in that tragic incident.
Hillary only made matters worse when she was questioned before a House Committee on how Benghazi could have happened under her watch. “With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night decided to go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?” Clinton asked the Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. “ That one question, in bold, is one Hillary would love to take back. But, in that brief statement, you saw Hillary Clinton raw. You saw the raw anger she carries bottled up inside her. Like President Obama, both are angry people who, somehow, have parlayed that anger into high office. Neither have accomplished much of anything in their political careers.
For one thing, Hillary Clinton has not said she will run for the Democratic nomination. She has had health issues in the past (a blood clot behind her right knee in 1998 and another in her skull in December 2012). She turns 69 in 2016 (the same age as Ronald Reagan when he was first elected in 1980). Hillary's famous "reset" with Russia now appears like an exercise in futility rather than any kind of triumph. She touts Bill's achievements in office. Two things, Hillary was First Lady and did not make decisions on domestic issues. Secondly, the idea that Bill Clinton was responsible for this alleged economic success was smoke and mirrors by the MSM to prop him up after being impeached in the House for lying under oath. If you ask people what policies or bills pushed by Bill Clinton that engineered this economic success, most draw a blank. But, we live in a day of the Low Information Voter (LIV). Many voted for Obama due to him being the first black President in office. Many now say they want to vote for Hillary to have her as the first female president in office. Ideas, experience, qualifications don't matter. If they did matter, President Obama would never have been elected. It is now a "feel good" voter base putting in unqualified people in the Oval Office.
So, back to the question, will Hillary run? Of course she will! Health issues, scandals, mediocre success in office be damned. Hillary will run for the Democratic nomination for president if she has a breath of life left in her. Will she be up to the rigors of the run? That remains to be seen. But, there is no doubt in my mind, a political animal and ruthlessly ambitious politician, like Hillary Clinton, will most certainly run.
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