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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Angry Liberal

These are truly the golden days, the era of "enlightenment and enchantment" if you are a liberal (liberal/progressive/socialist is more appropriate, but for the sake of brevity....). Liberals, as I have stated many tiimes, live in a make-believe world where everything they say is always right.  What they want is always justified regardless of how many people are hurt by their utopian ideology.  If a liberal says, "We must welcome these illegal immigrant children streaming across our southern border.  They deserve a chance at life and a chance at the American dream."

It doesn't matter to your typical liberal that these children are an incredible burden on the American taxpayer of whom they routinely vilify for not paying enough in taxes to fund their utopian society.  Liberals live in a subjective world.  If they say the sky is purple and yellow...well, by golly, the sky is purple and yellow!  If they say it, then it is true.  The debate is over (much like we hear about the world's biggest scam, global warming) from that point onward.  If you attempt to debate the liberal any further, they go back to their bag of tricks by calling you names, changing the subject or personally threatening you.  I've see it far too many times to think otherwise.  Liberals don't want dialogue.  They want obedience.  Liberals believe in freedom of speech as long as your speech is in agreement with the Socialist dogma of which they adhere.

From 2008 to 2010, liberals were drunk with power.  They held sway in the Oval Office, the Senate and the House.  They were beside themselves with this new found power.  There were even Democratic House memebers saying "We can do what we want to do."  They basically did just that by ramming an extremely healthcare initiative in backdoor meetings, kickbacks and with threats, an old Democrat standby. But, even getting their dream of universal healthcare slammed down the throats of the U.S. taxpayer, they were still angry.  Angry that people don't see their dream world of free stuff for all, all you have to do is ask for it! Liberals were angry then and are still angry that more people don't see that their way is the best way to govern.  We have seen over the past six years how liberals govern with the most radical leftist U.S. President of all time.  They govern by violating laws on the books, violating laws they themselves helped vote into law, by recklessly bringing forth government programs (cash for clunkers anyone?) that only add to the debt.  It's only money to liberals.  As long as it isn't their money, they are just fine with throwing your money at their utopian society.  But, even with all this, liberals are still beside themselves with anger, violent rage that can't be explained away. 

You can only imagine the rage of liberals if the GOP holds onto the House and takes the Senate away from Harry Reid and his Socialist cabal.  Assuming illegal aliens and the Voting Dead are not voting this time, the GOP has a good chance to control both the House and Senate.  Come to think of it, that may just make liberals happy on second thought.  They are at their most serene when they truly have something to bitch and moan about.  The GOP taking the Senate would do just that for them.

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