The GOP Principles that House Speaker John Boehner and other Republican leaders have espoused are not going over well with the rank and file GOP House members. Boehner and Rep. Paul Ryan desperately want to pass an immigration reform bill to help the GOP chances in the 2016 Presidential Election and to satisfy the thirst of businesses for cheap labor. The consequences of giving amnesty to about 20 million illegal aliens are not being thought through by the GOP. The Democrats don't care what a terrible burden millions of mostly illiterate, low-skilled illegals will have on the social structure of this nation.
Democrats care about one thing; power. Hence, their obsession for a path to citizenship for millions of illegal aliens. The GOP leadership is apparently too stupid to realize all these illegals believe in big government and government handouts. This is everything Republicans are against. Now, Paul Ryan is saying "Security first, no amnesty, then we might be able to get somewhere." I don't know if Rep. Ryan is being sarcastic or if he is finally feeling the heat for his pro-amnesty stand. Regardless, Americans are fighting against this usurpation of U.S. law. There are immigration laws, on the books, that the federal government refuses to enforce. Yet, we are supposed to believe this government, this president will enforce a new set of immigration laws? Ridiculous. Americans are not the fools our leaders believe us to be.
The problem for Speaker Boehner, and other like-minded pro-amnesty forces in the GOP, is that most of the Republican House members do not trust President Obama. The president has proven to be untrustworthy on a number of issues, from Obamacare to the debt ceiling to his unconstitutional executive orders. How can we expect this president to enforce security of our border with Mexico? The short answer is that we can't trust him. President Obama has proven time and time again if there is a law he doesn't like, he will just ignore it. The man cannot be trusted. The sane members of the GOP recognize this. Thusly, it is highly unlikely immigration reform will be passed this year. The GOP is back to square one; border enforcement first before discussion of amnesty even begins. That's a non-starter for Obama and the Democrats. Anything without border enforcement first is a killer for the majority of House GOP members. The Republican Party is close to losing the majority of its conservative base. They worry about the Hispanic vote (which they will never regain) while the majority of the white vote is mulling a third-party. That would kill the GOP and quite possibly hurt the Democrats as well.
Only 3% of Americans feel immigration reform is a priority. So, instead of focusing on the economy and jobs, what do our politicians do? They focus on helping millions of people who broke U.S. Immigration law. As usual, both parties are interested in helping their respective parties rather than the people who pay their salary. But, we keep voting them into office. Who is really at fault, that being the case? We the people are at fault. It's time to kick out those politicians who put party before country. We can start with John Boehner and work our way down.
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