The Winter Olympics were no sooner over when Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to do what all dictators do; invade a sovereign country such as the Ukraine. For the moment, Russian troops have limited their invasion to the Crimean peninsula. Ukraine soldiers are surrendering as this post is being typed. President Putin said he reserved the right to use force to defend ethnic Russians while there’s “no such necessity” at present. But, Putin has left the threat hanging over the collective heads of the people of the Ukraine. Putin claims extremists orchestrated a coup to dislodge President Viktor Yanukovych. Putin claims that Yanukovych asked for assistance to combat anti-government forces who were protesting his presidency. Those protests led to his being ousted as President. Meanwhile, the Ukraine has its own set of problems in trying to have a transitional government in place to react to the menacing Russian Bear at their doorstep. Right now, Ukraine needs $15 billion in the next 2 1/2 years to stay afloat, Finance Minister Oleksandr Shlapak said March 1.There is no way to pay police or government officials right now.
I have to say we have seen this scenario before, haven't we? Remember when the old Soviet Union said that the President of Afghanistan invited their troops in to takeover in the late 70s? That became a Soviet "Vietnam" of sorts. The Soviet Union dissolved in 1989. Many point to the failed occupation of Afghanistan which led, in turn, to destabilization of the Soviet empire. Hitler made the same proclamation when German forces invaded Austria on the statement that Austrian government officials sought his help. It appears the Cold War is upon us again. Remember when Mitt Romney said that Russia is our biggest geopolitical foe and he was laughed at about it? Remember Sarah Palin saying basically the same? Who's laughing now? The Russian Bear is awake and he is angry. Will this mean another Cold War with Russian aggression? I suspect this is only the start of Russian expansionism. Basically, the world can do nothing about it other than boycotts and economic sanctions. That really worked well on Iran, didn't it? Obama said "there will be a cost" for the Russian invasion into Crimea. That sounded so hollow from such a weak president, I doubt the Russians even raised an eyebrow. The USA is now a debtor nation, thanks to Obama and the Democrats. We are no longer a superpower, thanks to cuts to the military and more cuts on the way. All we can do now is flail our arms at the big Russian Bear hoping he will go away. I doubt that is going to work.
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