The leftists of today are having multiple orgasms as I type. No, not from a sexual point (if indeed they even have sex). But, from a purely cause célèbre standpoint. As many should know by now, Donald Sterling, the owner of the NBA Los Angeles Clippers, the 80-something's 20-something girlfriend, secretly recorded him making racist remarks about her bringing "black friends to the Clippers games." That was a very sad thing to see in this day and age of enlightenment of the 21st Century. Maybe it shows we have a long way to go in racial relations in the USA. But, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Many, many black athletes have made racist comments about whites in the past. "We are a black league, we are a black league," stated former NBA superstar Charles Barkley. What does that say to the other 22% of non-black players? It's a racial statement also. But, because of who said it and his color, no one will call Mr. Barkley on it. And he knows it. He knows he can get away with racist statements because he has in the past. JayZ has this on a medallion he wears, "Blacks are the fathers and mothers of civilization. white men are the devil." JayZ is a part-owner of an NBA team. Yet, nothing is said about this in the press. Nothing. Racism is racism. It doesn't matter the color of your skin. Do we or should we condone racism because it is politically correct to do so in one way, but not in another? Racism will never disappear as long as we allow it to continue. That goes for everyone, black, white, brown, yellow, purple whatever.
Now, some will see this as a defense of Donald Sterling. If you do, you need more help than I can impart to you. Donald Sterling is a racist. Unfortunately, in this country, we must accept some people are truly offensive. We have to accept them due to our steadfast embodiment and support of the Bill of Rights. Donald Sterling has a right to be a damn jerk, a damn racist. But, it is beyond the realm of hypocrisy not to see he has been a racist for a long, long time. Yet, nothing was ever said about lawsuits filed against him for housing discrimination against blacks. Is it because he is a big donor to the Democratic Party? I notice the MSM is keeping that particular fact hush-hush. It is even more hypocritical to not take note of black racists such as Charles Barkley and JayZ. We need a discussion on racism in this country. Black and whites, rich and poor, jew and gentile are more polarized than at any point in our history. My main point here is that while Donald Sterling is a racist, he has black counterparts just as bad....or even worse than him.
people are the fathers and mothers of civilization, white men are the
devil, the Christian god is nothing more than a ghost and only a small
percentage of people understand the world. - See more at:
'We are a black league. We are a black league'
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