Senator Marco Rubio has been a rising star among young Republicans and was a star of the Tea Party Movement. He has been rumored to be thinking of running for the Republican nomination for president in 2016. On ABC News "This Week," Senator Rubio was asked by host Jonathan Karl if he was ready to be president. "I do … but I think that’s true for multiple other people that would want to run … I mean, I’ll be 43 this month, but the other thing that perhaps people don’t realize, I’ve served now in public office for the better part of 14 years,” said Rubio. “Most importantly, I think a president has to have a clear vision of where the country needs to go and clear ideas about how to get it there and I think we’re very blessed in our party to have a number of people that fit that criteria.” Senator Rubio replied.
Karl went on to ask Senator Rubio the various questions of if he was fit to be president (I wonder if anyone in the MSM asked their Messiah if he was fit back in 2008). Senator Rubio did remark that if he did decide to run for POTUS, he would "... not simultaneously seek re-election as a senator for the Sunshine State." I applaud Senator Rubio in that regard although I'm sure the Republican Party would not want to lose that Senate seat. The senator went on to express his skepticism of man-made climate change that the cult members of that ideology espouse. I fully agree with Marco Rubio in this regard. But, it is the senator's strategic mistake on immigration reform that I think has cost him his chances of winning the nomination.
Americans see no reason for mass amnesty for people who knowingly broke U.S. immigration law. The federal government never enforced the tenets of the 1986 Immigration and Enforcement Act. Never. But, we are supposed to believe a new immigration reform act will see a new emphasis by the federal government in enforcement? Sorry, that dog won't hunt. Senator Rubio got played by liberal Senator Chuck Shumer of New York. It hurt Marco Rubio immensely with GOP voters. He was seen no longer as the Tea Party darling. But, rather, he is now seen as another establishment Republican willing to do whatever it takes to further his agenda. Despite what is said in the article I linked above, Senator Rubio has not recovered from this miscalculation on his part. He thought he would be viewed as a "new Republican" who would work with Democrats on a very tough and delicate issue such as immigration reform aka amnesty. It backfired on him. That is why I say I would be very surprised if Senator Rubio wins the Republican nomination for 2016. Marco Rubio will always be associated with the "Gang of Eight" who pushed through on amnesty for 20 million illegal aliens. He let his "Latino" side betray him on this issue. I find Senator Rubio more honest, more forthright than Seantor Rand who apparently aspires to be the new "John McCain" on his flip flops on such issues as immigration reform, Voter ID, etc. I predict neither will be nominated. But, of the two, I would say I would hold my nose and pull the lever for Senator Rubio over Senator Rand. I don't like a flip flopper. At least Senator Rubio is not willing to sell his soul to be POTUS. I can't say that for Senator Rand.
It will be a cold day in hell before I vote for this Teadouchebagger!
ReplyDeleteBill, two things. One, why is that liberals can't offer an opinion without being so offensive? How about learning to disagree with what one says, but agreeing they have a right to their opinion? Give it a try sometimes. Secondly, considering more European Socialism is on the way under Hillary, I would gladly vote for Senator Rubio. Socialism doesn't work, Bill. It never has, it never will.