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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

John Boehner - Biting The Hand That Feeds Him

It appears that John Boehner has finally flashed his true colors for all to see after years of maintaining a careful facade of being a conservative. He even stated he "...is as conservative as they come around here."  Last Thursday (1212/2013), the Speaker of the House lashed out at conservative groups such as Club for Growth, Heritage Action and various Tea Party groups.  Apparently, what enraged Rep. Boehner was an effort to sabotage the bipartisan budget deal crafted by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D-Wash.).

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Illegal Aliens Sue for In-state Tuition

The so-called "Dreamers" (children brought to USA illegally) in the state of Georgia are suing the state for in-state tuition rates.   In essence, they are suing American taxpayers as a result.  These blood suckers have been granted temporary permission to stay in the U.S. under an Obama administration policy introduced last year.  That isn't good enough for them.  They now want the American taxpayer to fund their college education and to give them the cut-rate in-state tuition.  A judge in Georgia said he needs more time to decide the case.  DeKalb County Superior Court Judge Mark Anthony Scott heard arguments on behalf of these illegal aliens from their lawyer, Charles Kuck.  The problem for the illegal aliens is that the Georgia university system requires any student seeking in-state status for tuition rates to provide verification of “lawful presence” in the U.S.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Obama vs the Schoolteacher

A Texas schoolteacher, Thomas J. Ritter, wrote a letter highly critical of President Obama's health care initiative, the Affordable Health Care Act aka Obamacare.  The fifth grade teacher in Texas told President Obama, "This bill has caused such a divisive, dirisive [sic], and toxic environment … The reality is that any citizen that disagrees with your ­administration is targeted and ridiculed. I hesitated to write for fear of some kind of retribution. I watched you make fun of tea baggers and your press secretary make fun of Ms. Palin which was especially beneath the dignity of the White House.”  Amazingly, President Obama not only responded, he replied in his own handwriting to Mr. Ritter.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Obamacare Follies - Part II

News Item:  Almost 80 million with employer healthcare plans could be canceled.

Heretofore, it had been individual health insurance plans that were susceptible to the tentacles of Obamacare.  As many as 5 million have lost their individual health insurance plans since Obamacare was rolled out.  But, now, employer and group health insurance plans are in the cross-hairs of Obamacare.   Stan Veuger of the American Enterprise Institute said that in addition to the individual cancellations, "at least half the people on employer plans would by 2014 start losing plans as well."

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Paul Ryan Possible Presidential Run 2016

As if the Republican field for the Republican Presidential run isn't already crowded, Congressman Paul Ryan from Wisconsin is hinting at a possible run in 2016.  The former 2012 Republican VP candidate, told the Des Moines Register in a telephone interview on Monday that “I’m going to give a hard look at it.” in regard to the 2016 Presidential campaign.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Obamacare Follies - Part I

Another week, another hilarious direction of failure for the Obama lovechild, Obamacare.  There is so much news about the failure(s) of Obamacare until I am almost immune to any bad news about this monstrosity.  "Almost" is the keyword here. The failure of the website is a story of and in itself. (I won't even go over the millions of individual healthcare policies cancelled or outright Obama lies on keeping your health plan) How can anyone, even the federal government, not be able to have a working website after you've had over three years to get it ready?  A kid in high school, with just a modicum of website design ability, should be able to at least get a working website up and running. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Obamacare Victim - Edie Sundby


The howling and outcry over the outright lies of President Obama are just starting.  He stated many, many times "If you like your plan, you can keep it" in regard to Obamacare.  The first time he said this I thought, "How the hell is he going to pay for Obamacare if everyone doesn't opt in?"  The fact of the matter is that the Obama Administration KNEW that people would get millions upon millions of cancellation notices on their individual polices of medical insurance.  They knew it!!!  They knew people would get cancellation letters, higher premiums and less choice. Obviously, Obama and his cronies did not care. At all.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Obamacare Disaster

That's about the only way I can put it...Obamacare is a disaster.  Obamacare is a disaster of such epic proportions that not even the most severe critics were prepared for what has happened since the roll-out of President Obama's lovechild this month.  Premiums in California, the state that gives illegal aliens more rights than the native born citizens, have medical insurance rates that have skyrocketed by over 200%.  Remember Obama saying if you like your medical insurance, you can keep it?  Well, as we all know now, that was a damn lie.  Employers are either cutting back hours to avoid Obamacare or they are just outright laying people off. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Petulant Man-Child

As we enter the second week of the government shutdown, the Obama Administration's determination to make this shutdown as unpleasant as possible continues for the citizens of the United States.   President Obama has always seemingly been at war with America from making citizenship worth a few hundred dollars in fines to showing a lack of respect for America's most honored holidays (such as Memorial Day).  He has shown little regard for the U.S. Constitution with his executive orders overriding Congressional action on Immigration and the debt ceiling.  He has shown little regard for the middle class in this country by forcing a highly unpopular healthcare system (Obamacare) down their collective throats.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Right Commentary - First Post

Hello!  I want to welcome you to the first post of a new blog, "The Right Commentary."

The parent blog of The Right Commentary is David's Musings.   Now, I did political commentary on David's Musings for the past three years.  But, since I reopened that blog, I prefer to focus on the lighter side of things, some amusing, some not so amusing.  This blog will focus on politics in the United States of America.  These are turbulent times in which we live.  Unemployment is at a staggering 9.1%, the economy is sinking again, Wall St. is up and down with more downs than ups.  Liberals like to lay the blame at the feet of former President George W. Bush.  No doubt, he shares some blame.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Democratic Party Wanted Government Shutdown

How long has it been (before this year) since the Senate passed a budget?  I'll tell you.  It has been four years.  Four long years, until this year, the Democratic controlled Senate had not passed a budget for the United States of America.  Yet, if you listen to the news media and the Democratic lapdogs, you would think it is entirely the fault of the Republican Party.  It's true that Republicans are tying a provision to defund Obamacare.  This insurance baby of the Democratic Party is hugely unpopular among the majority of the American people.  None of that matters to the Democrats.  It's our way or nothing at all.  Obamacare is already causing premiums to rise.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

House Defunds Obamacare

As everyone must know by now, the House sent a bill to the Senate authorizing funding until December 15.  Of course, the Senate must decide if they will strip out the provisions in the bill that defund the Democrats pride and joy, Obamacare.  The House Republicans will then have to decide if they will accept the bill at that point.  As it stands now, all government funding will run out on September 30th.  Unless some kind of compromise is reached, the government supposedly will shutdown on October 1.  All in all, it points to another showdown between Democrats and Republicans over the most controversial legislation since Social Security payments were first made.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Washington Navy Yard Shooting

To begin with, I join most Americans in sending my sincere condolences to the families of the twelve victims who were killed by a madman. The shooter (who I refuse to even name) had mental problems, true enough.  Once again, the mental aspect of the shooter is being called into question.  The mental health community failed in the Newtown mass murder and again at the Naval Yard shooting.  Both shooters had received countless hours of therapy.  Yet, it could not prevent the deaths of 26 people in Newtown and 12 in Washington.  Once again, the gun control zealots have pounced on another mass shooting in order to push their agenda.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Syria: To Bomb or Not to Bomb

There are several things I have noticed about this entire debate on military strike(s) on Syria's President Assad  for alleged gas attacks on his own people.  The first thing I noticed is the lack of outrage by the anti-war Left such as Code Pink and, of course, the Hollywood elitists such as Alec Baldwin, Roseanne Barr and others of that ilk.  They do not seemingly realize how hypocritical they are by not condemning a war with Syria (and that is definitely on the Obama agenda list).  Nothing the Left does surprises me any longer.  They have largely remained silent with all the NSA spying domestically on John Q. Public.  They have stood on the sidelines on Benghazi, Fast&Furious, snooping into AP employees phone records to name just three.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Chris Christie: A Man Without A Party

Chris Christie, alleged Republican Governor of New Jersey, does his best to prove he is not a Republican, seemingly, each week.  He has amply demonstrated he is not a conservative.  In fact, I can't say with any authority he is even the much despised "establishment Republican" that conservatives love to berate.  Christie openly campaigned for taxpayer money for Hurricane Sandy.  Now, you ask, who could be against that?  No one, not me, not anyone.  I know what it's like to experience the devastation of a hurricane.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Phony Scandals?

It appears our beloved President, Barack Hussein Obama, thinks four dead Americans in Benghazi is a "phony scandal."  Likewise, President Obama feels using NSA to spy on Americans is the right thing to do due to "national security."  Using IRS to target conservative groups is a "phony scandal."  Fast and Furious gun running operation, which caused the death of at least two border patrol agents, is a "phony scandal."

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Fast Food Workers Demand Double Increase in Pay

Fast Food Workers are demanding an increase in pay.  Fast food workers this past Monday went on strike in New York, Chicago, Detroit and other major cities.  Workers are not demanding just an ordinary increase.  They want to double their present salary of minimum wage ($7.25/hr) to $15 an hour.  Workers from McDonalds, Wendys, KFC and others have seen increased worker activity demanding better pay, benefits and working conditions.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Commentary: The George Zimmerman Trial

As everyone knows by now, George Zimmerman was found not guilty on all charges.  Of course, the predictable took place.  Race hustlers/pimps, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, showed up to see who could foment the most racial hate and violence.  Of course, the Dynamic Duo will deny their intent is to cause violence.  Yet, every time they show up for a chance to make some money off a tragedy, they incite the crowds for demands of "justice."  Then the Race Hustler in Chief had to chime in with his now infamous "....that could have been me 35 years ago" nonsense.  Why does Obama get himself involved in local issues?  Every time he does it (the famous police acted stupidly comment), he causes even more trouble locally and for himself.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Immigration Reform in Jeopardy

A report over this past weekend cast the possibility of Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) aka Amnesty, of being in grave danger of not being passed this year, if ever.  The report states that the White House "...does not see a path to passing immigration."  The fear is that the House will not produce any path to citizenship which would be a death blow to the bill itself.  Democrats have made it clear that any CIR bill would have to include a path to citizenship for the estimated 12-20 million illegal immigrants in this nation.  The Obama Administration has so many scandals to deal with (NSA, IRS targeting, Benghazi, Fast&Furious, etc) they have lost focus on one of President Obama's main issues in his second term agenda; immigration reform.  What hurts even more, House Speaker John Boehner, has stated he will not put CIR up for a vote without majority Republican support.  Boehner has gone back on his word before.  But, he obviously knows if he implements the Hastart Rule,  there is no chance CIR will pass the House in any form.  Amnesty is wildly unpopular amongst constituencies of House members, whom they have to answer to every two years.  Another ominous sign; the guy who was supposed to be the House version of Marco Rubio, Rep. Paul Ryan, has gone silent. 

Just as I suspected would happen, has happened.  Once the voting public found out some of what is in the bill (such as rewarding companies to hire illegals and punish them with Obamacare if they hire American citizens) there would be a backlash.  As many have noted, this bill is even worse than the 2007 Amnesty bill supported by the Amnesty Twins, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina (who is about to be "primaried") and John "Maverick" McCain of Arizona (who faces a recall possibility).  The basic tenets of this bill reward criminal behavior.  That is something that just doesn't sit well with law abiding Americans.  Why should someone who broke U.S. Immigration Law be given a pass and rewarded with legal status?  There is no answer to that from the Amnesty lovers in Congress.  Liberals say Amnesty will keep families together.  As usual, liberals think with their emotions rather than use their brain.  No thought is given to the crushing blow to social services this would bring if we give Amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.  The simple fact is one that I have repeated all too often on this subject;  the United States of America cannot care for the indigent of the world.  It is not the responsibility of the American taxpayer to do this.  Of course, we need to secure our border.  We have never enforced the border enforcement tenets of the 1986 Immigration Act.  How could we ever expect our government to commit itself to border enforcement in a new immigration reform bill?  The answer; we can't trust them to do it.  End of story.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Independence Day 2013

Tomorrow is July 4th, Independence Day.  So many just refer to it as "July 4th."  So many are oblivious to this day being officially Independence Day.  Men and women, who were tired of being taxed without representation, decided they had enough of the superpower of that day, Great Britain.  Imagine an American territory, of today, deciding they were going to declare their independence by force, if necessary.  People would think they were crazy.  I'm sure many colonialists thought that very thing of the likes of Ben Franklin, John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, et al.  I'm curious what those same forefathers would think of this nation today.  An all-powerful federal government forcing health care down the throats of a supposedly free and independent people is not something of which they would be proud.  An all-powerful federal government that spies on its citizens in clear violation of the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights is something many of our forefathers would shed tears over.  How did we come to this place of where we have had our rights abridged by the federal government seemingly over night? 

We have people, in this country today, who are willing to cede rights in exchange for security from the federal government.  We have people, in this country today, who are willing to be sheep in exchange for a nanny state, whereby the federal government cares for you from cradle to grave.  What these same people don't understand, once you give up those rights, the government will not give them back to you.  That is, unless we take them back by force as was the case during the American Revolution.  Americans are lackluster about their current state of affairs.  As long as they have their morning latte, their daily routine uninterrupted, their weekend at the beach, then Americans don't seem to care what the federal government is doing.  Someday, they may see themselves facing what citizens in Boston faced when police, without warrants, without any probable cause, invaded houses and ordered people out of their homes at gunpoint.  That was a chilling moment that almost shadowed the Boston Bombing itself.  Like sheep, these Boston residents filed out of their own homes with their hands in the air.  I'm curious how that would have worked in a state like Texas which almost requires its citizens to be armed. 

So, while you are grilling out tomorrow, or at the beach, think about the perilous times in which we live.  We have a maniacal president who is dead-set on destroying basic liberties that are guaranteed under the Bill of Rights.  Our rights are slowly eroding as he and members of both the Democratic Party and Republican Party work to make us subjects to the federal monarch.  Enjoy your liberties this Independence Day.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Scandal of the Week

Going to be a brief blog post today.  But, I just was thinking I had to post on what seems to be a weekly scandal of the week in the Obama Administration.  Of course, liberals are asking, "What scandals?  All I see is racism."  Of course, any criticism of the their precious savior is considered racism.  Regardless, the NSA snooping on every American is only the latest in a growing multitude of scandals encircling the Obama presidency.  Americans are being spied on when they talk on their cell phones, visiting sites on the internet, instant messaging and any form of communication you can think of these days.

 Before Obama, there was this thing called the Bill of Rights.  Obama has shown great disdain for them.  There has been great outcry from some Americans when Edward Snowden admitted he was the one who spilled the beans to Britain's Guardian newspaper about NSA domestic spying.  But, the sad thing, there are Americans (including a lot of politicians) who feel that we must accept a loss of privacy in order to have safety in these terrorist times.  By saying that, the terrorists have won.  I am disgusted by people who have become sheep when it comes to their rights which so many men and women fought and died to preserve.  At this point, I am not going to say Edward Snowden is a hero.  But, he is not a villain either.  Domestic spying is not constitutional no matter the circumstances.  They might as well do away with the 4th Amendment if NSA spying on Americans is legal.

I'm so disgusted by Americans who are like sheep who accept this loss of privacy as a necessary evil.  This is a loss of constitutional rights, ladies and gentlemen.  You lose one right at a time and eventually, you will be enslaved by the state.  As Ben Franklin so eloquently stated, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Eric Holder: Time to Resign

Eric Holder is, perhaps, the most controversial Attorney General this nation has had since...well, John Mitchell in the Nixon Administration.  There is a correlation there if you look hard enough.  Fast and Furious should have been enough to get the man fired.  Border Agent Brian Terry was killed by a gun from the gun smuggling operation of the U.S. government.  But, now....NOW, he is targeting news reporters with whom the Obama Administration don't like.  James Rosen, at Fox News, was a target of Justice Department snooping.  Today we learn that Eric Holder went shopping for a judge who finally agreed to a court order allowing the DOJ to obtain Mr. Rosen's emails and other correspondence.  Also, the House Judiciary is investigating if Eric Holder lied, under oath, on May 15 when he gave testimony on surveillance of reporters.  NBC News reported last week that Eric Holder approved a search warrant that basically labeled James Rosen a co-conspirator in an alleged national security leaks case.  Eric Holder has categorically denied being involved in prosecution of the press in any security leak.  He could be convicted for perjury for lying to Congress if enough evidence is brought forth.

Attorney General Eric Holder has already been found in Contempt of Congress back in June of 2012.  I had thought at the time he would not be able to survive that.  I was wrong.  It seems that any other President would have fired their Attorney General for such.  Again, not President Obama.  At that time he was held in contempt for not providing key information on the failed Fast and Furious scandal.  There are at least three scandals swirling around the White House that could bring down the Obama Administration.  Obamacare is also threatening to destroy the best medical system in the world.  The green company scandals, such as Solyndra, will not go away.  The Mainstream Media, which has protected President Obama like he was child born of their collective dreams, is starting to come around and are digging away at some of the lies coming out of the White House.  Oh, the MSM will still protect Obama.  But, Obama decided to come after their own in the AP scandal.  That was an eye-opener for the press.  I do believe Eric Holder will resign, possibly before the end of this summer.  There seems to be more unearthed each week as reporters continue to dig away.  President Obama?  No way in hell he would ever resign.  But, the more the scandals show what a corrupt administration he has, the more it hurts him in his second term agenda.  That may be more devastating for Democrats than the President being forced to resign.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Richard Milhous Obama

As the trifecta of scandals (Benghazi, IRS, and AP) continue to unfold, the comparisons of Richard Nixon's Watergate scandal and Obama's IRS targeting of conservative groups (in my opinion, this is the one scandal that could cause people to demand his resignation...he will never do that) are routinely being made in the news media.  Nixon, of course, denied any knowledge of the DNC break-in and subsequent coverup.  The tapes eventually showed Nixon was actively participating in the coverup itself.  He resigned in August of 1974.  I was only 23 years old and remember it vividly.  Nixon was paranoid, insecure and did not take well to criticism.  That matches President Obama perfectly.

 Obama has never reacted well to the differing opinions of conservative groups.  He never saw them as Americans with a different view for this country.  President Obama saw them as the enemy.    It was an enemy that had to be dealt with in some form or fashion.  The Tea Party caused a massive headache for Obama in the mid-term elections of 2010 due to his insistence on health care reform.  Now, some will read this and say Obama is not implicated in any way of being actively involved in the IRS targeting (or the other two scandals) of conservative groups.  That's true for now.  But, it has his fingerprints all over it.  President Obama does not see the Tea Party or any conservative groups as activists who want what's best for this nation. Only Obama knows what this nation truly needs...more government activism.  He has always viewed his adversaries as uncouth, peons and lacking in intelligence because they don't understand what he is trying to accomplish.  I said a long time ago that Obama's massive ego would get him in trouble someday.  I hate to say I told you so...

President Nixon had his plumbers unit who dealt with anyone who disagreed with him.  Nixon was a man who wanted to be king.  Obama wants to be emperor of the world.  Both men believed/believe they were above the people who they are sworn to serve.  One could make a comparison to where both men surrounded themselves with "yes men" who ultimately led to their destruction (yes, the jury is still out on Obama).  The biggest problem I see is that Nixon had a press that hated his guts.  I mean, they were absolutely beside themselves with joy over Watergate.  Fast forward nearly 40 years later.  You have a press that absolutely has insulated Obama from any form of criticism (although some cracks are starting to show).  I think in the end, this is going to hurt President Obama.  As more and more of the three scandals are revealed, I think you will see an administration come unglued as they try to smother dissent.  It worked so well in the past.  But, that was with 99.8% support from the Mainstream Media.  The scandal that has the press worked up is the AP reporters targeted by the DOJ for their phone records.  If President Obama loses his guard dogs in the MSM, then we may well see another instance where a sitting U.S. President is threatened with impeachment.  No, he won't be convicted in the Democratic controlled Senate.  But, the damage will be done for his second-term agenda.  Just ask Bill Clinton about that.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The New Enemies List

I'm sure Presidents have had worse seven-day stretches than President Obama has had over the past week.  Richard Nixon had scandals breaking out everywhere during the latter days of his administration.  Even President Reagan had tough times during Iran-Contra.  But, I can't remember a president having so many scandals break out as quickly as Obama.  Last Wednesday, we saw the hearings on Benghazi take place.  At the very least, it made the Obama Administration appear incompetent and indifferent.  At worst, they appear criminally negligent.  No one could explain why U.S. troops were not sent in to rescue those embassy personnel during the eight hour attack.  Then, just to sweeten the weekend, word got out the IRS was targeting conservative groups such as the Tea Party. The Tea Party groups had long complained about being targeted by the IRS.  But, that complaint fell on deaf ears.  Even Jewish Groups were targeted.  An anchor reporter for a TV network was targeted after a tough interview with President Obama.  This week, we discovered that the Department of Justice tracked 20 phone lines and two months of phone records from the Associated Press.  Take any one of these scandals and it is an abomination by itself.  The totality of all three makes it appear we have a government engaging in Totalitarianism. 

This is coming from the "most transparent administration in history," mind you.  Richard Nixon was paranoid.  He thought all his enemies were out to get him.  It led to his downfall as President of the United States.   President Obama, since his first inauguration, has shown little interest in dialogue with his conservative opponents.  The Obamacare debate when he had a televised discussion with Republicans in January of 2010 gave you an idea of how aloof this president truly is as a person.  Obama is as insecure and paranoid as Nixon was during his time as President.  Both men had an affinity to use government agencies to go after their enemies.  Does anyone really believe the IRS just suddenly, on their own, decide to go after conservative political groups?  Doesn't it make sense someone or some group at a much higher level in the Obama administration made the call?  It's apparent, at least to me, that President Obama has an enemies list just as President Nixon had at one time.  Obama has always been thin-skinned, unable to accept criticism very well.  This very well could be his undoing.  Do I think Obama will resign?  He would never do that.  President Obama is a self-serving narcissist.  He doesn't care about anyone but himself.  I doubt he will be impeached because the Speaker of the House doesn't have the balls to take on this kind of proceeding.  But, as these scandals continue to unfold, I do think it could seriously hurt Obama.  His second term agenda is in deep trouble now. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Kid vs The Cop

There is a video that has gone viral where a 12-year old boy confronts a motorcycle cop about illegally parking on the sidewalk.  This incident took place in Las Vegas as 12-year-old Jeremy Drew confronted the LV cop about where he chose to park.  Young Jeremy asked, “Is there a reason for you to park on the sidewalk? Is it an emergency or anything?"  The cop tries to ignore the young boy.  But, Jeremy persists in his questioning.  The cop, seemingly bewildered, does what any cop will do in this situation; deflect and threaten.  The LV cop tells the boy he is loitering.  Jeremy ignores him.  Jeremy asks for the cop's name and badge number which every Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) in the nation is legally required to do.  The motorcycle cop ignores his request.  To show how smart this cop is, the cop asks a 12-year old for ID.  Jeremy tells the cop he is a minor.  You can see the cop is fully exasperated and confused by this statement.  Jeremy never does get an answer to his questions.  In the video, you can see the motorcycle cop riding off.  This video was posted in September of 2012.  It now has over 3 million hits on YouTube.

There are many mixed reactions to the video that I have read over the past couple of days.  On one hand, you have those who say the kid was being a punk who was just giving a cop a hard time.  Some have said the cop's vehicle is an emergency vehicle and is allowed to park anywhere he chooses.  Um, actually no, that is not correct.  When the police officer is going into an establishment to get a soft drink (see the video), he is obligated to adhere to the very laws he is sworn to uphold.  Wearing a badge does not give the police extra rights, people.  Jeremy was perfectly within his rights to question the LEO on this.  If the police don't respect the laws, how in the hell do they expect civilians, especially children, to obey them?  If we don't obey laws, we are ticketed or go to jail.  But, these same laws are what a LEO must also obey.  But, on the other hand, there are those who applaud the bravery of young Jeremy for standing up for what is right.  He knew the LEO was illegally parking.  He had a right to ask for the officer's name and badge number.  Jeremy had the right to question (rightfully so) if the officer was on an emergency call.  From the looks of the video, he had a Big Gulp.  Maybe in his mind, that was an emergency.  But, it is a poor excuse, a poor example this officer exhibited to a 12-year-old boy.  Instead, the LEO badgered Jeremy.  He should have admitted he was wrong and thanked the boy.  That would have been the adult thing to do.

This was very brave of young Mr. Jeremy Drew.  Just when I think there is no hope for this nation's youth, someone like Jeremy steps up to the plate.  It was a small incident in the great scheme of things of interaction between police and the civilian population they are supposed to "Protect and Serve."  In the end, it was Jeremy who came out looking like the adult, not the "adult" Law Enforcement Officer.  I congratulate Jeremy and I hope he continues to challenge those who think they are above the law.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Amnesty Bill Gives Immediate Access to Welfare for Illegals

Remember the days when the Democrats said that no illegal alien would ever be allowed access to Obamacare?  Remember the days when Democrats AND Republicans said any immigration bill would not allow access to welfare benefits for those given amnesty?  Well, throw all those promises out the window again.  The newest amnesty bill will grant these "Instant Democrats" all the benefits of any native-born Americans.  They would zoom in front of the line for those who have patiently waited their turn in line to become American citizens the right way.  State and local governments would be completely overwhelmed by the millions of illegals applying for benefits that Americans simply can't afford to pay any longer.  It is not enough that our welfare system is simply overwhelmed now.  Now, we have to add about 15 million more poor, destitute people who are mostly illiterate and will be generational welfare recipients.  Show me another country that would reward people like this for violating their immigration laws.  Just one.  You won't find one.  Except, of course, the insane people running the United States of America.  The Gang of Eight has promised illegals that once they get their coveted green cards, they are eligible to apply for all welfare benefits, including unemployment benefits. 

The millions of destitute illegals will finish off this country.  We are already teetering on the edge of complete bankruptcy, thanks in no small part to the out of control spending of Obama and his Socialist cabal.  Now, Democrats and Republicans want to add around 15 million more illiterate illegals on the backs of the American taxpayers.  It's almost as if the elitists in this country want a new revolution.  It will divide this country even more than it is now.  On one side you will have those that work and pay the bills of this nation.  On the other side, you have the mostly illiterate and poor who will never get off of welfare.  Givers vs Takers. Welfare was never meant to be career opportunity.  It was intended strictly for Americans who are cannot work for different reasons.  If this Gang of Eight amnesty bill passes, it will finish off the job that Obama and his Socialist hacks started; destroying the United States of America.  We cannot absorb 10-15 million more on the welfare rolls in this nation.  We just can't do it.  Please, call your Congressman or Congresswoman and beg them to vote against this monstrosity known as Immigration Reform.  It is a death sentence for America.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Kermit Gosnell: Holocaust of the 21st Century

As the trial of abortion doctor, Kermit Gosnell, continues in Philadelphia, more horrific news comes out describing his Nazi-like abortion procedures.  To begin, none of this doctor's staff was trained or licensed to practice.  That, in and of itself, is simply inexcusable.  Gosnell's crimes involve inducing labor in women who are 6-8 months pregnant and then murder the newborn children.  He is currently charged with the murder of seven infants and one mother who died from an overdose of the drug Demerol.  Some of the horrors described by staff include reports of fetuses and body parts kept in jars and on shelves.  One staff member described an infant being placed in a toilet.  The newborn infant tried to get out.  But, was apparently drowned.  Abortion Rights groups have condemned Kermit Gosnell for his practices.  However, anti-abortion activists say this is an example of the murder taking place in abortion clinics all over the USA.  The biggest complaint, from anti-abortion activists, is that the mainstream media is giving little to no coverage of this "holocaust" of the unborn and newborn infants.   That is exactly what this is, an American Holocaust of the unborn and newborn infants.

I'm not sure how the news media cannot be blaring out news about this horrible crime every day.  Many news outlets consider this a "local crime story."  That is a piss-poor excuse.  The Boston Marathon Bombing was a local crime story if you follow that simplistic logic.  Just by himself, Kermit Gosnell killed far more human beings than the two warped terrorists in Boston.  Gosnell is only being charged for seven deaths, including one mother.  No doubt, this "man" is responsible for many more deaths than this.  To me, this is a the crime of the century.  But, you'll never get that kind of reaction from the abortion rights groups or the MSM.  The MSM does not want to set this up so people can actually see how horrific abortion truly is.  How many other Kermit Gosnells are out there?  Are we to believe this is just an isolated case?  The most vulnerable of our society, infants, are being murdered as soon as they are born.  How can we continue as a society when this sort of thing is allowed?  Abortion is murder.  No one can define the actual time of life.  But, I will continue to insist it is at conception.  I don't want to hear about miscarriages and so forth.  That is a different matter.  But, it is one that abortion rights people like to bring up.

 Meanwhile the holocaust of the 21st century goes largely unreported.  If abortion rights groups were sincere, they would also advocate that the MSM report this horrific crime each and every day.  But, for the past six weeks, there has been very little news about Kermit Gosnell.  I suspect there will continue to be silence on this crime from the MSM.

UPDATE:  Well, it appears the abortionists win again.  Yesterday, it was announced Kermit Gosnell was found not guilty on 3 counts of murder.  Apparently some other counts were dismissed for lack of evidence.  However, four other counts remain to be resolved at this time.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Left Celebrates Death of Margaret Thatcher

The "Iron Lady," Margaret Thatcher, passed away Monday, April 8, 2013.  She was a good friend of President Ronald Reagan.  Both contributed to the end of the Cold War.  The Left will always dispute that.  But, facts are facts.  Both knew the Soviet Union could not keep pace with the advanced wartime weaponry of the USA and Great Britain.  As we all know, the Soviet Union collapsed under its own dead weight.  In other words, we outspent them.  They couldn't keep up.  So, many of the knowledgeable people of that era give both Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher credit for the ultimate demise of the Soviet Union.  Thatcher leaves an enviable legacy behind her.  Most Brits, along with most Americans, mourn her passing.  Unfortunately, that can't be said for the "Intolerant and hateful Left."

There were many instances of people in England popping champagne corks, and just celebrating the death of Margaret Thatcher. That speaks volumes about the nature of Leftists.   People in the city of Bristol in England, and in Glasgow, Scotland cheered and drank to her death.  President Obama, who is poles apart from Thatcher politically, offered up a tribute that caused Leftists everywhere to puke.  Obama stated, "World has lost a great champion of freedom & liberty."  Obama probably didn't mean a word of that.  But, he did what he had to do.  To read the Left reaction to one of their own, just read here. It is disgusting.  I would love to say I am surprised by the reaction from the Socialists who celebrate the death of an old lady.  But, I am not surprised, not at all.  Even more tweets from Twitter are here.  I can understand a furious opposition to someone politically. I get that.  But, what I don't get is the harsh reality that there are people who celebrate the death of someone with whom they disagreed politically.  Yes, politics, is the reason for their celebration.  I would feel the same way about people who celebrated the death of Ted Kennedy, who I completely disagreed with politically.  However, I did not celebrate his untimely death.  What does this say about us as a species to be celebrating death of a fellow human being?  It is disturbing, greatly disturbing.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Illegal Aliens Continue to Cross Border

It seems we have been down this road before.  Illegal aliens crossing the border into the USA is nothing new.  It seems those south of the USA think they have this God-given right to come here by any method necessary to assure themselves a piece of the welfare pie.  Jobs are thought to be the major attraction for illegal aliens.  But, if people will be honest with themselves, they will admit that social services such as "free" food stamps, welfare, social security benefits for anchor babies are the big attraction.  With that thought in mind, it is no surprise to me to learn that illegal aliens and drug smugglers have doubled since two things have taken place.  One, Sequestration , is the easy pick as the blame for out of control border activity.  The Obama administration thinks we are dumb enough  to think $85 billion loss of spending is going to cause untold disasters domestically and internationally.  Of course, cutting back border patrol agent hours is another excuse for Obama to continue his war on America.  Secondly, most importantly, the talk of amnesty in a new immigration law package has potential illegals all over Central America salivating.  Border Patrol agents are saying illegal crossings have doubled and possibly even tripled as Congress rushes to push through another unenforceable immigration law package they have no intention of enforcing except to give a "path to citizenship" aka amnesty to illegals.

It the report linked above is true, there will be hours of the day when the border will not be patrolled at all.  Does anyone think that illegals will not increase now?  Obama wants to blame this on Sequestration.  This is just an excuse by the Obama Administration.  Obama has no intention of enforcing border security.  The Democratic Party is pinning their hopes on illegals getting amnesty and citizenship as a result.  Republicans, fools that they are, think that Hispanics will vote for them if they support amnesty.  The GOP is about to commit political suicide.  As  a result, the USA will eventually become nothing more than a third-world country.  There is no serious debate on allowing a path to citizenship to illegals who broke our laws.  Our political leaders don't want a debate.  They just want to make this a law "so they can see what is inside the bill," as Nancy Pelosi so famously said once. Meanwhile, the border remains as lawless as ever.  Who knows what is coming across that border now? 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rand Paul Now Endorses Amnesty for Illegals

In another case of the chicken littles, of the Republican Party panicking, Rand Paul of Texas is now supporting  a path to citizenship for illegal aliens.  Rep. Rand Paul follows in the footsteps of Senator Marco Rubio who also now supports amnesty for illegals.  Rand Paul stated in his speech yesterday, "If you wish to live and work in America, then we will find a place for you."  There was no word in Rep. Paul's speech about finding work for the estimated 20-23 million unemployed American citizens.  Apparently, there is no place for the American people who are desperately seeking work.  Now, providing "work" and a "place" for illegals is of utmost importance to both Republicans and Democrats.  You don't hear talk about jobs for the chronically unemployed of America any longer.  Some might say it is due to our "recovering economy" that is about to see its third summer victory tour by President Obama at some point.  I wish Senator Rubio, Rep. Paul and Governor Jindal would go on this "victory tour" with President Obama this summer.  I  hope they would look into the faces of the millions of unemployed AMERICANS who have given up hope in their desire for "work" and a "place" in society.  Somehow, I doubt they will even care.

I must say I am supremely disappointed in U.S. Rep. Rand Paul.  I agree with him a lot more on issues than not.  But, like Ann Coulter, I am now a single issue voter for the next four years at least.  We already have immigration laws on the books that the federal government has largely ignored for at least two decades.  Now, we are supposed to believe the career politicians when they say this time we will take border enforcement seriously and this will be the "last amnesty?"  I don't believe them, I don't trust them.  Therefore, I am totally against any form of amnesty for illegal aliens.  I am greatly disappointed in the GOP.  They were the last hope to stop amnesty.  It now appears, strictly for their own political expediency, they are deserting their base on this issue.  Democrats have never cared for the rule of law.  I had thought the GOP was different.  I was wrong.  I am finished with them as well as Rand Paul whom I was strongly considering supporting for the Republican nomination for President. Not any longer.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Democratic Overreach on the Second Amendment

It appears the Colorado Legislature is going to punish the legal American gun owners with tough new restrictions of their Second Amendment rights.  Lawmakers in Colorado are about to expand background checks (which is similar to a gun registry....illegal to do), limit ammunition magazines to 15 rounds (which is a way to eliminate the AR-15)  to name just a couple of the amendments that will pass through the Democratic controlled House, Senate and Governor's office.  Hundreds of pro-Second Amendment supporters were surrounding the State Capitol building voicing their displeasure.  They were totally ignored.  Retired astronaut and Navy captain Mark Kelly told lawmakers that he and his wife, Gabby Giffords, support the Second Amendment, but he said the right to bear arms shouldn't extend to criminals and the mentally ill. Gabby Giffords, former Colorado U.S. Representative, was shot in the head by a deranged gunman a few years ago. 

It always gets to me that these people say they support the Second Amendment but.....always that "but" in there.  Democrats and gun control supporters say they want to limit access of certain types of guns to criminals and the mentally ill.   But, they are living in a make believe world if they think background checks and limits on magazines will stop gun violence.  Even gun confiscation will not stop these people from getting their hands on guns.  If you start to confiscate guns, then you will have a second American Revolution on your hands.  Not even president Obama and the Democrats want that....well, at least I think they don't want that.  I could be wrong.  As usual, Democrats are over reacting and overreaching on an issue.  Like the massive spending that led to the 2010 "Democratic shellacking,"  this gun control issue will come back and bite Democrats in the ass in the mid-terms in 2014.  Apparently, Democrats never learn.

***This will be my last post for a while.  I'm taking a couple of weeks off.  Next post will me March 20th.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Obama Memo on Gun Control

A U.S. Department of Justice memo has got the National Rifle Association (NRA) in an uproar.  The memo states, "... requiring background checks for more gun purchases could help, but also could lead to more illicit weapons sales. It says banning assault weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines produced in the future but exempting those already owned by the public, as Obama has proposed, would have limited impact because people now own so many of those items."    It also goes on to state that a total ban of assault weapons would have little effect on gun killings because assault weapons account for a very limited number of killings due to guns.  The Obama Administration continues to push for a ban of assault weapons regardless of what the memo indicates.  The Justice Department, for their part, reiterate the memo is an unfinished review of gun violence research and said it does not represent administration policy.

So, based on the above, why does the Obama Administration continue to push for a ban on some or most assault weapons such as the AR-15?   Their own research states background checks, and a federal registry for gun owners will have limited effect at best.  Everyone in the NRA has been saying the Obama Administration's initiatives will have little impact on gun violence in this country.  A gun ban will not work without mandatory gun confiscation, which so far, Obama has not advocated.  So, why the continued push for an assault weapons ban, which the Obama Administrtion admits in the memo will not work?  Why advocate a universal background check on all gun purchases when they know it will not work to curb gun violence?  Is it to just make the appearance of doing something when they already know it will do nothing at all?  This is all politics, pure and simple.  The only people who don't understand that are the anti-gun loons who follow through on whatever their Socialist masters dictate.  Obama knows his initiative will have very little effect on gun violence.  He knows banning guns tomorrow would have no effect with the millions of guns in possession of Americans, legally and illegally, across the nation.  So, why the dogged determination to push forward with a failed gun policy?  It's either politics as usual or....a precursor to undermine the Second Amendment.  I tend to believe it is both.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Does Obama Really Want to Avert Sequester?

Another month, another deadline, another crisis in Obama World. If it's not the Fiscal Cliff, it's the debt ceiling.  If it's not the debt ceiling, it's trying to avert a March 1 deadline for automatic across-the-board spending cuts.  If Sequester does occur, then there will be an immediate $85 billion cut in government services.  Obama Zombies tell us federal agents would be immediately furloughed, police and firemen will not be paid and, of course, schoolteachers will not be paid.  Obama says people will lose their jobs and unemployment will start to rise.  Funny, he just now wants to address jobs and the economy when a manufactured crisis occurs.  Ordinarily, Obama is trying to get citizenship and jobs for illegal aliens.  That appears to be his top priority right now.

 Again, Obama and the Democrats bring up their strawman of the wealthiest Americans not being fairly taxed enough.  How often have we seen this movie from the Democrats?  It always has the same ending.  Republicans, for their part, propose spending cuts, changes in the tax code.  Republicans continue to reiterate they would overhaul the tax system to reduce rates, not to raise revenue.   In Democratic language, "revenue" is increasing your taxes.  Republicans are cowards, as I have said before on this blog.  But, Democrats are too cowardly to just tell you upfront they want to raise your taxes.  They see visions of Walter Mondale when they start talking about raising your taxes.  It seems odd Obama wants to do something about the debt by "increasing revenue."  He and the Democrats have never shown any concern for our rising national debt.

Republicans are telling people to be prepared for massive spending cuts due to the Sequester in a couple of weeks.  Democrats seemingly are full of themselves and are not concerned about what is about to happen.  They want to increase your taxes without really saying it.  Republicans are saying taxes are off the table.  But, I tend to believe Republicans will cave-in to a degree and claim victory.  So, will the Democrats.  You see, neither party gives a damn about you or I.  They care about making themselves look good to the public.  They care about being reelected.  Nothing else really matters to politicians. That goes for both Democrats and Republicans equally.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How to Catch an Illegal Immigrant

Taco Cid, in West Columbia, South Carolina (a Mexican restaurant, believe it or not) is selling t-shirts stating, "How to Catch an Illegal Immigrant."   with a drawing of a box with a stick being held over two tacos -- a makeshift trap.  The t-shirts are selling for $35.00.  The restaurant is getting inquiries from all over the nation.  Of course, not everyone is amused by the t-shirts.  Taco Cid owner Leanne Snelgrove has received death threats, bomb threats.  It appears the Leftists do not support freedom of speech unless it is in line with their way of thinking.  Regardless, Leanne Snelgrove intends to keep selling the t-shirts whether they like it or not.  She says business is booming.  Snelgrove says she has even gotten attention from buyers overseas as well.  Leanne Snelgrove correctly asserts, "It's not racist. It's immigrants - illegal immigrants."  Indeed.  As for the tacos in the t-shirt, I can understand the blatant message there.  But, again, Hispanics are not the only race that eats tacos.  So, use another excuse.

One of the problems the open borders crowd has when they cry racism, they fail to explain how being against illegal immigrants is racist.  For one thing, "illegal immigrants" are not a race (as I point out in my post, Are Illegal Aliens a Race?).  Unless all the illegals are all of one homogenous group, i.e. Hispanic, African, Caucasian etc., you can not pull out that race card with any validity.  Of course, the open borders crowd is not this stupid.  They know better.  But, playing the race card with illegals fits their agenda.  So, anything goes with this bunch.  It's sad that Hispanics also use the race card when it comes to illegals.  Surely, they understand illegal immigrants do not consist of all one race of people.  Illegal immigrant is not some new race.  Regardless, the Taco Cid owner has tapped into an obvious segment of American and world-wide frustration with illegal immigration.  Poking fun at them is something they should expect.  I don't see any cries of anguish when Hispanics call whites the derogatory "gringo."  I don't see any cries of racism when a California Social Studies teacher calls white people "...weak, old and they need to just die and get out of the way."  Nope, you won't see any cries of racism about that.  So, to the perpetually offended Hispanics out there, if you can't take it, don't dish it out.  Freedom of Speech is a new concept to you, I understand.  Threatening people in this country with death threats won't work either.  This isn't Mexico....yet.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Republicans Are Cowards

A provocative statement, you may say, in stating Republicans are cowards.  Perhaps.  But, all evidence aside to prove my argument, there can be no other conclusion made about the current state of affairs in the Republican Party.  As soon as it became official that President Obama had been reelected, Speaker of the House, John Boehner, was basically laying the framework for terms of surrender.  He felt that the fiscal cliff issue could be dealt with, the debt ceiling, gun control and, of course, illegal immigration.  Since the election, Obama has been setting the tone of what will be the "Crisis of the Month" in order to get his way.  Perhaps Republicans are wary of Obama issuing more executive orders.  That is another bone of contention.  How can Republicans sit idly by when he basically took immigration away from Congress by allowing the so-called "Dreamers" to stay and go to school at U.S. Taxpayer expense?  Was there even a lawsuit filed or injunction filed to fight the President on this by Republicans?  To my knowledge, no, Republicans did nothing.  On the Fiscal Cliff deal, Republicans gave Obama 90% of all he asked for in that fight.  The Debt Ceiling is an ongoing battle.  Republicans are showing no real leadership in dealing with the most Left-wing President this nation has ever known.  Obama's out of control spending will haunt this country for decades, long after he and all his merry henchmen in the Democratic Party are out of office.  Then there is "comprehensive immigration reform" (CIR) aka Amnesty.

After the November elections, Republicans recoiled in terror over the idea of Obama getting 70% of the hispanic vote.  Democrats have always done well in this voting bloc.  They always will.  So, cowards that they are, instead of standing on principle and the rule of law, Republicans are now becoming Democrats on the idea of CIR.  Hispanics have been voting in record numbers each time since the Reagan Amnesty in the mid-80s.  There were promises of border enforcement then also.  So, Republicans have this idea, if we give hispanics ANOTHER amnesty, maybe they will start voting for them.  Not a chance in hell that will ever happen.  Hispanics are disproportionately low-income and disproportionately likely to receive some form of government support. More than half of hispanics are born out of wedlock.  In short, they resemble most of the voting blocs that have helped Democrats for decades now.  They will never vote for someone who wants smaller government and less welfare.  Those are facts that neither Republicans or Democrats want to talk about.  Now, it would be wrong to say ALL hispanics are generational welfare recipients who live off the government dole.   But, the main point here is that the majority of hispanics will never vote Republican.  It is sheer fantasy to think they ever will.  Republicans must know this.  So, why don't they say they want the current immigration laws enforced instead of dealing with another amnesty?  Because people like John Boeher, Eric Cantor et all, are all cowards.  They refuse to stand up for principles of the Republican Party.  Instead they want to beome the Democrats alter ego now.

Twenty years from now, if someone wants to trace the total demise, the irrelevancy of the GOP, they can go back to November 7, 2012.  On that day, Republicans grew a giant yellow streak. Instead of being the party that stood for the rule of law, instead of a party of principle, let it be remembered the Republican Party decided that for their own self interests, it would be better to be Democrat-lite than be what the Republicans were known to be about at one time; less government, less taxes, more freedom.  Neither party cares about the American people.  It is time we all understand that.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Big Push for Amnesty


As many may know, yesterday was the day that President Obama  gave his long awaited speech on immigration.   Monday, the "Gang of Eight," as they are known by critics, provided an outline of the latest "comprehensive immigration reform" that politicians in both parties want to shove down the throats of American citizens.  The proposal is basically like the one in 2007 that Americans angrily shot down with faxes, phone calls and visits to their Congressmen.  In this latest proposal, of course, is the much desired and clamored for "path to citizenship" that hispanics have been having epileptic seizures over since....well, since the LAST amnesty back in the mid-eighties.   It never ends.  They say they don't want to separate families.  There is a simple solution to this that no one will even discuss.  If you don't want to separate your families, take them back with you to your native country.  Is that difficult to understand?  No one would stop you.  There is a lot at stake in this latest effort for amnesty for illegal aliens.  The usual suspects from the Republican Party, John McCain and Lindsay Graham, are part of the Gang of Eight.  Included with them is Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida.  He has flip-flopped on this issue since last year.  He is making a huge gamble.  The Tea Party put him into the senate seat in Florida.  Knowing that an overhaul of our immigration system would cost billions, if not trillions of dollars, the Tea Party may just make him pay for this.  I hope so.

The cry of Republicans is that there first has to be border enforcement.  The Obama administration stated a couple of years ago that the border is secure.  But, now, the Obama Administration is promising border enforcement with their proposal on immigration reform.  Well, which is it? Is the border secure or not?  More lies from Obama.  Is there any reason to believe that Obama will secure the border this time?  Is there any reason to assume this will the second and LAST amnesty?  Hell no, to both questions. The cry for amnesty for any illegal alien will never stop from the hispanic caucus in Congress and certainly not from La Raza (The Race).   The sudden influx of illegals with citizenship will overwhelm an already perilous situation with Social Security and Medicare.  Of course, the reason Republicans are wetting themselves on this issue is what took place in the last election.  Politicians are thinking about their own self-interests and not what is best for American citizens.  Finally, I ask these politicians one question; how does a massive amnesty benefit Americans?  You are supposed to be working for us.  So, again, how does a "comprehensive immigration reform" amnesty help Americans, especially the 23 million that are unemployed?  The silence is deafening.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Obama: Four More Years

Four more years.  Four more years of high unemployment, declining economy, stock market rising and falling, mostly falling is in store.  But, clearly, 51% of the fools in this country want that.  Why?  Because President Obama is "a nice guy."  That basically is the rationale for reelecting this man into a second term in office.  America's credit rating has fallen during his first term.  It is sure to fall in his second term.  I watched (briefly, ever so briefly) the inauguration of President Obama.   It was more of a celebration of a monarch than of a U.S. President.  Basically, a monarch is what Obama truly is as he prefers to rule by decree when he doesn't get his way in Congress.  He says the people can't wait on Congress.  That is just an excuse.  Lots of presidents don't get what they want in Congress.  Obama acts like a petulant child when he doesn't get his way.  He chose to be partisan, angry and combative in his address Monday (on MLK Jr day).  Obama made it clear he was going to take this country even further to the Left, much further than in his first term.  History will record that Obama was America's first Socialist president.  Obama and his cronies believe in Socialism.  What they fail to admit is that Socialism is an abject failure in every country it has been tried, both in government and the economy itself.

So, here we are going into a second term of a highly partisan, extreme Left-wing president.  We will get into more wars as Democratic Presidents are prone to do.  We will suffer with higher deficits and a national debt that will probably climb from $16 trillion to approximately $20 trillion before Obama is finished with his reign of terror.  Democrats don't even want a debt ceiling any longer.  They feel the debt is of no consequence since we print our own money.  The price for this absurdity will be felt for decades, long after Obama is out of office (assuming His Majesty doesn't demand a third term).   I ask of the 51%; is this what you wanted when you voted for Obama again?   Of course, the majority will say "No, of course not."  Then you are very gullible because Obama has fooled you not once, but twice.  Don't cry when you can't put food on the table.  If you want to blame someone, go look in the mirror.  Meanwhile, His Majesty is laughing all the way through a second term, of which, YOU are responsible.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

China: Disarm Americans

It's bad enough that China is the landlord of our huge debt.  It's bad enough that China tells us to get our spending under control (which President Obama immediately ignored).  But, when they start telling Americans they need to turn in their guns, that is going too damn far in my opinion.  Of course, China has first hand knowledge of how to control their population.  You disarm them.  After that, you impose a police state upon the population.  The federal government in China hands down rules and the people have to accept them.  There is no use in protesting.  See Tianamen Square as to what happens when you oppose the Chinese government.

 This statement from the Chinese government was announced by the state run media Xinhua.  You can read the entire article linked above.  I'm not going to repeat all their propaganda.  Basically, Xinhua advocated that the federal government forcibly disarm Americans if need be.  Don't think that thought has not crossed the minds of the Obama Administration.  Andrew Cuomo of New York has even hinted at this very thing as he seeks to strengthen gun control laws in New York.  Democrats are doing as they have suggested in the past; never let a good crisis go to waste.  What is disgusting is that Democrats are doing this on the graves of 26 innocent people, including 20 kindergarten-age children.  The ends justifies the means with these vermin.

China is well-known for human rights violations throughout the world.  They are known about the oppressive worker conditions they allow to take place with their own people.  Mao Zedong, who was the supreme ruler  of the current communist government of China during the revolutionary days, murdered between an estimated 50-70 million people.  How many innocent children do you think were killed during this time by guns?  How many innocent adults?  All those murdered people were presumably disarmed.  Do you see a parallel here?  Odd how there was no official response from the Obama Administration on the call of  Xinhua to disarm Americans.  I wonder why...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Obama: No Spending Problem

In the South, we have an old saying.  "There are two kinds of stupid in this world.  One is when you start barking at the moon and make a fool of yourself.  The second is when you do that in my living room.  I can look over the first, but the second I have to take personal."  Or something to that effect.  I'm not sure which of the above describes President Obama.  For him to state, categorically, that federal spending is not the cause of the massive $16 trillion debt is beyond any logic, by any definition.  He obviously doesn't read warnings sent to him from his own agencies or advisers.   Obama's own debt commission has warned him that spending is the force that is causing the debt.  His own debt commission!!!  They are warning him to cut spending and he is ignoring them!  But, this is the man that says there is no spending problem?  President Obama is the problem.   He is like a kid in a candy shop, but only has $1.00 to spend.  He has these grandiose plans for the ultimate utopian society where everything is free and everyone is equal.  That means no rich, no poor and, yes, no middle class.  That is the Socialist dream.  Unfortunately, like so many things in the Socialist thought process, it is not feasible or possible.

This just goes on to show how delusional a President we have now.  He is reckless and out of touch with reality.  We are broke.  BROKE.  But, we have a President who simply does not realize it or does not care.  I'm not sure which it is or maybe it's both.  Anyone with common sense could recognize our revenues are not matching our spending.  Every household in the USA has to have some kind of budget.  If I spend more than I take in each month, I will be out in the street.  Why doesn't the federal government feel it is under the same restraints? President Obama ignores his own advisers, his own debt reporting agencies.  The only person Obama listens to is, of course, that HUGE Obama ego.  President Obama thinks he is the smartest person on earth, no doubt fueled by the idiots that voted for him twice to be the Vacationer in Chief.  No spending problem, Mr President?  We have a lack of leadership problem, Mr. President.  The buck stops with YOU!
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