The howling and outcry over the outright lies of President Obama are just starting. He stated many, many times "If you like your plan, you can keep it" in regard to Obamacare. The first time he said this I thought, "How the hell is he going to pay for Obamacare if everyone doesn't opt in?" The fact of the matter is that the Obama Administration KNEW that people would get millions upon millions of cancellation notices on their individual polices of medical insurance. They knew it!!! They knew people would get cancellation letters, higher premiums and less choice. Obviously, Obama and his cronies did not care. At all.
So, in Obama World, you not only get less medical insurance choice, but you also get the extra "benefit" of paying more, much more due to Obamacare. So, now, people who were already devastated by Obama's handling of the economy, are not going to have their insurance plans. They now will have to pay as much as 50-75% more in the Obamacare health insurance exchanges to get health insurance. You have people like the vicious Valerie Jarret making ridiculous proclamations that there is nothing in Obamacare forcing you out of your health plan. Technically, she is correct. But, factually, she is lying her Marxist ass off. There is nothing in the Obamacare Bill that states you have to give up your health insurance plan. But, they knew from the outset that private medical insurers would drop people because of the high, ridiculous standards set forth by Obamacare. Obamacare was created to fail. It was created to fail so that Democrats can get the golden goose they have long sought; the single-payer plan. Of course, all of this bad news is worse for those who are already deathly sick, such as Edie Sundby.
Edie Sundby is one of the Obamacare losers. Literally. She is a survivor of Stage-4 Gallbladder Cancer. She has been forced out of her individual plan due to her health insurance being unable to keep her due to the high standards set forth in Obamacare, the bill that few have ever even read. She now must not only try and find an unfamiliar medical insurance plan in the government exchanges (provided she is able to get enrolled online or on telephone, no easy task), she must also pay much higher premiums for less service. Add into that she must also get new doctors who are unfamiliar with her case. How is this a good thing, people? How can you "Progressives" (as you like to endear yourself) be so stupid as to not see the potential train wreck without fully understanding the full implementation of Obamacare? Explain to Edie Sundby how Obamacare is a good thing for her now. Convince her this is in her best interest. Tell her to just suck it up and move on, right? Better yet, lets read what Edie Sundby herself has to say of her plight...
"My grievance is not political; all my energies are directed to enjoying life and staying alive, and I have no time for politics. For almost seven years I have fought and survived stage-4 gallbladder cancer, with a five-year survival rate of less than 2% after diagnosis. I am a determined fighter and extremely lucky. But this luck may have just run out: My affordable, lifesaving medical insurance policy has been canceled effective Dec. 31.
My choice is to get coverage through the government health exchange and lose access to my cancer doctors, or pay much more for insurance outside the exchange (the quotes average 40% to 50% more) for the privilege of starting over with an unfamiliar insurance company and impaired benefits."
This is what you clueless liberals, with your utopian ideals, without any forethought given to the consequences of your Socialist Agenda, have wrought upon the American people. The most vulnerable of society, such as Edie Sundby, are the very people who are suffering due to Obamacare. The very people you sought to help, remember? Sometimes you people can't get out of your own way. If there is any silver lining in this entire sordid mess, it is that this most likely spells the beginning of the end of the "Progressive Entitlement State" for which you have fought for decades, if not centuries. People see you for what you are now. You are a bunch of self-serving, control freaks who think big government is the solution to all our ills of society, the cure-all of all our problems. As Obamacare is clearly demonstrating, big government is a disease, a plague upon society. You Progressives will slink away under your rocks soon enough. But, I'm not naive enough to believe you will never be back. You'll come back when the shouting has died down from your latest attempt of controlling the masses with your utopian ideas through big, overbearing and controlling government. But, for the Edie Sundbys of America, your ideology could prove fatal. Do you have no shame?
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