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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Commentary: The George Zimmerman Trial

As everyone knows by now, George Zimmerman was found not guilty on all charges.  Of course, the predictable took place.  Race hustlers/pimps, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, showed up to see who could foment the most racial hate and violence.  Of course, the Dynamic Duo will deny their intent is to cause violence.  Yet, every time they show up for a chance to make some money off a tragedy, they incite the crowds for demands of "justice."  Then the Race Hustler in Chief had to chime in with his now infamous "....that could have been me 35 years ago" nonsense.  Why does Obama get himself involved in local issues?  Every time he does it (the famous police acted stupidly comment), he causes even more trouble locally and for himself.
I'll never understand the man.  Back to George Zimmerman...it was a travesty this even went to court.  All evidence suggested Trayvon Martin was the aggressor.  Zimmerman SHOULD have backed off when the 911 operator told him to do so.  Zimmerman was following Martin.  Was Zimmerman over zealous in his role as neighborhood watchdog? Absolutely he was.  But, it was not Zimmerman, "the white hispanic," who was bashing Martin's head into the cement.  Zimmerman's only recourse was to shoot the now furious Martin.  The news media has made it a racial issue.  Blame should be cast in their direction once again.  As usual, the news media fanned the flames of hatred and bigotry to get themselves on the news.  An honest discussion needs to take place with what is the role of the news media in this nation.  Is it to report the news or to make the news?  The lines have completely blurred over the past 20 years.

It's tragic that a 17-year-old kid had to die.  But, he was not the angelic figure the media have portrayed him to be.  That is not to say he deserved to be shot and killed.  But, we are all accountable for our actions.  What kind of accountability did Martin learn from his parents?   Judging from their interviews, not much, not much at all.  It was a tragedy that should never have happened.  But, why do we never hear from the MSM about the dozens of teenage African-Americans, young and old, that are killed each month in Chicago?  Where is the outrage for the 7-year old boy shot in Chicago over the July 4th weekend?  Where is Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton's righteous outrage?   The entire George Zimmerman saga was perpetuated and exacerbated  by a combination of Shapeton, Jackson, Obama and the news media.  So, the question begs, why?  Why do this? It's not about Trayvon Martin or even George Zimmerman.   It's about causing an even bigger racial divide in this country.  Why these people want to do this, is anybody's guess.

In passing, I ask this one question, if Zimmerman had been black (and subsequently shot Martin) and Martin was a "white hispanic," would there be any controversy here?  I think we all know the answer.

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