xxHNX2LGN_mi1k5pYPzJTmyCdBk Amnesty Bill Gives Immediate Access to Welfare for Illegals | The Right Commentary<script src='//www.reddit.com/buttonlite.js?i=1' type='text/javascript'></script>

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Amnesty Bill Gives Immediate Access to Welfare for Illegals

Remember the days when the Democrats said that no illegal alien would ever be allowed access to Obamacare?  Remember the days when Democrats AND Republicans said any immigration bill would not allow access to welfare benefits for those given amnesty?  Well, throw all those promises out the window again.  The newest amnesty bill will grant these "Instant Democrats" all the benefits of any native-born Americans.  They would zoom in front of the line for those who have patiently waited their turn in line to become American citizens the right way.  State and local governments would be completely overwhelmed by the millions of illegals applying for benefits that Americans simply can't afford to pay any longer.  It is not enough that our welfare system is simply overwhelmed now.  Now, we have to add about 15 million more poor, destitute people who are mostly illiterate and will be generational welfare recipients.  Show me another country that would reward people like this for violating their immigration laws.  Just one.  You won't find one.  Except, of course, the insane people running the United States of America.  The Gang of Eight has promised illegals that once they get their coveted green cards, they are eligible to apply for all welfare benefits, including unemployment benefits. 

The millions of destitute illegals will finish off this country.  We are already teetering on the edge of complete bankruptcy, thanks in no small part to the out of control spending of Obama and his Socialist cabal.  Now, Democrats and Republicans want to add around 15 million more illiterate illegals on the backs of the American taxpayers.  It's almost as if the elitists in this country want a new revolution.  It will divide this country even more than it is now.  On one side you will have those that work and pay the bills of this nation.  On the other side, you have the mostly illiterate and poor who will never get off of welfare.  Givers vs Takers. Welfare was never meant to be career opportunity.  It was intended strictly for Americans who are cannot work for different reasons.  If this Gang of Eight amnesty bill passes, it will finish off the job that Obama and his Socialist hacks started; destroying the United States of America.  We cannot absorb 10-15 million more on the welfare rolls in this nation.  We just can't do it.  Please, call your Congressman or Congresswoman and beg them to vote against this monstrosity known as Immigration Reform.  It is a death sentence for America.

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