As if the Republican field for the Republican Presidential run isn't already crowded, Congressman Paul Ryan from Wisconsin is hinting at a possible run in 2016. The former 2012 Republican VP candidate, told the Des Moines Register in a telephone interview on Monday that “I’m going to give a hard look at it.” in regard to the 2016 Presidential campaign.
Congressman Ryan went on to say “My decision is to not make a decision at this time,” Ryan told the Register, “because I’ve got such an important job to do. I’ve decided I will consider this later. I feel that with the role I have in Congress, I need to focus on doing my job now and not worrying about my own personal ambitions or career moves.” The congressman stated that the GOP needs to go into minority communities and inner cities. Ryan used Chris Christie's win in New Jersey as an example of what the GOP must do in order to win blue states. His support of immigration reform is surely not to win him any friends in his own party.
Paul Ryan is a falling star in the GOP. Literally, a falling star. His embrace of big government, immigration reform and the "Progressive Republicanism" of Chris Christie has disillusioned many conservative Republicans with him. I'm not sure what more proof the GOP needs to understand that being Democrat-lite is a losing proposition for the party. John McCain, Mitt Romney and now the likes of Paul Ryan and Chris Christie is just the same recipe for disaster that the GOP has written itself for the past ten years. It started in the second term of George W. Bush and continues, unabated, to this day. Only a 2010 Tea Party inspired revolt against Obamacare stemmed the tide of Progressive Republicanism. There was a lesson in that midterm election that fell on deaf GOP ears. Be the party that is Repubican, a party of less government, less taxes, capitalism, backing away from the Socialist entitlement state and no free ride to people who broke U.S. law, was a winner. Alas, the GOP is about to repeat the same mistakes of the past with Ryan, Christie and the McCain-Graham socialist mantra that is a constant, perpetual loser for the Republican Party. Ryan's embrace of Immigration reform aka amnesty, is yet another indication that the above individuals are attempting to turn the GOP into just a lighter form of the Socialist-Democratic Party. Either you are for the rule of law or you are not. The Obama Democratic Party has amply demonstrated they don't care for the rule of law by their flagrant disregard of the U.S. Constitution.
So, it appears the GOP is headed down a familiar road of defeat. Backing away from what you are will not ingratiate you with people. It will show you as being weak and vacillating in order to try to curry favor with a group of people who will never vote GOP no matter what. Once again, I say, it is time for a viable third party. Neither party represents the American people. It is time for a party that does represent us all.
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