The so-called "Dreamers" (children brought to USA illegally) in the state of Georgia are suing the state for in-state tuition rates. In essence, they are suing American taxpayers as a result. These blood suckers have been granted temporary permission to stay in the U.S. under an Obama administration policy introduced last year. That isn't good enough for them. They now want the American taxpayer to fund their college education and to give them the cut-rate in-state tuition. A judge in Georgia said he needs more time to decide the case. DeKalb County Superior Court Judge Mark Anthony Scott heard arguments on behalf of these illegal aliens from their lawyer, Charles Kuck. The problem for the illegal aliens is that the Georgia university system requires any student seeking in-state status for tuition rates to provide verification of “lawful presence” in the U.S.
Well, that's the problem for these illegals. They are in the country illegally. An executive order from the Illegal in Chief does not change that fact. Only Congress can establish laws. Obama must have been absent from school the day they taught how a democracy works. The state of Georgia should not be forced to change state laws simply to accommodate lawbreakers.
This is why so many Americans are sick of the whining and crying of illegal aliens. They want everything handed to them on a silver platter. They want in-state tuition at taxpayer expense. They want citizenship even though they broke the law. They want welfare for their illegal parents. They want jobs at reduced wages, putting millions of Americans out of work. They want to suck this country dry of all its resources. Then they will move on to their next country like a plague of locusts. It's bad enough they are being coddled by Democrats and Republicans alike. But, they act like the eternally offended little children with their hands out for more "candy." They excuse their aberrant behavior by saying they have rights. They have no rights. They are in this country illegally. What would happen to me if I went to Mexico and demanded in-state tuition and welfare for my illegal relatives? First, the Mexican government would fall out laughing. Then I would be arrested and thrown into the hell-hole known as a Mexican prison. I just wish we would follow the same illegal immigration policies of Mexico. Our illegal immigration problem would end overnight if we did.
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