As we enter the second week of the government shutdown, the Obama Administration's determination to make this shutdown as unpleasant as possible continues for the citizens of the United States. President Obama has always seemingly been at war with America from making citizenship worth a few hundred dollars in fines to showing a lack of respect for America's most honored holidays (such as Memorial Day). He has shown little regard for the U.S. Constitution with his executive orders overriding Congressional action on Immigration and the debt ceiling. He has shown little regard for the middle class in this country by forcing a highly unpopular healthcare system (Obamacare) down their collective throats.
President Obama is the most antagonistic, narcissistic, aloof and spiteful President this country has ever had. He has always been thin-skinned, unable to accept any form of criticism. As such, if this president doesn't get his way such as on immigration (overriding Congress and giving amnesty to illegals children), he strikes out like a child having a temper tantrum. This has never been more evident than during this government shutdown. Obama is not getting his way on the government funding bill which strips out key provisions of the love of his life, Obamacare. So, what has Obama done to make things as hard as possible for the American people rather than make them easy?
Let's start with our troops. At first, Obama Administration officials threw out the possibility that our troops would not get paid. That was quickly shot down as funding had already been approved in the event of a government shutdown. So, what did this petulant president do instead? He shutdown Armed Forces Network (AFN) which distributes NFL and college football games to troops serving abroad. The Obama Administration shutdown "open air monuments" such as the World War II monument. That didn't stop the few remaining WWII vets from storming the "barrycades" to honor their fallen brothers of that war. The famed "Ameber Alert" system that alerts people to child kidnappings has also been shutdown. How much money does it really take to run that system? It's a slap in the face to Americans and to law enforcement. At Lake Mead, in Nevada, an elderly couple was forced out of their cabin due to it being on federal land. They are now living at the family store. These are constituents of Senate Majority Leader, Crazy Harry Reid. I wonder if he will help them out. There are an assortment of government agencies shutdown also such as the Department of Energy, Education (which continues to beg the question, are those two really needed?), as well as Departments of Commerce and Health. The government shutdown of parks, such as Yellowstone, reeks of "payback" toward Americans with Gestapo tactics as related in this article. The government does not own the parks of this country. By what authority does the government has to shut them down? The government itself is not supposed to own anything. The federal government is not supposed to make a profit. Yet, people are charged for entering parks whereby their taxes are supposedly paying for the upkeep. None of it make sense to me. There is no reason why these parks shouldn't be open. These are OUR parks. They do not belong to Obama's Imperialist government.
This all comes back to the spitefulness of President Obama. Like the Chicago thuggery he became associated with, he now practices that same vindictiveness toward Americans, most of whom voted for him...twice. Unfortunately, we must endure the pettiness and petulance of this man-child of a president for another 3+ years. If he wants to make uncouth remarks about Republicans and Tea Partyers, that's one thing. He has shown remarkable forthrightness in attacking his enemies, perceived or otherwise. But, to deny the everyday American his or her right to enjoy open air monuments or parks speaks volumes about a president who is unable to hold back his own demons when dealing with issues that don't go his way. It speaks about immaturity, and, yes, petulance in President Obama when he doesn't get what he wants.
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