xxHNX2LGN_mi1k5pYPzJTmyCdBk The Left Celebrates Death of Margaret Thatcher | The Right Commentary<script src='//www.reddit.com/buttonlite.js?i=1' type='text/javascript'></script>

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Left Celebrates Death of Margaret Thatcher

The "Iron Lady," Margaret Thatcher, passed away Monday, April 8, 2013.  She was a good friend of President Ronald Reagan.  Both contributed to the end of the Cold War.  The Left will always dispute that.  But, facts are facts.  Both knew the Soviet Union could not keep pace with the advanced wartime weaponry of the USA and Great Britain.  As we all know, the Soviet Union collapsed under its own dead weight.  In other words, we outspent them.  They couldn't keep up.  So, many of the knowledgeable people of that era give both Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher credit for the ultimate demise of the Soviet Union.  Thatcher leaves an enviable legacy behind her.  Most Brits, along with most Americans, mourn her passing.  Unfortunately, that can't be said for the "Intolerant and hateful Left."

There were many instances of people in England popping champagne corks, and just celebrating the death of Margaret Thatcher. That speaks volumes about the nature of Leftists.   People in the city of Bristol in England, and in Glasgow, Scotland cheered and drank to her death.  President Obama, who is poles apart from Thatcher politically, offered up a tribute that caused Leftists everywhere to puke.  Obama stated, "World has lost a great champion of freedom & liberty."  Obama probably didn't mean a word of that.  But, he did what he had to do.  To read the Left reaction to one of their own, just read here. It is disgusting.  I would love to say I am surprised by the reaction from the Socialists who celebrate the death of an old lady.  But, I am not surprised, not at all.  Even more tweets from Twitter are here.  I can understand a furious opposition to someone politically. I get that.  But, what I don't get is the harsh reality that there are people who celebrate the death of someone with whom they disagreed politically.  Yes, politics, is the reason for their celebration.  I would feel the same way about people who celebrated the death of Ted Kennedy, who I completely disagreed with politically.  However, I did not celebrate his untimely death.  What does this say about us as a species to be celebrating death of a fellow human being?  It is disturbing, greatly disturbing.

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