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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Democratic Party Wanted Government Shutdown

How long has it been (before this year) since the Senate passed a budget?  I'll tell you.  It has been four years.  Four long years, until this year, the Democratic controlled Senate had not passed a budget for the United States of America.  Yet, if you listen to the news media and the Democratic lapdogs, you would think it is entirely the fault of the Republican Party.  It's true that Republicans are tying a provision to defund Obamacare.  This insurance baby of the Democratic Party is hugely unpopular among the majority of the American people.  None of that matters to the Democrats.  It's our way or nothing at all.  Obamacare is already causing premiums to rise.

Remember that promise from Obama that if you like your insurance, you can keep it?  Well, as we now know, that is a damn lie since premiums are rising completely out of control.  Employers are ditching employees at an incredible rate or reducing their hours to keep from being punished with Obamacare.  So, it appears that you can't keep your insurance if you like it.  The Democrats knew this was a damn lie the first time it was uttered by Obama and his lackeys.  But, because it serves the greater good of their utopian society, they kept their mouths shut. 

So, as of this writing (10/1/13), the government was forced to shutdown.  Oh the humanity!!!  But, you know what?  This is exactly what the Democrats wanted.  They want a government shutdown so they and the liberal news media can blame the Republican Party.  Obama wants a Democratic controlled House in order to save his presidency.  Thus far, his second term has been one disaster after another, one scandal after another.  So, Obama needs Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker in order to pass more of his Socialism upon the American people.  You will hear more and more, in the coming days, of the government shutdown being the Republicans fault.  Crazy Harry Reid and his equally crazy sister, Nancy, will tow the party line with the liberal media lapdogs eagerly assisting in their mission to convince everyone it is those dastardly Republicans who are to blame.  The low information voters (Obama Zombies) will believe their Democratic Overlords without checking the facts.  They will not bother to discover it was the Democratically controlled Senate who only this year, after four years, passed a budget.  A government shutdown will lead to the end of civilization as the Democrats will proclaim in the days ahead.  They are well noted for their theatrics and hyperbolic oration.  In the 1995 government shutdown, we somehow managed to survive. The military will still get paid, people will declare sick leave or vacation leave in the federal government.  People in the private sector will still go to work, children will still go to school.  In short, life will go out without all-powerful big brother, the federal government.  Democrats will want you to believe you can't survive without big government.  We will prove, once again, we can survive just fine without it.  That is the Democrats worst nightmare.

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