It appears that John Boehner has finally flashed his true colors for all to see after years of maintaining a careful facade of being a conservative. He even stated he "...is as conservative as they come around here." Last Thursday (1212/2013), the Speaker of the House lashed out at conservative groups such as Club for Growth, Heritage Action and various Tea Party groups. Apparently, what enraged Rep. Boehner was an effort to sabotage the bipartisan budget deal crafted by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray (D-Wash.).
But, what also enraged the conservative groups was Rep. Paul Ryan (2012 GOP VP candidate) allowing an additional $63 billion in agency spending over the next two years in exchange for savings that come over the next decade. Speaker Boehner called the groups “misleading” and without “credibility." “Frankly, I think they’re misleading their followers,” Boehner told reporters at his weekly news briefing. “I think they’re pushing our members in places where they don’t want to be. And frankly, I just think that they’ve lost all credibility.” What brought all this on, of course, was the 332 to 94 House vote Thursday night to approve a two-year budget outline that would reduce the chance of another government shutdown. The Republicans seem to think they are the cause of the shutdown. The news media made sure Americans blamed the GOP for the shutdown.
I'm not at all surprised by Speaker Boehner's vicious reaction to the conservative groups. He's been laying in waiting to attack them since the November elections of last year. Speaker Boehner has long held the belief that the conservative wing of the GOP was to blame for their defeat in November of 2012. It never occurred to him that his Milquetoast establishment Republicans would have been beaten even worse. November 2012 proved exactly what Rush Limbaugh said, "In a nation of children, Santa Claus wins." I write that election off on that one alone. Democrats promised free goodies to their slave blocs, the GOP promised jobs. It was a no-brainer for the "47%" that Mitt Romney spoke of, plus about 3% more. But, back to Boehner....Speaker Boehner wouldn't even be Speaker of the House were it not for the Tea Party and other conservative groups in 2010. He seemingly has forgotten that. His attacks have now caused a chasm that will not be bridged next year. This will surely mean another two years of Democratic control in the Senate. Plus the possibility, a real possibility that Boehner will be turning over the Speaker's gavel to Nancy Pelosi.
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