xxHNX2LGN_mi1k5pYPzJTmyCdBk Does Obama Really Want to Avert Sequester? | The Right Commentary<script src='//www.reddit.com/buttonlite.js?i=1' type='text/javascript'></script>

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Does Obama Really Want to Avert Sequester?

Another month, another deadline, another crisis in Obama World. If it's not the Fiscal Cliff, it's the debt ceiling.  If it's not the debt ceiling, it's trying to avert a March 1 deadline for automatic across-the-board spending cuts.  If Sequester does occur, then there will be an immediate $85 billion cut in government services.  Obama Zombies tell us federal agents would be immediately furloughed, police and firemen will not be paid and, of course, schoolteachers will not be paid.  Obama says people will lose their jobs and unemployment will start to rise.  Funny, he just now wants to address jobs and the economy when a manufactured crisis occurs.  Ordinarily, Obama is trying to get citizenship and jobs for illegal aliens.  That appears to be his top priority right now.

 Again, Obama and the Democrats bring up their strawman of the wealthiest Americans not being fairly taxed enough.  How often have we seen this movie from the Democrats?  It always has the same ending.  Republicans, for their part, propose spending cuts, changes in the tax code.  Republicans continue to reiterate they would overhaul the tax system to reduce rates, not to raise revenue.   In Democratic language, "revenue" is increasing your taxes.  Republicans are cowards, as I have said before on this blog.  But, Democrats are too cowardly to just tell you upfront they want to raise your taxes.  They see visions of Walter Mondale when they start talking about raising your taxes.  It seems odd Obama wants to do something about the debt by "increasing revenue."  He and the Democrats have never shown any concern for our rising national debt.

Republicans are telling people to be prepared for massive spending cuts due to the Sequester in a couple of weeks.  Democrats seemingly are full of themselves and are not concerned about what is about to happen.  They want to increase your taxes without really saying it.  Republicans are saying taxes are off the table.  But, I tend to believe Republicans will cave-in to a degree and claim victory.  So, will the Democrats.  You see, neither party gives a damn about you or I.  They care about making themselves look good to the public.  They care about being reelected.  Nothing else really matters to politicians. That goes for both Democrats and Republicans equally.

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