Another week, another hilarious direction of failure for the Obama lovechild, Obamacare. There is so much news about the failure(s) of Obamacare until I am almost immune to any bad news about this monstrosity. "Almost" is the keyword here. The failure of the website is a story of and in itself. (I won't even go over the millions of individual healthcare policies cancelled or outright Obama lies on keeping your health plan) How can anyone, even the federal government, not be able to have a working website after you've had over three years to get it ready? A kid in high school, with just a modicum of website design ability, should be able to at least get a working website up and running.
Maybe the whole thing was designed to fail as has been speculated almost from the start. Democrats still want that coveted single-payer system. I don't doubt they would do anything to get just that. Of course, the single-payer system wouldn't be the failure of what we see now, don't you know? That's sarcasm for the less initiated. On Monday we discovered that only 50,000 (roughly about 3% of projection) people have enrolled in Obamacare. If that number wasn't so abysmal, it would be funny. Well, it is funny, on second thought. We heard all these wild projections of millions of people signing up in the first week. Liberals are well noted for...um, well, let's just say "exaggeration," shall we?
If that 50,000 number wasn't pathetic enough, how about this; the Obama Administration is now redefining how "Obamacare enrollee" is defined." The new definition is this; the Obama Administration will count people who have purchased a plan as well as those who have a plan sitting in their online shopping cart but have not yet paid. Now, by every definition, and traditionally, an insurance enrollee is not counted as an enrollee until they make that initial payment. That is the way it has always been done. But, when you are trying to put lipstick and makeup on a pig, anything will do when you are this desperate. So, the question begs, how many of that 50,000 number (even as pathetic as it is) consists of people who have the plan in their online shopping cart, but have not paid??? I suspect we will never get the answer to that little question. That might drop the actual number of paid enrollees down to about less than half of that 50K number. We will never know. When you have an administration redefining (you know, like what your definition of is, is) the definition of an actual enrollee, you know things are really bad. They will continue to stretch the numbers as much as they can. Even to the point of hilarity. Stay tuned, folks. Things are just getting started.
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