As everyone must know by now, the House sent a bill to the Senate authorizing funding until December 15. Of course, the Senate must decide if they will strip out the provisions in the bill that defund the Democrats pride and joy, Obamacare. The House Republicans will then have to decide if they will accept the bill at that point. As it stands now, all government funding will run out on September 30th. Unless some kind of compromise is reached, the government supposedly will shutdown on October 1. All in all, it points to another showdown between Democrats and Republicans over the most controversial legislation since Social Security payments were first made.
Obama has stated, repeatedly, he will not negotiate with Republicans on a debt ceiling. I suspect he is going to change his mind. Republicans are going to have to give on this issue also. I suspect both parties will let the government shutdown. They then will blame each other. The interesting thing to watch then is who does the public blame. Thanks in large part to the news media, whenever the federal government shutdown before, blame was largely cast on Republicans. Right now, it is 50/50 as to who gets the blame. The majority of American people do not want Obamacare. The medical care in this country was another manufactured crisis by the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Were medical costs out of control? Absolutely yes! However, Obamacare is fraught with so much waste, regulations, and high costly premiums, most people want nothing to do with it. It has been an obsession with Republicans to defund Obamacare. They have succeeded....for now.
My feeling is that the Republicans will wave the white flag again on Obamacare. I would love to believe that Republicans earnestly want to repeal and/or defund Obamacare. I believe wholeheartedly that the recent defunding of Obamacare was nothing more than a publicity stunt by the GOP. Once Democrats reinstate the health care provisions and send it back to the House, the Republicans will back down as they historically are prone to doing. This entire defunding of Obamacare gives Republicans the ability to say, "Well, we tried to get rid of Obamacare. But, the Democrats wouldn't cooperate." Like the sheep they are, most Republican voters will whine, but forget about it all as we head on to other issues such as the economy and jobs. That's not to say the economy and jobs are not important. They most certainly are. Democrats are convinced we are in full recovery mode. So, they are not really interested in how Americans are still suffering with this "recovered economy." Thanks to Obamacare, more and more jobs will slide off into oblivion as employers shed jobs in order to avoid the debilitating effects of Obamacare. Those that do have jobs will see their hours cut to less than 30 hours a week to put them in as part-time employees. Once again, this will be done to avoid payments to Obamacare. So, while I applaud the defunding of Obamacare last week, I see it for it's all about. It's nothing more than life-preserver for the GOP to make it appear they are trying to restrain out of control spending by the federal government. Republican leaders have little interest in trying to get rid of Obamacare now. As a result, Americans will pay the price.
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