The more I learn about Ron Paul, the less I like him. I would probably vote for Gingrich before I would this anti-Israel, anti-military, isolationist candidate. Rick Santorum is making inroads in Iowa. But, he simply doesn't have the drawing power to sustain any kind of momentum for long. Rick Perry may make a move. But, he's probably positioning himself for a future run now. Michelle Bachmann is finished and simply doesn't seem ro realize it. So, why am I leaning toward Mitt Romney, you may ask? Simply because he is the strongest candidate, the one who has the best chance at beating President Obama. I know he is having difficulty getting past that 25% support level. That will change after Iowa, one way or another. Right now, Ron Paul and Mitt Romney are neck and neck in Iowa. No one knows who will win that caucus. If Romney wins Iowa and then wins New Hampshire (where he is heavily favored), the race is basically over. The rest of the state contests will be simply window dressing. So, Mitt Romney is my candidate for now. Will he beat Obama? I think he can as long as he doesn't make any big mistakes during the campaign. But, with the news media in President Obama's corner, that will be next to impossible for any Republican candidate.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
I'm Leaning Toward Mitt Romney
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Ben Nelson Retires
There were many agonizing moments for Democrats when it came to passage of Obamacare. There was a core of about 4 or 5 senators who were on the fence. About 20-25 House Democrats straddling the fence also. All of them eventually caved for one reason or another. Most were threatened, intimidated or politically bribed as was Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska. Known now as the "Cornhusker Kickback," it essentially was that the federal government would fund Nebraska's new Medicaid recipients forever. As you may remember, this was not popular with the GOP or even in the state of Nebraska. Nebraskans were outraged with Senator Ben Nelson for taking a political bribe, even though it granted favors to their state, to secure his vote. It was just systematic of the Obama Administration in securing Obamacare votes regardless of the legality or morality. From that point on, Senator Ben Nelson had a bulleyes on him from the GOP and, most importantly, the people of Nebraska.
Yesterday Senator Ben Nelson stated he was retiring from office. He cowardly took a bribe (not in the traditional sense of the word, but a bribe nonetheless) to secure his vote for Obamacare. Of course, it only stands to reason he took the coward's way out to avoid defeat. Reports were that many in the Democratic Party tried to talk Senator Nelson out of retiring. Democrats are now putting on a brave front by trotting out an old liberal warhorse, former Senator Bob Kerrey, as a potential Democratic nominee. Most likely, it is too little too late with the election less than a year away. Democrats are fearful of losing the Senate to Republicans. Ben Nelson was the latest domino to fall in that direction. Senator Nelson was extremely vulnerable in his reelection bid. But, he was by no means the only Democrat that is vulnerable. Senators Joe Tester of Montana, and Claire McCaskil of Missouri are also in dog fights for reelection. The one factor they all have in common that has them in trouble is their votes for Obamacare. I hope President Obama is happy with his "signature" piece of legislation. It is possible it will cost his party greatly. But, you know what I find odd? President Obama and the rest of the Socialists rarely, if ever, discuss Obamacare. Wonder why that is?
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Five Political Christmas Gifts
These are my Five Political Christmas gifts to America and, to a lesser extent, the world. These are all for fun. But, I sincerely hope they do come true eventually.
#5. A viable third party in the U.S. political party system. America is in dire need of a third political party. The Republican and Democratic parties are consumed with getting reelected. The American people they are suppose to represent are secondary to them. Perhaps the Tea Party will eventually break away from the Republican Party after the 2012 elections.
#4. Crack down on activist federal judges. Instead of making rulings according to the U.S. Constitution, we see Appellate judges ruling from their own prejudices, rather than rule of law. An example is a federal judge in Atlanta who stated the Alabama Immigration Enforcement Law would force illegal immigrants to flee the state. How insane is that statement?
#3. Political Partisanship comes to an end. This is more in line with #5 above. No, I don't see it ever happening in my lifetime with the Republican and Democratic parties as estranged as they are right now. But, it would be nice if both parties would occasionally work together.
#2. The resignation or retirement of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. These two left-wing radicals are greatly responsible for the bitter political infighting between both parties in Washington D.C. today. Both have their own Socialist agenda that they are trying to perpetrate upon a traditionally Democratic America. Both are relentless Socialists who show no sign of backing down from their dream of a United Socialist States of America.
#1. The defeat of President Barack Obama in 2012. Obama was the president who was suppose to bring us together. Due to his own partisanship, he has sown more animosity between the Right and Left than any other President in recent memory. His single-minded approach to Obamacare, at the expense of working on jobs for Americans, is costing us dearly right now. President Obama is a Socialist in the same mode as Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. His defeat in November of 2012 would be the greatest early 2012 Christmas gift I could ever imagine.
Those are my political Christmas gifts to America. Will any be realized? I can only pray that #1 happens. It would save this nation from further turmoil and acrimony. Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Joe Biden: Taliban Is Not Our Enemy
Alleged Vice-President Joe Biden stated yesterday that the Taliban, yes, the Taliban is not the enemy of the United States. Crazy Joe Biden said that the Taliban is only an enemy if " allows Al-Qaeda to strike at the U.S. VP Biden went on to say that President Obama has never made any assertions that the Taliban is our enemy in any policy initiative. This statement could be construed as simple posturing on the part of the Obama Administration in light of negotiations with the Taliban to bring an end to the war. Only problem with that is the Taliban is denying it is in negotiations with the Afghan government and/or the U.S. government. Another problem is that in any negotiations, the Taliban is going to want to exchange prisoners of war. That means the people in Guantanamo Bay are on the table in any ongoing negotiations. This is something that many in the Department of Defense would be adamantly against.
What is unusual about these negotiations is that the United States has a longstanding policy of never negotiating with terrorists. Now, some will say that Joe Biden preempted that argument by stating the Taliban is not our enemy. Ask yourself one question; If the Taliban is not the enemy of the USA, why did we invade that country (Afghanistan) in the first place? Don't give the standard liberal BS about it being due to George W. Bush being a warmonger. Bush never had three or four wars going on at once as President Obama has done in his first term (hopefully, his last term). Of course, the Taliban is the enemy of the USA. They gave safe refuge to Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda playmates of terror. As former President George W. Bush stated after September 11, 2001; "And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation in every region now has a decision to make: Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists. From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime." To my knowledge President Obama has not made it a policy to deviate from that position. Until he does (which will not suprise me) then Joe Biden's latest buffoonery is flat-out wrong. The Taliban is our enemy and will remain so for the foreseeable future.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Nancy Pelosi Making Another Absurd Claim
Just when you thought the lunacy of Nancy Pelosi could reach no further heights, she did it again yesterday. I know this will sound familiar since she made the same stupid claim about Obamacare insofar as creation of thousands and thousands of jobs. This time Nancy Pelosi is making the claim that extending unemployment benefits will create enough demand that 600K jobs will be created! Pelosi stated this is based on information from "macroeconomic advisers." I'm not real sure just what the hell a macroeconomic adviser is. She didn't bother to name these macroeconomic advisers. She didn't say how much tax money would be needed to create these "600K" jobs either. Do you get the feeling, as I do, that Left-wingers, such as Pelosi, just pull these magical numbers out of thin air? It's either that or an intended manufactured Leftist distortion. Oh, the hell with it....Pelosi is flat out lying! Democrats have gotten lying down to a fine art these days with the Obama Administration leading with the rallying cry of a "transparent government."
This claim reminds me a great deal of her #1 absurdity, "We have to pass the bill (Obamacare) so we can see what is inside it." Remember that one? These people are our elected officials. These people, such as Pelosi, are leaders of political parties in this country. They expect you to take their BS literally and don't question it. So, when Nancy Pelosi makes another off the chart claim, such as unemployment benefits creating 600K jobs (without providing ANY data, of course), we are suppose to believe it. Sorry, you Leftist whack jobs. I have a mind of my own. I don't have to be a macroeconomic advisor to know BS when I see it, read it or even smell it. This latest claim by Nancy Pelosi is just more of the same from the laughingstock of American politics.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Glenn Beck Would Prefer Ron Paul
I've listened to Glenn Beck since his days on CNN Headline News. I have not always agreed with him on a number of issues such as his belief that we should have increased immigration, doom and gloom on the economy and a variety of issues. But, I have always admired his steadfast beliefs whether I agree with him or not. One thing about Glenn Beck, you always know what side of the issue he is on. He is not really pleased with the Republican Presidential candidates. He has made that known for quite some time. He does seem to be rather fond of Michelle Bachmann (for reasons I can't understand). But, other than her, he has little regard for the Republican field.
All this being said, I was shocked when I saw where Glenn Beck stated he would vote for a Ron Paul third party candidacy rather than vote for a potential Republican nominee Newt Gingrich. Of course, Mr. Beck realizes that a Ron Paul third party candidacy would ensure an unprecedented disaster with an Obama second term. If you hated Obama's first term, you would despise his second term. Glenn Beck knows this. So, why would he come out and say what he did about a Ron Paul third party candidacy? Is it because it is his principles that are involved? That doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Beck has repeatedly said in the past that sometimes "You have to do the difficult things in life, things that you really don't want to do." But, you do it for the betterment of your country. He has often quoted George Washington (of whom he and I share great respect) of the hardships endured in reaching your goal. Now, anyone that has read this blog knows how I feel about Newt Gingrich. I feel he is a RINO, a big government Republican that really has no place in conservative circles. But, reality is that Newt Gingrich may be the Republican nominee! I have reluctantly accepted that.
Beck is missing the larger goal here. The goal being to put President Obama out of office. Inasmuch as I dislike Gingrich, I will happily push the lever for him in November of 2012. If Glenn Beck can't see what is at stake here, in beating Obama, then all he has said in the past is meaningless. It will be a sacrifice to vote for Gingrich. But, as Glenn Beck surely must know, it is for the greater good of this country that Obama be turned out of office. That is what all Republicans must focus their attention. That is what Glenn Beck must also focus his attention on as well.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Saturday Night Debate - Gingrich vs Romney
The exhibition games are over. Now, the real debates begin. There is just a month to go before the Republican Primary season begins in Iowa. There have been so many Republican Presidential debates until I can't keep count of them. But, tonight, the Iowa debate at Drake University in Iowa, is the first real debate between Romney and Gingrich since Newt became the front runner. Of course, the other Republican candidates will be there along with Ron Paul and Rick Perry. But, this debate will probably focus on Gingrich and Romney. The rise of Gingrich has been nothing short of amazing since he was in single digits just a month ago. But, now, Gingrich has a double digit lead over Mitt Romney. Romney just doesn't seem able to forge ahead of the 25% of support that has held steady since the first debate early this year. Newt Gingrich seems to be surging. But, now, Mitt Romney will take the kid gloves off and go after Gingrich with all that baggage he carries into the Primary season.
Of course, Gingrich surging to the forefront is good news for the Obama campaign. Newt Gingrich is their nominee of choice. They really don't want to face the moderate Mitt Romney even with the albatross of Romneycare that Mr. Romney carries. Gingrich will certainly go after Romney on that issue tonight. In turn, Romney will go after Gingrich on his support of the individual mandate for national healthcare. Both candidates have baggage. It just appears that Newt Gingrich has more than Romney. This will be the most interesting debate so far. It will eclipse the bitter backbiting between Perry and Romney of the past couple of months. Gingrich has tried to stay "above it all" during the more nasty mudslinging of prior debates. I am willing to wager he won't be able to do it tonight.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Nancy Pelosi Threatens Newt Gingrich
I've got to say Newt Gingrich deserves the threat (more on that later) that Nancy Pelosi made Monday against Mr. Gingrich. The Wicked Bitch of the West stated, "One of these days we'll have a conversation about Newt Gingrich," Pelosi said. "I know a lot about him. I served on the investigative committee that investigated him, four of us locked in a room in an undisclosed location for a year. A thousand pages of his stuff." Now, some will say that was just a way of getting the attention of Mr. Gingrich. Some will say it was simply an idle threat that Pelosi knows she can't or will not do. I say if you really believe a far left radical like Nancy Pelosi won't follow through with a threat, then you really don't know American politics. There is no doubt Newt Gingrich has a lot of baggage he would carry in a Presidential election against President Obama. But, to come out in the open and make it known shows just how invulnerable liberals such as Pelosi feel in today's political climate. Imagine the hated Sarah Palin coming out and stating she was going to unleash some baggage of, oh, I don't know....Nancy Pelosi, let's say. The condemnation would be swift and unrelenting from the Lame Steam Media.
For whatever reason, Newt Gingrich sat down with Nancy Pelosi for a commercial on climate change back in July of 2008. Now, Newt has flip flopped on climate change aka global warming as many times as a politician can. He is now stating that commercial with Nancy Pelosi was dumb. Well, we were trying to tell you that back in 2008, Mr. Gingrich. But, you didn't want to listen. You were too intent on "reaching across the aisle" to appear magnanimous to liberals and the media alike. What Newt Gingrich is finding out (albeit too late in my opinion), is that liberals don't give a damn how accommodating you have been in the past. They will do whatever it takes to further their Socialist agenda, including running over people who have helped them in the past. "Reaching across the aisle" in their direction is called "bi-partisan." Asking them to "reach across the aisle" toward Republicans is called "partisan politics" by the Leftists of the Democratic Party. Newt Gingrich likes to think of himself as the smartest man in the room. He may well be that. But, he doesn't have an ounce of common sense. In the end, that is what is going to cause him to lose the Republican nomination or, if nominated, lose the Presidential election to The Messiah.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Herman Cain: All Over But The Shouting
I've defended Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain in this blog in at least two different blog entries. With the news of Mr. Cain purportedly having a 13 year affair with a Miss Ginger White, it is all over but the shouting for Cain's Presidential aspirations. I can no longer defend him. He has been mentioned at least three other times for sexual harassment by different women. He has denied all the accusations. But, with the news of this affair with Ginger White, there is no way he can continue. What Mr. Cain needs to work on now is trying to save his marriage. I suspect he is in deep trouble with his wife and deservedly so. I don't see how he can continue to deny to her all the charges against him now. The 13 year affair will most likely end whatever political career Mr. Cain ever had. Some failed Presidential candidates go on to try running for Congressman from their home state. I don't see that happening for Herman Cain.
There is a report that Herman Cain is to have a "big announcement" today in Atlanta. I think it is pretty clear what that announcement will be. What amazes me is that Herman Cain did not realize that if he had any baggage coming into the campaign, it would find its way into the light of day. No one advised him of this, apparently. Or maybe Herman Cain hid his womanizing from everyone, especially his wife. This shows what a novice Mr. Cain truly is. You can't hide anything during a bruising campaign for President. Nothing is off limits. Nothing. What is left to ponder now is not the motivation to bring forth Mr. Cain's improprieties. What one must question is who pushed for these women to come forward? Some will say it was Democrats who hate for any Black man to get off the Democratic plantation. Some will say it was Republican operatives of opposing Republican candidates. Regardless of who pushed these women to come forward, there is only one person responsible for this embarrassing news; Herman Cain.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Newt Gingrich's New Immigration Plan
Mitt Romney and Michelle Bachmann immediately attacked Gingrich over this plan. He talks about controlling the border. Every President talks about controlling the border (some even lie and say it is under control now, hint, hint). It has never been done and most likely will never be controlled until we stop taking our marching orders from Mexico. Why one country has so much influence on U.S. domestic and foreign policy I will never understand. Back to least he has brought the illegal immigration issue off the backburner. I agree Illegal Immigration needs to be dealt with and dealt with after we kick Obama out of office. However, giving any form of a break to illegals, regardless of how long they have been in this country, will only encourgage more illegals to swarm across the border. We cannot keep encouraging people to illegally enter our country. Democrats have no regard for border enforcement since they see illegal aliens as instant Democrats. We must do as Gingrich stated (and I agree), put fully armed National Guardsmen on our border to stop this invasion. We must make e-verify mandatory in both the federal and private sectors of employment. Deny any social services to a household with an illegal alien. You don't have to deport illegals. They will deport themselves when the magnet(s) drawing them over here is gone; jobs and government social services.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
What I'm Thankful for on Thanksgiving
This isn't going to be a political post per se. But, enough here to qualify, I believe. This post is the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving. We, as a nation, have a great deal for which we can be thankful. We have a lot wrong with this country today. There are so many things that I see that I think the Founding Fathers must be twirling in their graves over. We have a President that pays lip service to our most treasured document, the U.S. Constitution. He shows his open disdain for anything to do with this nation's history. Sure, we have our crosses to bear. Show me one nation on this earth that has not done wrong in their history. There are no pure and pristine countries no more than there are pure and pristine national leaders. Enough of this, let me tell you what I'm thankful for on this Thanksgiving.
I am thankful that we have a nation in which the idea of freedom is sacred and something we are willing to fight for in any circumstance. There are a lot of people who hate the USA. A lot of people who live in this country and take advantage of all the benefits of this country, hate the USA. But, that is ok. As long as their dissent doesn't interfere with my belief in this country, then they have that right. I am thankful we still have young men and women who believe in this country. Those same young men and women have sacrificed their lives, limbs and goals to defend our country. Unlike when I was in Vietnam, they are not spit upon and called baby killers. They are paid respect. Respect is something you have to earn. Our troops have certainly done that. I am thankful for the food that God allows me to partake on Thanksgiving Day. So many people do no know where their next meal is coming from. That is something I have only experienced once in my life. It is not something I would want to experience again. I am thankful for the roof I have over my head. I thank God for the car that I drive every day. I am thankful for having money in the bank, family that love me and, believe it or not, I am thankful for that which I have not been blessed with thus far. There are always reasons why things take place and do not take place. That is my considered opinion now.
I find myself thanking God I do not have to experience the war and famine in Africa, that I was not born into such a miserable life. I pray that those poor people find peace and tranquility at some point in life. I am thankful I had a loving and blessed mother who loved me and my siblings. I hate to think where I would be in life if not for her steady direction. I guess I should also be thankful for my father, although he was a father in name only. I'm not sure why I am saying I am thankful for him today. But, I just feel it is the right thing to do. As you prepare for your Thanksgiving meal, think about all that you have to be thankful for as you look across the table. There are many people around the world, and in this nation, who do not have a great deal to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. In some way, we are all blessed. Some are blessed in different ways. We all need to take stock of where we are in life today. Happy Thanksgiving Day to everyone.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Obama is Door Challenged in Bali
I guess it happens to all of us. You know what I mean. You manage to look and act like a complete idiot at times. Former President George W. Bush had one (well, ok, one among many) famous incident when he was in China for discussions with Chinese officials. The now famous incident shows him leaving the microphone and doing an exit stage right. Only thing is, those two doors would not budge. At all. That scene has been replayed over and over in late night shows. George W. Bush was always the butt of jokes in the liberal press. This one incident just played right into the hands of MSM. President Bush never was able to live this door incident down.
It appears that President Obama has now had a "Bush moment" in Bali during a conference of South East-Asian nations. President Obama and his party had difficulty opening a door leading to the room where he was to appear for a signing of an aircraft deal between Boeing and an Indonesian company. No matter how hard the President and his party tried, that door would not open. As you can imagine, President Obama was embarrassed. It took a Secret Service agent to come to the aid of the President. Strangely, he had no problem opening the door whatsoever. Of course, there is no video of this incident with President Obama. I find it hard to believe there is no video or pictures. There are always, at least, official reporters and photographers to capture the President's every move for history. And there were none during this embarrassment for Obama? Ok, maybe I'm a little too paranoid when it comes to the liberal mainstream media. I'll take their word there are "no pictures or video" of the President's "Bush moment." Or not.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Judge Kagan to Recuse on Obamacare?
A story that is circulating and causing much anger amongst conservatives (and for totally opposite reasons, liberals as well) Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan sent an excited email to a Harvard Law professor stating that "they have the votes" for Obamacare. Justice Kagan sent a series of emails discussing the passage of Obamacare aka Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in March of 2010. “I hear they have the votes, Larry!! Simply amazing,” Kagan said to Tribe in one of the emails. "Larry" is Harvard Law professor Larry Tribe. Kagan served as Solicitor General for President Obama prior to being nominated and confirmed as Supreme Court Justice. The concern, of course, did Kagan help write the defense of Obamacare? If so, she must recuse herself.
8 USC 455, a Supreme Court justice must recuse from “any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” If as Solicitor General, Justice Kagan helped draft a defense of Obamacare, she must recuse herself from deliberations on this lawsuit. Of course, the above Harvard Law professor is defending Kagan. He is stating Kagan should not have to recuse herself even in face of evidence she cannot be impartial. This also flies in the face of her questioning before Senate Republicans during the confirmation process. She stated emphatically she could be impartial in deliberations on the lawsuits against Obamacare. Now, liberal groups are stating that Clarence Thomas should recuse himself as well. The rationale for that is that Justice Thomas's wife has been quite vocal in her opposition to Obamacare. Last time I checked, a Supreme Court Justice is not confirmed for a seat on the US Supreme Court based on the opinion of their spouse. If we go this route, every married justice serving would have recuse him or herself because of what their spouse might say or think. Of course, this is ridiculous. Justice Kagan, however, must recuse herself based on the emails. She cannot be impartial,.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Newt Gingrich Moves Up in Polls
In the latest Marist/McClatchy poll, Newt Gingrich has moved a head of embattled Herman Cain. Mitt Romney still leads the way with 23%, Gingrich with 19% and Herman Cain with 17%. It appears the sexual harassment charges are starting to plague the campaign of Mr. Cain, rightly or wrongly. However, the New York Times/ CBS News show that Herman Cain still leads the Republican Presidential hopefuls. Cain leads with 18% with Romney and Gingrich tied at 15%. So, who do you believe? I honestly don't trust anything to do with the NY Times or CBS. The Marist/McClatchy poll I know absolutely nothing about. But, both polls point to one thing; Newt Gingrich has now made it a three-way battle for the Republican nomination.
I must admit I am alarmed about Newt Gingrich's recent rise in the polls. Newt is a globalist, pro-Amnesty for illegals, believes in the man-made Global Warming theory, opposed Paul Ryan's budget reforms (which tacked him to the Left with Obama), and then there is the baggage he brings. Without going into great detail, Newt cheated on his wife while she lay dying with cancer. Now, the story goes that he asked for a divorce while she was dying. His supporters say it is just the opposite. Democrats would bludgeon him with that little detail over and over again. He is most definitely a RINO. I see him in the same light as I do Herman Cain; neither are electable. Romney is the one Obama wants most because Romney is a moderate. A Republican moderate rarely does well in Presidential elections. It's disgusting to contemplate, but it appears Obama is headed for a reelection win even with unemployment in the 8-9% category and the economy tanking again. I think the Mayans were a little off on their prediction of the end of the world. They have it on December 21, 2012. It will actually occur about six weeks prior to that date.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Cain's Bimbo Eruption
As a rule, I am always willing to give someone the benefit of a doubt. Even though Herman Cain completely denied any sexual harassment of his accusers, something just didn't pass the smell test. Something just didn't seem right. The first two women could not be taken seriously since neither were willing to come forth with their stories. A third said she "thought" Herman Cain sexually harassed her. I wonder if she ever "thought" she was pregnant. Either you are or you aren't.
Now, there is a fourth woman by the name of Sharon Bialek who said Herman Cain groped her groin. I'm thinking, and you just sat there while he did it and didn't call the police? Furthermore, we now are finding out Sharon Bialek is something of a gold-digger, filed bankruptcy twice, has the infamous Gloria Allred as her attorney and now is making the network morning rounds even though she "has nothing to gain." Right. Sharon Bialek reportedly "hugged" Herman Cain at a Tea Party event last month. It's difficult to know who to believe. Bialek has little in the way of credibility if she actually hugged Herman Cain at that Tea Party meeting. But, she apparently is going to milk her 15 minutes of fame for all she can. I see her as not much more than an opportunist and a charlatan.
The old saying of where there's smoke, there's fire come to mind here. There is too much smoke coming out now on Herman Cain. By fighting with the news media, he invited more probing into this past. The latest report is that now a fifth woman has come forth and said Herman Cain acted inappropriately toward her. I'd say that just about ends the long shot bid by Republican Presidential candidate Herman Cain. The latest Gallup Poll practically cements this statement. Were these allegations true about Mr. Cain? Or is this just, as Mr. Cain described, a "high tech lynching" by the liberal news media? I suppose we will never know the answer to those questions. I do know the news media acted totally different in the bimbo eruptions of Bill Clinton. The news media actively worked to discredit the women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment. Herman Cain should have known, or someone should have told him, if he gets involved in the presidential campaign, any skeletons in his closet will come out. I suspect Mr. Cain is acutely aware of that fact now.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Occupy Lefties - Showing Their True Colors
I suppose it was inevitable. Violence is erupting in the "Occupy Whatever" movement across the USA. Example #1: Oakland, CA where protesters have had a running battle with police. The Port of Oakland has been shutdown as a result of the "Occupy" forces. Schools, government buildings are shutdown. Another example; Seattle, WA where bottle throwing Occupy thugs battled with police yesterday in front of the Sheraton Hotel. Police made several arrests as the Occupy thugs fought with police. Rapes have occurred in Detroit and Zuccotti Park in New York City. The news media, as expected, has been very slow in reporting this, just as they have in the violence of Occupy Whatever forces.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Herman Cain's Sexual Harassment Charge
Upon learning of a sexual harassment charge against Herman Cain over a decade ago, I immediately thought it was politically motivated. I am still leaning that way. But, this is "big boy" politics. If you have skeletons in your closet, they will come out during the campaign. This is especially true with a conservative Presidential candidate. I have always found it curious in how the news media came to the aid of former President Bill Clinton during the "bimbo eruptions" of his presidency. Any woman who came out to talk about how Bill Clinton mauled them or made sexual suggestive comments to them, was immediately demonized by the left-wing news media. But, this is something that Herman Cain had to know about. Once he started gaining steam in the polls, he had a very large target on his back. If the story starts gaining traction (and that isn't going to happen unless the women come out), then Cain is in serious trouble. It is a shame there is such a double standard in American politics. But, that is the way it is. Complaining about it will not wish it away. The news media is dominated by liberals.
This being said, Cain has hurt himself in this episode. Initially, Herman Cain denied any knowledge of this sexual harassment charge. Now, today, he can remember details about the entire episode. He stated how he told one woman she is the same height as his wife. I have to believe there is more to that statement than Mr. Cain is letting on right now. He stated he couldn't remember the details initially because it happened over a decade ago. That is a plausible excuse. But, therein is the problem with Herman Cain's details of the story. It all sounds like an excuse. He deserves the benefit of a doubt. Mr. Cain is the man who must clear this up and do it soon. The liberal lapdogs in the press will do everything they can to continue to damage Mr. Cain. They view Herman Cain as a threat to the Anointed One. Cain is a black conservative, which is something liberals simply can't tolerate. They expect all their voting blocs to remain on the liberal plantation. Herman Cain represents someone who can at least potentially destroy the black voting bloc.
Liberals can sense blood in the water. This sexual harassment allegation is not going away any time soon if they can help it. The liberal elite will continue to pound away at this. If Herman Cain is as innocent as he says he is, then he has nothing to fear. But, if he is hiding something on this allegation or any others, it will come out. Liberals espouse a failed ideology that is unpopular with most Americans. The only way they can compete is to bring the likes of Herman Cain down to their scumbag level.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Bob Beckel on The Five
I admit that Glenn Beck was getting on my nerves with his 5PM (Eastern) show. I like Glenn Beck. But, the constant gloom and doom was making me very weary of him. Thing is, I could not find myself disagreeing with much he had to say. But, I felt like I did when I was a child waiting on my father to give me a whipping when he got home. Beck was having that same effect on me. He's gone now and replaced by 5-7 regulars on Fox News "The Five" show. The Five is a round-table format with four conservatives and one liberal. I really feel that is unfair. There should be at least two liberals. I just like to see things evened out. I enjoy the show for the most part.
Eric Bolling is probably the most conservative of the conservatives on the show. He is insightful, and makes many good points on the show. I just wish he would get over this great love he has for Rick Perry. Bolling seems reasonable for the most part except for this one fault of gushing over Perry. Kimberly Guilfoyle is a former prosecutor who was on Court TV every day. I had no idea she had such great legs. That aside, she is in her element when discussion is about the law. I enjoy her commentary. She is probably the friendliest of the people on that program. Andrea Tantaros is another beauty whose intelligence and education is shown abundantly on the show. She is probably the most conservative female on the show. That brings me to Dana Perino. I think she is at least the equal insofar as intelligence of anyone on the show. What irks me about her is her CONSTANTLY reminding everyone that she was a "former White House spokesperson in the George W. Bush Administration." I do not think a day goes by that she doesn't remind the audience of this fact. Dana, we get it, you're kind of a big deal, ok? Geez. Like her former boss, she is a big government Republican. Greg Gutfeld tries desperately to be the funny guy on the program. He usually fails at this. He does make some good zingers when things get a bit too serious. Otherwise, he just works on the "tortured metaphors" thing he enjoys so much.
The one who I think is a total abomination is Bob Beckel. He is vulgar, obtuse, belligerent, combative and a Socialist. He would be ready to fight if you told him to his face he is a Socialist like his hero, President Obama. Both men are obviously Socialists. Beckel hates Capitalism and, sometimes, I get the impression he generally just hates Democracy...period. He gets angry easily which is what liberals do when confronted with facts. Eric Bolling is usually the target of Beckels ire. Reason for that is easy to understand; Bolling brings facts to the debate and liberals just hate that. It is rarely a day that goes by in which Beckel does not say a vulgarity on the air. Why Fox keeps this guy on the program, I will never understand. Juan Williams would do much better in the role of being the token liberal on the show. He actually brings facts to support his position at times. Imagine that coming from a liberal! Back to Beckel....he tries to pretend his personal remarks to Eric Bolling are just a joke. You can see this guy just seething below the surface when people start pointing out the fallacy of his left-wing viewpoint. His antics get tiresome. But, you know what? Bob Beckel is just your typical liberal. The majority are like him; he argues from a position of emotion, not with facts and figures. Bob Beckel thinks the Debt is not important because "...We print our own money." I scarcely know how to respond to such stupidity. Still, I believe Fox News could do better than this man. His act is tiresome, but I suspect I will continue to tune in despite the childish act known as Bob Beckel.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Romneycare Gives Benefits to Illegal Aliens
Governor Rick Perry, whose campaign for the Republican nomination has hit the rocks, has hit Mitt Romney where it hurts most; Romneycare gives benefits to illegal aliens. Governor Perry's campaign stated, "Governor Romney’s government-mandated healthcare plan provided free care for illegal immigrants in Massachusetts, establishing just the kind of illegal immigration magnet Governor Romney claims to oppose,” Perry spokesman Mark Miner said. The Perry Campaign also stated that citizenship is not required under the rules of the Health Safety Net which allowed anyone without insurance (including illegals) to go to any medical clinic or hospital to receive medical care at practically no cost. The Romney Campaign countered that the Health Safety Net Fund was made long after Governor Mitt Romney left office in Massachusetts. However, Perry Campaign spokesmen stated that the Massachusetts Free Care website was updated three days after former Governor Mitt Romney signed the law. In fact, the law clearly states “Your citizenship or immigration status does not affect your eligibility.”
I must say I find Mitt Romney to be the big hypocritical, flip-flopper that those of us on the Right have always thought him to be. I have no interest in Rick Perry due to his love affair with illegal aliens in Texas (instate tuition for one thing, heartless if you don't agree is another). Romney has been blasting Perry for his pandering to illegals with the instate tuition thing. All while doing this, Romney had a provision in Romneycare that basically gave free medical assistance to illegal aliens. I'm really sick of both of these candidates. Not just due to the fact they are both RINOs. It goes deeper, to the very core that both men are just big government Republicans in the same manner as Rockefeller, Nixon and both Bush presidents. Cain is mopping up both right now according to the latest polls. It may be, in due part, to his being civil in the debates. Part of it is that people like the fact he is considered an outsider. Whatever the reason, Herman Cain is resonating with Republican voters. Both Romney and Perry better get themselves together. We get they both like the idea of cheap labor that illegals provide. What we don't get is why they both are being such hypocrites over the issue of illegals.
I had thought that the economy is what the core of the argument would be in the Republican nomination process. Right now, it appears that illegal immigration is wounding both Perry and Romney. Herman Cain? He's reaping the benefits of the Romney-Perry War.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Herman Cain in Trouble
Herman Cain's less than stellar performance in Tuesday night's GOP debate has seen some chinks in his armor. None are what you could consider mortal wounds at this juncture. But, he has had to clarify at least three comments he has made before and during the debate. One, he obviously made a joke about having an electrified fence about twenty feet high on the Mexican border. But, he should have known that the news media is very politically correct. They were not going to let that one pass by. Cain made it clear he was simply joking. If it were financially feasible, I would personally like to see some sort of fence that would make illegals think twice before attempting to cross. His "999" plan was viciously attacked from the outset by Romney, Perry and even an obviously finished Michelle Bachmann. He said it was like comparing "apples and oranges" without really clarifying what consisted of apples and oranges in his tax plan. Cain also got into hot water with his less than clear message on abortion. He initially made it sound as if he were personally against abortion, but felt the government should not intrude on such a personal decision. That put him on par with people such as Joe Biden, Barack Obama and a host of other liberals. Cain later stated he was categorically against abortion regardless of consequences. Taken one by one, the issues were not to be considered hurtful for Cain. But, taken as a sum of parts, it points to some troubled times a head for Herman Cain.
Herman Cain has to be more clear in explaining his positions on issues. He states he wants to bring common sense to politics. But, he is muddying the waters with his vague statements that are important to conservatives such as illegal immigration, taxes and, of course, abortion. It was not a bad night for Cain. This has not been what you could call a bad week and debate for Cain. But, at the same time, one can't say this had been a good week either. I have been leaning in the Herman Cain direction. But, I will never again vote for a man whom I know little about. No, I did not vote for Obama. But, I wager a lot of people who voted for Obama not only regret that vote, but regret not delving into his past positions on issues.
Like Obama, if Cain is elected as President, he will be a novice in Washington D.C. politics. He has to learn to avoid the landmines that are there in his path. Americans want a President who has a clear, concise message. Herman Cain has shown this week he has work to do to convince the American voters he can be that man. I believe Mr. Cain can come back. He has to go on the attack at those who feel his 999 plan is unworkable. Right now, Herman Cain is on the clock. His polling is showing people trust him. But, if he continues to be unable to clarify his positions, those polling numbers will drop like a rock into the ocean. It definitely is time for a change in American politics. But, not more of the same as we have seen in Obama. Cain has to change that perception of himself.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Rick Perry Fading
Tuesday night was another GOP debate in a seemingly endless line of debates. It seems they have been having debates every week since January. Once again, the frontrunners, Herman Cain or Mitt Romney, were at center stage, facing withering attacks from third-tier candidates such as Rick Santorum and, alas, Michelle Bachmann. One former frontrunner, Rick Perry, was also be at the debate. He must be a glutton for punishment. He has made himself look foolish, ill-prepared and nonchalant about the whole thing. True enough, Rick Perry has around $17 million in his war chest. But, what good is all that money if his poll numbers remain in single digits?
I've stated before on this blog that Rick Perry's decline can be linked from the time he started supporting illegal aliens. His Texas Dream Act was unknown by most people (and probably by those people who have contributed money to his campaign). I don't know how he can make a comeback now. He can't change what he is and what he is, is a RINO. He claims to be a fiscal and social conservative. He is anything but either of the two. He is George W. Bush Part II in my opinion. We simply don't need another RINO in the White House. Barack Obama is a known evil. We know where he stands on the issues. But, another character flaw in Perry is that he is not absolutely concrete on where he stands on some issues. Sure, we know he is all for helping children of illegal aliens. He made that clear to us with his "heartless" comment. Again, that was a moment that helped to define the Perry campaign. It was an ill-advised comment that has continued to haunt him.
I'm not on the Herman Cain bandwagon. I'm certainly not on the Mitt Romeny bandwagon. I would vote for either of those two if they were the Republican nominee. However, if Rick Perry somehow makes a miraculous comeback to win the Republican nomination, I would have to look elsewhere to cast my vote. I find Perry to be all fluff and no substance. Furthermore, if he can't stand up to the attacks from Republicans in a debate, how well would he handle attacks from Democrats in Congress as President? I don't think we will have to find out. Perry is done.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Barney Frank and the Housing Crisis
Poor Wall Street. They can't catch a break. It's bad enough they have caught hell from the Obama Administration (The same Obama they gave millions in campaign donations to in 2008) for the financial crisis of 2008. They also must contend with whiny Leftists aka Occupy Wall St. who despise Capitalism and want a "piece of the action." They must now contend with sociopath Tim Geithner, alleged Treasury Secretary, who is promsing more punishment for Wall St. CEOs for their crimes in 2008. You see, in today's climate, if you make too much money ($100 million according to nitwit Rosanne Barr), then you are considered the anti-Christ. With that thought in mind, Geithner is promising more punitive actions against Wall Street. I can't say I am surprised. The Obama Administration had to throw a bone to the anarchists of OWS. Obama and his pals support the protests by these Leftists. Obama's only regret is that he can't actively go and join them. That's the community organizer in him.
What I do not understand is why are there no protests toward the real villain of the financial meltdown. The recession started with the Housing Crisis. Who was it that pushed for sub-prime loans to banks for people who were not financially able to really buy homes? Who was it that pushed these sub-prime loans on Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae? None other than Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts. Frank was at the helm in the House when he was warned about these loans by Republicans. He considered them racists and ignored them. So, when these people were unable to make the mortgage notes on all these thousands and thousands of home mortgages, the banks were stuck with the note. It led to nearly a nation-wide collapse of the banking industry. Yet, little is said of Barney Frank and his responsibility behind the Housing Crisis.
Liberals refuse to discuss this aspect of the financial meltdown. To do so would be to infuriate a voting bloc of people who were simply ill-prepared to pay for a home mortgage. Barney Frank pushed this to the limit. But, he refuses to take any personal responsibility for the financial meltdown in 2008. The Housing Crisis ignited the fire of the current recession and unemployment. Nothing is said about Barney Frank's involvement in this crisis due to his belief that people with poor credit should be extended the "right" to own a home. “We made a mistake,” said Frank, “when we equated providing decent housing for everyone with giving everyone the right to own a home.” This is the true mindset of the liberal. In their world, there are no checks and balances. Just do what is right, and damn the torpedoes! So, now, with massive unemployment and home foreclosures not seen since WWII, we as a nation are on the verge of default.
So, who does Barney Frank blame? President Ronald Reagan. That's right. A man who has been dead for over seven years and out of office since 1988. “Reagan’s central idea,” said Frank, “was ‘Government is not the answer to our problems—government is the problem.’ His philosophy is why we’re here today.” Isn't that just like a liberal? Pass the blame to everyone but themselves. Even to a dead man.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Perry's Do or Die Debate
It is do or die time for Rick Perry. The one time right-wing favorite and darling is barely holding on after two lackluster debates and his seemingly out of touch with reality position on illegal immigration. It did not help Rick Perry when he told a Republican audience they were "heartless" if they didn't agree with him on providing instate tuition to children of illegal aliens. Since that comment, he has gone from front-runner to a candidate who is taking a standing eight-count. Tuesday night's debate in New Hampshire is going to decide if Rick Perry remains in the campaign...or falls out gracefully. There is simply no room for margin of error in the debate Tuesday night for Rick Perry (author note: this post is being typed up just prior to Tuesday night's GOP debate). There can be no "heartless" comment in the GOP debate Tuesday night. Perry simply can't sit idly by and watch Romney and Cain tear him to shreds on illegal immigration and his economic polices as governor in Texas. To do so would be political suicide. The Romney and Cain campaigns smell blood in the water. I suspect both will try for an early knockout punch in this debate.
I'll make a prediction here (really going out on a limb here); I think Rick Perry will give another lackluster performance Tuesday night. Perry will forever be known as an inferior debater. It will be a moniker he will never be able to live down. If he blows up in the debate Tuesday night, I suspect it will forever kill any presidential aspirations by this Texas governor. Really, Perry has no one to blame but himself. He should not blame his campaign people, he should not even blame his campaign manager who many will criticize. Perry went downhill when he started making it known he is a big supporter of illegal aliens and their children. What Perry, and people like him, fail to recognize is that the American people have to foot the bill for these children of illegal aliens. Why should we do that? Don't we have enough problems trying to care for our own children? Perry took a calculated gamble that his support of instate tuition for these children of illegals would go over well. It did not work. As much as he has made a fool out of himself in the debates, his position on illegal immigration has been his downfall. To their credit, Herman Cain and Mitt Romney have taken advantage of this weakness. I think they will go after him again Tuesday night on this same issue of illegal immigration to the USA. Perry will stumble and fumble again on this issue.
Perry started out with such great promise. Many of his positions on spending and tax cuts are very popular with Republicans. He seems to have the charisma that many people seek in a presidential candidate. But, every presidential campaign will reveal a weakness if a candidate has one. Perry's weaknesses of being a poor debater and coddling of illegal aliens has proven this point. Now, Rick Perry could prove me wrong. He could turn it around to have a great debate performance. But, he can't make himself into something he isn't overnight. He poor performances in the debates aren't going to magically change Perry into Abraham Lincoln. He can't backtrack on illegal immigration. Perry would be doing the one thing that is a weakness for Romney right now; he would be characterized as a flip-flopper. Perry simply doesn't need that accusation at this point in the campaign.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Rebels Without A Clue - Occupy Wall Street
I've refrained from commenting on this latest cause célèbre of the Left. Occupy Wall Street is the latest "heroic" action that Leftists are taking up without a real goal or even a platform. Usually, we see those on the Left with a stated goal. In the 60s, it was to end the war in Southeast Asia. In the 70s and on into the early 80s, it was about stopping nuclear power. In the late 90s and to the present, it has been about the biggest scam ever undertaken by the Left; global warming aka climate change aka anything we want to call it. But, the new "cause" is breathtakingly asinine. Reporters ask many of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protesters just exactly what they are protesting about. At least half don't have any idea. The other half offer a myriad of reasons. From corporate greed (a never-ending straw man by the left) to banks foreclosing on delinquent mortgages (without even looking at the real reason...Barney Frank) to supporting Barack Obama's reelection bid. Yes, you read that correctly. There is that hidden agenda that is not spoken when talking about OWS. They seem to overlook (or are oblivous) the fact Wall Street donated heavily to the election of President Obama in 2008.
Next time you see the OWS protesters on TV, take a good look at them. They are using iPads, iPhones couttesy of the recently deceased and capitalist entrepreneur, Steve Jobs. They are wearing designer jeans, boots, jewelry all courtesy of grand-mommy and grand-daddy, most likely the 60s Leftists who wanted to drop out of society. Today, those 60s radicals are mostly venture capitalists. Like all Leftists, they speak from a position of emotion and not facts. For example, one of the "demands" of these out of touch with reality OWS protesters is "across the board debt forgiveness for all." Let that sink in for a moment. What do you think that would do to even a healthy economy? Then think what that would do to a poor economy? It would devastate the private sector. Leftists would counter that banks, car companies and Wall St. were given "debt forgiveness." To quote an old car rental commercial; not exactly. That money has to be paid back. But, never confuse Leftists with facts. They don't want to hear it. Another demand is "$20.00 minimum wage." The biggest employer of minimum wage earners are small businesses. Small businesses are already devastated by Obamacare and are unable to hire new workers due to not knowing how they can pay the health care insurance premiums of new employees. What would a triple increase in the minimum wage do to the small businessman? It would turn him from small businessman to a unemployed small businessman.
This is just another example of the loony tunes dumbasses that simply don't understand that in the real world you have to live within your means. If you decide not to do that, then you incur debt. And when you incur debt, you have to pay it back. These Occupy Wall Street kids and 60s gray-hairs will never understand a simple fact; there is no such thing as a free lunch. You have to work for what you get in this world. They want a Socialist world whereby everything is given to them by a strong, central, federal government. If any of them had paid any attention in college, any attention at all, they would know that Socialism has never worked anywhere in the world. Show me a Socialist nation and I will show you an economy in ruins. But, Leftists, as usual, never let facts get in the way of a good protest. Protesting is what Lefties do best. In fact, it is the only thing they know how to do.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Food Stamp Nation
I give President Obama credit for one thing; his term as president is breaking all kinds of economic records. One such example is the number of home foreclosures. It is a record that has stood since WWII. Congrats are in order to our esteemed President Hope and Change. But, I guess the one record that adequately illustrates the ineptness of this administration is the number of people on food stamps. An estimated 45.3 million people are on food stamps in just the third year of President Obama's administration.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
President Obama's Illegal Uncle
President Obama's illegal uncle, Onyango Obama, appeared in Framingham District Court to face charges of driving under the influence (DUI). He had been scheduled for deportation in 1992, but apparently never showed up in court. Gee, I wonder why. He also reportedly had a "valid" drivers license and social security number. Just how in the hell does an illegal alien obtain a valid drivers license and, even worse, a social security number?
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Chris Christie to Run in 2012?
News reports for the past week are that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie may run for President in 2012. He has gone back and forth on this issue since January of this year. At one time he actually stated he was not ready to be President of the United States. I tend to agree with him on that. Of course, a community organizer isn't really qualified to be President either. Maybe that is the reason we are in the mess we're in right now. Regardless, it would add another participant to the race for the Republican Nomination. If I am correct, that makes ten people running for the nomination. That is simply too many. At some point, the debates will have to cut off the second and third tier candidates like Rick Santorum who had a good night at the debate in Orlando last week. Of course, we still don't know if the favorite punching bag of the Left, Sarah Palin, will run or not. I honestly hope and pray neither candidate run.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Orlando GOP Debate

Thursday night Fox News held the latest GOP debate among Republican Presidential candidates. I had some lasting impressions that I came away with after watching this debate. The first and foremost impression I had was Rick Perry mortally wounding himself in defending illegal aliens in Texas. When Perry stated "You don't have a heart" if you don't want to help children of illegal aliens in this country, he was roundly booed by the crowd. That is a rather simple indictment on Rick Perry's immigration policy (or lack thereof). Perry also stated, "We need to be educating these children, because they will become a drag on our society." Here's a news flash for you, Governor Perry; Illegals are already a drag on our society. The notion they take jobs Americans won't do is no longer accepted. They take up slots in public schools which in turn creates classroom crowding. They do take social services such as Social Security and Medicare. If you don't believe it, let me know. I'll be glad to explain it in more detail.
Michelle Bachmann, I'm sorry to say, is probably finished. Her poor performance was only made worse when she tried to explain away her remarks on vaccinations. She seemed exasperated at times. Herman Cain made good points, especailly how Obamacare would have killed him when he stated, "Getting treatment on my timetable, not the government’s timetable, saved my life." Herman Cain is a good man and someone I would feel no hesitation to support if he could possibly win the nomination. Unfortunately, presidential nominating processes are all about personality and not substance. Witness the clueless wonder we have as president right now. His greatest appeal (and still is) is his personality. Rick Santorum did well, especially when he was nailing Perry on instate tuition for children of illegal aliens. He had a good night. But, again, he just doesn't have the personality that people are searching for in this era of political horse and pony shows. Ron Paul did well and I personally felt was the winner of the debate. The problem is that Paul doesn't get many questions in the debates. He seems a flake and a bit weird at times. But, overall, he has some good points, especially about supporting the Tenth Amendment. I was not aware previously he was a states rights supporter. Romney performed well at times. But, he spent most of the night on just two issues, social security and illegal immigration. I might just have to hold my nose and vote for him some day.
Overall, there was nothing earth shattering that came out of the debate. I do think Perry continued his recent downward trend. Did he hurt himself enough to lose the Florida primary? Last reports were that he held a nine-point lead over Romney. If Romney cuts that in half, after this debate, it spells serious problems for Governor Perry.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Obama Withdraw for 2012?
In what has to be one of the more incredible columns to date on President Obama, columnist Steve Chapman of the Chicago (yep, Obama's hometown) Tribune brought forth a simple point; Why Obama should withdraw (for 2012). Mr. Chapman brought forth some salient points in his Sunday column. Nothing he said was earth shattering. He talked about the high unemployment numbers, the economy about to go under for another recession, a jobs plan that has virtually no chance to make it through Congress. Mr. Chapman, like so many liberals today, brought up the House seat of former Congressman Henry Weiner going Republican (after being in Democratic hands for 88 years). That last point has brought cataclysmic upheaval in the Democratic Party. Even James Carville, quite possibly the most antagonistic Democrat in many years, is telling Obama it's time to "panic." You get the feeling things are spiraling out of control within the Democratic Party these days. A columnist in President Obama's hometown suggesting he should withdraw from the Democratic Nomination for President? Would you have believed that possible even three months ago? I certainly would not have ever considered it.
I think the above amply demonstrates just how chaotic things are right now in the Obama Campaign and the Democratic Party itself. The loss of that seat in New York has set off a chain of events that Democrats find totally unacceptable. The Democratic Party is facing the possibility of not only seeing additional gains by Republicans in the House, but they face the possibility of losing the Senate. The idea of losing the White House is a very real possibility. The latter is becoming more of a reality with each passing day. So, who is to blame for this sudden change of events? You could point the finger at a multitude of people from the Democratic Party Chairman to House and Senate Democrat leaders. But, the person who is receiving the blame is the guy at the top, President Obama. The President never accepts blame for anything bad that happens. The buck always stops elsewhere, not in the Obama Oval Office. This is part of the Obama problem. His nature is to not accept responsibility if something that goes wrong. His lapdogs are, of course, still blaming George W. Bush. The American people are tired of this. Even some Democrats are tired of Obama. No, make that a lot of Democrats are tired of Obama.
All this said, I simply don't see Obama withdrawing his name from the campaign for the Democratic nominee. To do so would be to place someone or something before himself. He will never do that. Obama has always placed himself first above what is best for his party, and/or his country.
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