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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Bob Beckel on The Five

I admit that Glenn Beck was getting on my nerves with his 5PM (Eastern) show.  I like Glenn Beck.  But, the constant gloom and doom was making me very weary of him.  Thing is, I could not find myself disagreeing with much he had to say.  But, I felt like I did when I was a child waiting on my father to give me a whipping when he got home.  Beck was having that same effect on me.  He's gone now and replaced by 5-7 regulars on  Fox News "The Five" show. The Five is a round-table format with four conservatives and one liberal.  I really feel that is unfair.  There should be at least two liberals.  I just like to see things evened out.  I enjoy the show for the most part.

Eric Bolling is probably the most conservative of the conservatives on the show.  He is insightful, and makes many good points on the show.  I just wish he would get over this great love he has for Rick Perry.  Bolling seems reasonable for the most part except for this one fault of gushing over Perry.  Kimberly Guilfoyle is a former prosecutor who was on Court TV every day.  I had no idea she had such great legs.  That aside, she is in her element when discussion is about the law.  I enjoy her commentary.  She is probably the friendliest of the people on that program.   Andrea Tantaros is another beauty whose intelligence and education is shown abundantly on the show.  She is probably the most conservative female on the show.  That brings me to Dana Perino.  I think she is at least the equal insofar as intelligence of anyone on the show.  What irks me about her is her CONSTANTLY reminding everyone that she was a "former White House spokesperson in the George W. Bush Administration."  I do not think a day goes by that she doesn't remind the audience of this fact.  Dana, we get it, you're kind of a big deal, ok?  Geez.  Like her former boss, she is a big government Republican.  Greg Gutfeld tries desperately to be the funny guy on the program.  He usually fails at this. He does make some good zingers when things get a bit too serious.  Otherwise, he just works on the "tortured metaphors" thing he enjoys so much.

The one who I think is a total abomination is Bob Beckel.  He is vulgar, obtuse, belligerent,  combative and a Socialist.  He would be ready to fight if you told him to his face he is a Socialist like his hero, President Obama.  Both men are obviously Socialists.  Beckel hates Capitalism and, sometimes, I get the impression he generally just hates Democracy...period.   He gets angry easily which is what liberals do when confronted with facts.  Eric Bolling is usually the target of Beckels ire.  Reason for that is easy to understand; Bolling brings facts to the debate and liberals just hate that.  It is rarely a day that goes by in which Beckel does not say a vulgarity on the air.  Why Fox keeps this guy on the program, I will never understand.  Juan Williams would do much better in the role of being the token liberal on the show.  He actually brings facts to support his position at times.  Imagine that coming from a liberal!  Back to Beckel....he tries to pretend his personal remarks to Eric Bolling are just a joke.  You can see this guy just seething below the surface when people start pointing out the fallacy of his left-wing viewpoint.  His antics get tiresome.  But, you know what?  Bob Beckel is just your typical liberal.  The majority are like him;  he argues from a position of emotion, not with facts and figures.  Bob Beckel thinks the Debt is not important because "...We print our own money."  I scarcely know how to respond to such stupidity.  Still, I believe Fox News could do better than this man.  His act is tiresome, but I suspect I will continue to tune in despite the childish act known as Bob Beckel.

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