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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Rebels Without A Clue - Occupy Wall Street

I've refrained from commenting on this latest cause célèbre of the Left.  Occupy Wall Street is the latest "heroic" action that Leftists are taking up without a real goal or even a platform.  Usually, we see those on the Left with a stated goal.  In the 60s, it was to end the war in Southeast Asia.  In the 70s and on into the early 80s, it was about stopping nuclear power.  In the late 90s and to the present, it has been about the biggest scam ever undertaken by the Left; global warming aka climate change aka anything we want to call it.  But, the new "cause" is breathtakingly asinine.  Reporters ask many of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protesters just exactly what they are protesting about.  At least half don't have any idea.  The other half offer a myriad of reasons.  From corporate greed (a never-ending straw man by the left) to banks foreclosing on delinquent mortgages (without even looking at the real reason...Barney Frank) to supporting Barack Obama's reelection bid.  Yes, you read that correctly.  There is that hidden agenda that is not spoken when talking about OWS.  They seem to overlook (or are oblivous) the fact Wall Street donated heavily to the election of President Obama in 2008. 

Next time you see the OWS protesters on TV, take a good look at them.  They are using iPads, iPhones couttesy of the recently deceased and capitalist entrepreneur, Steve Jobs. They are wearing designer jeans, boots, jewelry all courtesy of grand-mommy and grand-daddy, most likely the 60s Leftists who wanted to drop out of society.  Today, those 60s radicals are mostly venture capitalists.  Like all Leftists, they speak from a position of emotion and not facts.  For example, one of the "demands" of these out of touch with reality OWS protesters is "across the board debt forgiveness for all."  Let that sink in for a moment.  What do you think that would do to even a healthy economy?  Then think what that would do to a poor economy?  It would devastate the private sector. Leftists would counter that banks, car companies and Wall St. were given "debt forgiveness."  To quote an old car rental commercial;  not exactly.   That money has to be paid back.  But, never confuse Leftists with facts.  They don't want to hear it.  Another demand is "$20.00 minimum wage."  The biggest employer of minimum wage earners are small businesses.  Small businesses are already devastated by Obamacare and are unable to hire new workers due to not knowing how they can pay the health care insurance premiums of new employees.   What would a triple increase in the minimum wage do to the small businessman?  It would turn him from small businessman to a unemployed small businessman.

This is just another example of the loony tunes dumbasses that simply don't understand that in the real world you have to live within your means.  If you decide not to do that, then you incur debt.  And when you incur debt, you have to pay it back.  These Occupy Wall Street kids and 60s gray-hairs will never understand a simple fact; there is no such thing as a free lunch.  You have to work for what you get in this world.  They want a Socialist world whereby everything is given to them by a strong, central, federal government.  If any of them had paid any attention in college, any attention at all, they would know that Socialism has never worked anywhere in the world.  Show me a Socialist nation and I will show you an economy in ruins.  But, Leftists, as usual, never let facts get in the way of a good protest.  Protesting is what Lefties do best.  In fact, it is the only thing they know how to do.


  1. And now they are parading in front of the very rich homes at well. Misguided if you ask me.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  2. Sandee, it is all about envy. They will never be rich. So, they want to castigate those that are rich. They have some points I can agree with them on such as the bank bailouts. But, their methods so far (with violence simmering on the surface) is a turn off.


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