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Saturday, October 1, 2011

President Obama's Illegal Uncle

President Obama's illegal uncle, Onyango Obama, appeared in Framingham District Court to face charges of driving under the influence (DUI).  He had been scheduled for deportation in 1992, but apparently never showed up in court.  Gee, I wonder why.  He also reportedly had a "valid" drivers license and social security number.  Just how in the hell does an illegal alien obtain a valid drivers license and, even worse, a social security number?
  But, this is all beside the point.  Why is this man still in this country flaunting U.S. law?  Why is President Obama's illegal aunt still in this country?  Onyango found the entire court proceeding humorous.  According to news reports,  Uncle Obama was giggling over the DUI.  A DUI is a very serious offense.  There is no excuse for anyone to be driving while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.   I have no sympathy for anyone that does this.  That is especially true of an illegal alien.

Now, I am trying hard to understand why President Obama has an illegal uncle and aunt living in the United States of America.  I see no reasonable explanation coming forth from the mainstream media.  That isn't surprising.  The MSM will kill any story that looks threatening to the Messiah.  They quickly quashed the expose of the Journolist listserv,  who were working overtime to kill any stories on Jeremiah Wright, which is a good example of this.  Personally, I think the White House reporters are neglecting a news story here.  Why isn't President Obama asked how it is he has two illegal relatives in the U.S.?  Furthermore, how can he not know they are illegal?  Sure, he'll say he doesn't keep in touch with his relatives.  I suppose that is possible.  But, I tend to believe his relatives have gotten in touch with him at least once since November 2008.  I mean, if I had an nephew that was President of the United States, I would at least call to offer my congratulations.  I just find it curious President Obama has not weighed in about his illegal aunt or, currently, his illegal uncle.  Strange.

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