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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Obama Withdraw for 2012?

In what has to be one of the more incredible columns to date on President Obama, columnist Steve Chapman of the Chicago (yep, Obama's hometown) Tribune brought forth a simple point;  Why Obama should withdraw (for 2012).  Mr. Chapman brought forth some salient points in his Sunday column.  Nothing he said was earth shattering.  He talked about the high unemployment numbers, the economy about to go under for another recession, a jobs plan that has virtually no chance to make it through Congress.  Mr. Chapman, like so many liberals today, brought up the House seat of former Congressman Henry Weiner going Republican (after being in Democratic hands for 88 years).  That last point has brought cataclysmic upheaval in the Democratic Party.  Even James Carville, quite possibly the most antagonistic Democrat in many years, is telling Obama it's time to "panic."  You get the feeling things are spiraling out of control within the Democratic Party these days.  A columnist in President Obama's hometown suggesting he should withdraw from the Democratic Nomination for President?  Would you have believed that possible even three months ago?  I certainly would not have ever considered it.

I think the above amply demonstrates just how chaotic things are right now in the Obama Campaign and the Democratic Party itself.  The loss of that seat in New York has set off a chain of events that Democrats find totally unacceptable.  The Democratic Party is facing the possibility of not only seeing additional gains by Republicans in the House, but they face the possibility of losing the Senate.  The idea of losing the White House is a very real possibility.  The latter is becoming more of a reality with each passing day.  So, who is to blame for this sudden change of events?  You could point the finger at a multitude of people from the Democratic Party Chairman to House and Senate Democrat leaders.  But, the person who is receiving the blame is the guy at the top, President Obama.  The President never accepts blame for anything bad that happens.  The buck always stops elsewhere, not in the Obama Oval Office.  This is part of the Obama problem.  His nature is to not accept responsibility if something that goes wrong.  His lapdogs are, of course, still blaming George W. Bush.  The American people are tired of this.  Even some Democrats are tired of Obama.  No, make that a lot of Democrats are tired of Obama. 

All this said, I simply don't see Obama withdrawing his name from the campaign for the Democratic nominee.  To do so would be to place someone or something before himself. He will never do that.   Obama has always placed himself first above what is best for his party, and/or his country.

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