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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Food Stamp Nation


I give President Obama credit for one thing; his term as president is breaking all kinds of economic records.  One such example is the number of home foreclosures.  It is a record that has stood since WWII.  Congrats are in order to our esteemed President Hope and Change.  But, I guess the one record that adequately illustrates the ineptness of this administration is the number of people on food stamps.   An estimated 45.3 million people are on food stamps in just the third year of President Obama's administration.
  What a remarkable feat, Mr. President.  That means there are approximately 45 million Americans (well, we would hope they are ALL Americans. But, somehow, I doubt that) are living beneath the poverty level in this country.  That 45.3 million food stamp users is a rather stunning indictment on the economic policies of this President.  The unemployment numbers are staggering.  Between 13-15 million Americans are out of work.  At one time, Americans would do minimum wage jobs.  But, those are all taken by the saintly illegal aliens that President Obama caters to.  At least states like Alabama, Arizona and the state of Washington are trying to do something about that.

I'm not at all sure how President Obama can ignore this stunning development.  Nothing is said in the news media, of course.  They are all in line with the Socialist in Chief.  Unemployment, housing foreclosures and, now, high food stamp usage is going to seriously hurt President Obama's reelection chances in 2012.   You can talk about unemployment numbers all you want (and it is a serious problem for Obama).  But, the fact that so many destitute people in the USA are being forced to use food stamps is something I am sure that the Republican Party will use time and time again against President Obama.  I can assure you, if it were the reverse, the Democratic Party would be making hay about these numbers.  I tend to agree with Newt Gingrich (first time for everything).  It was Newt who first coined the phrase of President Obama being the most successful food stamp president in history.  I would take it a step further than Newt Gingrich.  The United States of America, once the most powerful and successful nation on earth, is now the "Food Stamp Nation."   Congrats again, Mr. President.  "Mission accomplished."


  1. Truthfully, I don't care about how many people are on food stamps - what I care about is that people who are jobless and do nothing to even attempt to either get a better education (increasing chances of employment) or get a job get to keep theirs - while full time college students are required to have a 20-hour per week job on top of trying to get their education.

  2. Anon, you should care about how many people are on food stamps. Guess who is supporting those people? The people who work for a living, that's who. It is true there are jobless people who do not attempt to get a job. Many have given up even trying. Who can blame them? Our politicians have made a mess of this economy. We pay the price for their mistakes.


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