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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Politicizing Sandy Hook

Like everyone else, I was simply devastated and greatly saddened by the insanity of one deranged individual who killed 20 children and 6 adults.  There is no way to explain how someone could kill another human being.  But, added to that, how can you kill the most innocent of human beings; 5 and 6 year old children?  How can you hurt kindergarteners?  They were so innocent and were just looking forward to recess. Instead, a scumbag came to school and snuffed out their little lives for no reason, no reason at all.  My heart goes out to the families of the victims.  Nothing can be said to sooth their grief.  There are no words in the English language to comfort someone who loses a child.  Jodi Picoult once said,
"In the English language there are orphans and widows. But, there is no word for the parents who loses a child." That's true.  There are simply no words to convey the loss and sadness of a parent losing a child.  What is almost as sad is that there are people in this country who will politicize a tragedy, such as occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, CT, to further their own agenda.  

The little bodies of the school children at Sandy Hook were probably still in the elementary school while Mayor Michael Bloomberg, of New York City, came out calling for "immediate action"  against the proliferation of guns in America (but, the good mayor declines "immediate action" against his armed guards).  Before the first funerals took place, Senator Dianne Feinstein said she will again introduce a bill to ban assault weapons in this country.  I very much want to say President Obama was not politicizing this unimaginable tragedy.  I'm trying to believe he is not.  But, based on his past rhetoric of similar tragedies, I tend to think he is pushing his agenda at the expense of the murders of 26 innocent people, including 20 innocent children.  To begin with, Obama's statement of  "We can’t tolerate this anymore" was a warning shot across the bow to gun advocate groups such as the NRA.  It was a cheap shot in order to blame gun advocates for the insanity of one deranged individual.  President Obama went on to say, "whatever power this office holds" in a quest to prevent future mass shootings."  He is going to try to twist Congressmen in both parties to come around to gun control and strict gun control this time.  Gun control or the absolute abolition of guns is the a Leftist wet dream that has been tried for decades.  They are absolutely jumping with joy at "never letting a good crisis go to waste."  They are disgusting.

What I ask the Leftists, how do you stop a crazy from getting guns?  You can outlaw guns tomorrow and the  Adam Lanzas, Dylan Klebolds, and Eric Harrises of the world will STILL find a way to get a gun.  You can melt down every gun tomorrow, and the above type individuals will STILL find a way to carry out their insanity by way of a bomb or some other weapon.  You can't unring a bell, ladies and gentlemen.  You can't go back to a time when there were no guns in the USA.  Oh, but they did that in Great Britain, you say?  Really?  You think the criminal element in Great Britain do not have guns?  If they don't, they have knives.   In China, a man stabbed 22 school children.  You say, but they didn't die.  That is truly the case.  But, they could have died.  This man had a weapon, if used correctly, could have killed at least half those school children in China.  One last point to the orgasmic Lefties who are politicizing this tragedy;  you say the 2nd Amendment was written during a time of militias and muskets.  You say the 2nd Amendment is outdated now.  Ok, using this same analogy, should we also appeal or amend the 1st Amendment since it was written with feather pens and parchment paper?  Of course not, that is ridiculous.  But, your argument to repeal or abrogate the 2nd Amendment is equally ridiculous. Basically, unarming citizens makes them sitting ducks for the crazies of the world such as Adam Lanza.  If one teacher, just ONE, had a gun last Friday, the carnage may not have been so bad.  One dead child is too many.  But twenty?  One gun could have stopped Lanza in his tracks.  Pity that Liberals are too stupid to understand that.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Boehner: Give the Democrats What They Want

As many are aware, the so-called "Fiscal Cliff" is coming at us quite fast.  President Obama wants to tax the "rich who make above $250K."  Some Republicans are coming around to this, but with a stipulation; cuts in spending across the board.  Republicans get only vague responses to this idea when the subject is broached to Democrats.  Say "cut spending" to Democrats is similar to saying "stop drinking" to an alcoholic.  It's an addiction in both cases.  So, right now, House Speaker John Boehner and President Obama are meeting privately to avoid the fiscal cliff in which the Bush Tax Cuts end and taxes increase across the board.  That would be disastrous for a still recovering economy.  President Obama wants a huge tax increase on the "rich."  What our beloved President fails to understand, the so-called "rich" in that $250K bracket that he wants a tax increase, consists of small businessmen.  Quick question to the Liberals;  who does most of the hiring in this nation, those evil corporations that you demonize or the small businessman (who you also despise)?  I think you know small businesses do most of the hiring.  It will devastate the small businessman.  Why can't you understand this?  Even if you increase taxes to 50% on the rich, how much will that go toward cutting the national debt?  There will be little change in the debt. 

My advice to John Boehner; give the Democrats what they want.  They want to increase tax rates, let them do it.  There will be a handful of Republicans who will vote with the Democrats in the House.  The rest of the Republicans should simply vote "present."  That is something President Obama is very familiar with as a state and U.S. Senator.  Let the Democrats own this.  They feel increasing taxes is the way to prosperity. It is an age old concept of the Progressive.  It has never worked in any country.  But, again, let the Democrats have what they want.  Let them also own the repercussions this will have on the economy and employment.  Sure, they will still blame the Republicans.  Democrats do not believe in accountability.  That's fine.  But, even the Obama Zombies who voted for Obama in November will start to realize they have been sold a bill of goods.  Even the Obama Zombies will see who pushed this exorbitant tax rate on them.  Then again, according to the Russian newspaper Pravda, the Obama Zombies are "illiterate."  So, maybe they won't understand who is responsible.  Sadly, I must admit that is a possibility also.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mr. Obama Goes To Hawaii

Ok, the title is a takeoff of the movie, "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington."  Just to let the Obama Zombies know that I am not disrespecting their "Lord and Savior" President Obama.  So, we learn El Presidente is going on a two week vacation right in the middle of heated discussions on the Fiscal Cliff.  That should be surprising.  Trust me, it is not surprising in the least.  This President (for lack of a better word) is noted to let the peasants suffer while he and Michelle jet-set off to Paris and, of course, Hawaii.  He took off the week leading up to the vote on Obamacare.  He was in Brazil when he sent in U.S. forces to protect Libyan opposiiton forces who were under siege by forces of Muammar el-Qaddafi.  That didn't surprise me either.  In fact, nothing this President does anymore will surprise me.  He issues executive orders when Congress doesn't bend to his will.  You'll see him issuing more and more executive orders as he is more of the thinking of that of a dictator.  Our President is off to fun and sun in Hawaii at taxpayer expense of a reported $4 million.  I've said it before and I will say it again; President Obama doesn't really care for the day to day drudgery of being President.  He fought so hard for reelection because her obviously enjoys the perks of being President.  He enjoys the number of people fawning over him.  He enjoys being in the spotlight.  It feeds his overinflated ego immensely.

What's strange about this multimillion dollar Hawaii vacation is how silent the "unbiased" mainstream news media is about it.  It's a two week Christmas vacation.  You would think the President would try to set an example by showing fiscal restraint as all Americans must do these days since we have a President who never met a taxpayer dollar he didn't want to spend.  But, little is being said, not only by a fawning news media, but by Republicans themselves.  Why the silence?  Why not ask this President the tough questions, such as what kind of example does this set for Americans who worry about losing their homes, their jobs, their retirement funds?  But, approximately 51% of the American people voted for this charlatan.  So, those of you who voted for this man's reelection, enjoy your lack of money in the bank.  Enjoy pounding the pavement looking for work.  Enjoy the high cost of living.  At least your hero can go on a Hawaii vacation during Christmas. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pravda: Obama is a Communist

You know that old saying?  If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, chances are it must be a duck.  That is what I tell people when I describe The Anointed One as a Socialist.  He surrounds himself with hardcore Socialists, he believes in the Communist Manifesto, he believes in redistribution of wealth.  So, chances are, President Obama is a Socialist.  The only thing I don't understand is why doesn't he just come out and admit it.  Well, the one newspaper that would know a Socialist/Communist is the Russian newspaper, Pravda.    In their newspaper of November 19, 2012, they state categorically, "Recently, Obama has been reelected for a 2nd term by an illiterate society and he is ready to continue his lies of less taxes while he raises them."  Ouch.  That must hurt the Obama Zombies to the bone.  In fact, many Republicans have said the same for several years.  Obama does raise taxes, such as Obamacare.  It is a tax.  He has raided Medicare of over $700 billion, the first U.S. President to do so.  Nothing is said by the Pravda of America, otherwise known as CBS, ABC, NBC, New York Times and on and on. 

Pravda goes on to state (and this one must really hurt the Progressives in both the Democratic and Republican Parties), "The communists won in America with Obama, but failed miserably in Russia with Zyuganov who only received 17% of the vote."  Double ouch.  Pravda also brings forth something myself and many Conservatives believe, "...liberalism is a psychosis."  It is indeed a mental disorder.  The idea of taking from those who "make" and give to those who "take" is an idea as old and dead as Vladimar Lenin     Socialism is a failed economic model that has laid waste to lives and countries throughout the centuries.  Again, no one knows this better than those who suffered at the hands of Socialist elitists, the  people in Russia.  Spreading wealth is an age old concept that sounds good on the surface.  But, it fails miserably when put into practice.  Socialism stifles ingenuity, entrepreneurship,  and the daily lives of people.  It is a failure.  But, the communists/socialists/liberals of America want to give it a try.  Obamacare will prove right away it is a grotesque failure.  Will that stop the Obama Zombies?  Nope.  Meanwhile, 23 million Americans don't have a job.  Inflation is rising.  The economy is in shambles.  But, the Communists in America have their foot in the door.  They will not stop until they open that door all the way.  Consequences be damned.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Infinite Debt Ceiling

Tim Geithner's statement of an "infinite debt ceiling" shouldn't surprise anyone.  After all, this is a Treasury Secretary who avoided paying his taxes, while insisting all other Americans, aka peasants, do their "patriotic duty" and pay their taxes.  It is very difficult to understand someone in Geithner's position to state something so dumbfounding and idiotic.  Did this man take one course in basic economics?  Or even spend one day in an economics class?  If you continue borrowing, at some point in time, you are unable pay back the loan(s).  I mean, most elementary school children could probably explain that to Mr. Geithner.  When you are unable to pay back loans, the only other course of action is bankruptcy.  Surely, our esteemed Secretary of the Treasury understands that.  Or does he?  If you do a background search on Tim Geithner, you will find most of his degrees are in  "international relations."  That's right. Mr. Geithner does have a degree in something called "international economics."  Obviously, he has studied the European economic model carefully.  He thinks what is happening in Greece, insofar as the now mandatory austerity measures, is nothing to worry about.  Rioting, people losing their jobs, and violence is collateral damage for an "infinite debt ceiling."

Now, I'm by no means an economics expert.  But, I do know how to balance my checkbook.  I do know how to maintain a budget.  Our federal government is under no such restraint, apparently.  Does Mr. Geithner understand that if we keep printing money, without paying it back, it eventually becomes worthless?  Does Mr. Geithner understand  that with worthless money being transacting across this nation and the world, inflation will skyrocket to levels we have never imagined before?  I'm amazed at the ineptitude of supposedly well-educated elitists in D.C.  Progressives have planned this for decades now.  They want to bankrupt this country in order to make everyone dependent upon an all-powerful federal government.  This is their dream coming true.  President Obama is on board also.  I know that incenses the Obama Zombies.  But, explain what else a callous comment as the "infinite debt ceiling" could possibly mean.  Sure, by himself, Tim Geithner can't get that dream of a limitless debt.  Obama wants to bankrupt this nation.  Allowing an infinite debt ceiling would get him to that goal. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Santa Claus Syndrome

Well, its been over a week since the Presidential election and I just now can speak about it.  It was a major disappointment to me, of course.  I thought the ideas of hard work, giving Americans tools to become successful, getting government off the backs of businesses would be a winning message for Mitt Romney.  Unfortunately, it was not.  President Obama did not win due to a winning message.  He won on negative attacks on Mitt Romney and deflection on his four-year record of high unemployment, out of control spending, massive debt and scandals such as Fast and Furious and, of course, Benghazi attack on our embassy.  None of that mattered to the Obama Zombies who only care about one thing; what can the government give to me.  It's a frightening prospect to consider that Americans no longer think they can survive on their own.  They now need the federal government to take care of them.  This is not the America of Jefferson, Adams and Washington.  No, this is now the America of Reid, Pelosi and Obama. 

Much has been made of the impact of the Hispanic vote in this election.  No doubt they did have an impact.  But, what lost the election for Romney is that the core that he thought would win for him, blue collar workers and evangelicals, stayed home for the most part.  That is inexplicable to me.  I know people did not trust Romney.  But, he is a helluva lot better than the empty suit we have in office now.  Hispanics and African-Americans swarmed the Democratic ticket due to the "goodies" that they have been promised by the Democratic Party.  Let the Democratic Party continue to prostitute itself to voting blocs. They do this with promises of "goodies." Eventually, this will come back to bite them on the ass.

Regardless of what the Democrats do, we have to stand up for the rule of law in regard to reckless illegal immigration. We sink or swim by standing by our principles. Do we compromise everything we stand for in order to accommodate a group? When does it end? What if Hispanics, after receiving amnesty, suddenly decide they should be exempt from paying taxes for X number of years? What if Blacks decide they want reparations? Where does it end? It would never end. This is why I say the Democrats are on a slippery slope. We don't need to join them. If we can't stand on the rule of law, what do we stand for? Not much. We're Democrats-lite. If the Republican Party wants to lose the conservative base, just continue the hysterics over Hispanics. While we do have a problem getting our message across to Hispanics. the Democrats are having a problem getting that across to the largest sector of the electorate; whites. They garnered less than 40% this time. Think what they will do to them in the mid-term election.

As Rush Limbaugh said, "In a nation of children, Santa Claus wins."  That is what we saw on November 6th.  The Democratic Party's voting blocs delivered for them because they will get gifts for being good boys and girls.   This is what is so disheartening to me.  Our electorate is now voting based on what the government will do for them.  The government will give Hispanics amnesty.  The government will continue to give Blacks food stamps and welfare, thereby continuing generational poverty.  This nation is on the verge of economic collapse and all we are concerned about is what can Uncle Sam do for us.  Santa Claus must be proud of all the good boys and girls with their hands out.  We are not the nation of which President John F. Kennedy spoke when he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."  We are the children on Christmas Day opening our gifts to see what Uncle Sam has for us.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Decision Time for Americans

November 6, 2012.  The Presidential Election which is probably the most important in American history.  The choices couldn't be more stark.  On one hand, you have the most radical Left-wing President in Barack Obama this nation has ever elected.  He has no interest in meeting in the middle on any issue.  It's his way or the highway.  He is partisan, he is stubborn and he is arrogant.  President Obama has an ego so big that his ego even has an ego (kudos to Greg Gutfield).  President Obama has never been able to accept criticism.  Unlike former President Bush, Obama absorbs criticism and feels he must automatically respond to it.  I have always gotten the impression President Obama has never understood the enormity of the Office of the President of the United States.  A case in point was his comment on his old friend being arrested and Obama commenting "The police acted stupidly."   Most Presidents grow into the job.  President Obama never has and, hopefully, will not get a chance to do that in the next four years.

Mitt Romney is not the perfect Republican Presidential candidate. He has vacillated on issues over the years from abortion to illegal immigration to health care.  But, Mitt Romney is infinitely better than President Obama.  Obama and his Democratic Progressive branch will continue to spend until this nation falls over the proverbial fiscal cliff (which is not far off now).  The out of control spending has to be stopped.  The only way to do that is to elect Mitt Romney as President.  My vote for Mitt Romney is not so much because I like him.  My vote is due to wanting Obama out of office as soon as possible.  President Obama came into office with tremendous problems facing him.  However, instead of making them better, President Obama has made them worse. The economy is in shambles. Unemployment is still completely unacceptable.  Our drop in AAA rating is a danger sign that doesn't get enough attention.  He has proven tentative on foreign policy with Benghazi being the latest disaster.  You can point to Osama bin Laden all you want.  But, the fact remains there are four dead Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador, in Libya. Obama is more concerned with his position in the world rather than in the USA. 

I hope those of you who read this post will join with me in voting for Mitt Romney.  We must shift away from a nation of dependents and back to a nation of independents.  Americans have always been known for their "can do" spirit to get things done.  The world is waiting for us to return to predominance, to lead once again.  President Obama is not the answer.  President Romney is the only choice.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Final Debate

We had the third and final debate between President Obama and former Governor Mitt Romney.  Of course, the majority of the MSM outlets declared Obama the winner before the debate was even over.  Regardless of whom you thought won, Romney came across more Presidential and relaxed.  Obama came across more as the challenger and not an incumbent President.  Both men made good points in Monday's final Presidential Debate.  I liked how Romney zinged Obama with his comment on the "Middle East "Apology Tour."   This was in reference to Obama's apologizing for the policies of the USA in past years.  Of course, Obama now denies he ever did this.  That's fine if he wants to do that. But, President Obama can not walk away from the Benghazi Attack that cost the lives of our Libyan Ambassador and three other Americans.  Much has been made of the differing stories of the Obama Administration over this being due to a video or a terrorist attack.  Much has been made of the denial of added security for the embassy.  Obama is "all over the map" (to use one of the President's quaint terms) in defending his administration's handling of this matter.  I do believe Romney did not press Obama hard enough on this issue.  Obama has yet to explain why his administration denied Ambassador Steven's request for additional security.  We have yet to see an adequate explanation.

This debate produced nothing new and President Obama's continued defense of his record on foreign policy ("I killed Osama bin Laden") is rather shallow when you take into account that four Americans are dead at a U.S. Embassy in Libya.  Also, dead are Brian Terry, a Border Patrol Agent, due to gun running in the "Fast and Furious" scandal.  Say what you will about Watergate, there were no deaths due to the coverup of that scandal.  This is still a very tight election.  This is the most important election in U.S. history.  Do we go back to being Americans under Romney, where Capitalism is the driving force of our economy?  Or do we continue toward Socialism under President Obama?  In either case, this election will be a nail-biter to the very end.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Second Debate: Obama's Waterloo?

[This post is being written on Monday, October 15, 2012]

How did it all go so wrong?  Obama was (supposedly) surging to as much as a nine point lead in national polls after the Democratic National Convention.  He was far a head in the battleground states such as Ohio.  Obama had a double digit lead in some polls.  In Florida, he was leading by as much as five points in various polls.  Republicans were screaming at Mitt Romney to change up his campaign, especially the campaign leaders.  Many were starting to question Romney's Vice-Presidential choice.  In short, President Obama appeared to have smooth sailing toward the Presidential Election.  But, then the first Presidential Debate took place.  It was an unmitigated disaster for Obama.  I have been around a long time.  The first Presidential Debate I can remember was the Nixon-Kennedy debate.  I was a child then and it was something special for us to see on TV back in those days.  I've seen a lot of debates.  But, none were as one-sided as two weeks ago between President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney.  As a result, it gave a historic poll shift to Romney.  Romney is leading President Obama anywhere from 2-4% nationally.  But, where the President is really hurting is in the battleground states such as Ohio, Florida, Virginia and North Carolina. There has been movement in virtually all demographics.

The Second Presidential Debate, to be held at Hofstra University, will be more of a town hall debate where audience members ask the presidential contenders questions.  The moderator, Candy Crowley, will supposedly moderate unbiased.  Neither campaign is happy with her.  But, the important thing for Obama is to come out with something resembling fire and enthusiasm.  His lackluster performance in the first debate was the reason his campaign is rattled to its core right now.  President Obama has to show the American people he has a plan to get the economy going and not slogans this time.  He has to give reasons why he should be reelected with such a still terrible unemployment rate and sluggish economy.  Mitt Romney has to keep the heat on Obama.  Breaking even in the debate with an incumbent president will not be enough.  That will be seen by the biased mainstream media as a win for their Lord and Savior, President Obama.  If Obama has another subpar performance, it could well be his final mistake of this campaign (and there have been plenty).  Another subpar performance by President Obama could, indeed, be his Waterloo moment of the campaign.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Biden vs Ryan

It's often said that Vice-Presidential debates are meaningless and with little influence on the Presidential election.  The same was said of Presidential debates.  That may have been true prior to last weeks' debate between President Obama and former Governor Mitt Romney.  Romney absolutely demolished Obama in the debate.  As a result, Romney saw a historic bounce of 12 points to take a (currently) 4 point lead in the polls.  Now, this may be short lived or it may be a harbinger of things to come.  Regardless of which it is, tomorrow's debate between Vice-President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan is extremely important to both camps, particularly for the Obama campaign.

 It appears Democrats have gotten their talking points down if you take the Sunday Press shows seriously.  The Obama Campaign is saying that Romney emphasized "theatrics" while Obama focused on issues of "substance."  That is the rants of someone who thought they had the election in the bag and now realize they are in for a tough fight.  So, the Democrats need VP Biden to come out swinging against Congressman Ryan.  The problem for Biden is his propensity of putting his foot in his mouth.  He's done it so many times until it is not news any longer.  The fear, for Democrats, is that Biden will get taken to the woodshed by Ryan.  That is the perception among the liberal press ironically enough.  That may or may not be the case.  I suspect Biden will be a bit tight, but focused during the debate.

Congressman Paul Ryan is the man Democrats love to hate.  He came up with plans for Medicare, budget overhaul that the spend and tax crowd aka liberals, detested and howled like banshees. I am sure Ryan's plans will be attacked by VP Biden vigorously.  But, unlike Joe Biden or even his boss, Ryan has presented plans to get this country out of debt.  Democrats have no plans to do anything about this crushing debt that is currently $16 trillion dollars.  The people who will be paying for this debt during their entire adult lifetimes have not even been born as yet.  We cannot sustain this debt without doing something about it and doing something soon.  I'm fairly certain Congressman Ryan will make that point abundantly clear.  VP Biden will no doubt say Ryan's plans are unworkable in the real world.  In the liberals world, he's probably right.  There are no checks and balances in the liberal world.  But, back in the real world with the adults in the room, we know something must be done about our debt if we are to continue to be a viable world power.  Who do I think will win the debate?  I think it will be closer than many experts think.  But, Congressman Ryan should win tomorrow's debate.  If Ryan does garner the perception he won, this will be added momentum for the Romney Campaign.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Presidential Tracking Polls: Who's Right?

The latest daily tracking polls have been all over the place since the Democratic National Convention.  The New York Times/CBS poll had President Obama leading in some key swing states.  In Ohio and Florida, Obama is leading Romney 53-43 and 53-44 in Ohio and Florida respectively.  Romney simply can't afford to lose Ohio and have any hope of winning the Presidency. Nationally, Obama leads Romney from anywhere from 10 to 2 percent, depending on what poll you tend to believe.  That is the rub.  Who do you believe?  Take for example the New York Times/CBS poll.  Does anyone really believe those two are unbiased in their polling when it comes to Republicans?   Republicans have reason to take with a large grain of salt anything that comes from the MSM.

The mainstream media is anything but unbiased, contrary to their protestations otherwise. I recognize the party that is losing always questions polling.  I accept that. However, there has never been a president in which the MSM has put so much of their time, effort and credibility (what's left of it anyway) into assuring President Obama is reelected.  There is real fear how impartial the moderators will be in the presidential debates.  This is nothing new for Republicans.  The reason they (we) are screaming now is that there is so much fear of an Obama reelection and what that means for this nation.  The Obama Zombies don't care what happens to this country as long as they continue to get their "free government handouts."  Beating an incumbent president is difficult enough without help from outside influences.

The only thing that gives me hope is Gallup and Rasmussen, particularly the latter of the two.  Rasmussen has come within .5% in the last two presidential elections in predicting the outcome.  Right now, Rasmussen has Obama leading Romney by 2% and Gallup has Obama by 4%.  In fact, every poll has Obama leading.  So, it's hard to argue all polls are corrupt.  It all boils down to the debates for Romney.  It didn't have to be this way.  Obama's Achilles heel has been the economy and unemployment above 8%.  So, what has Romney being doing?  Defending himself over silly attacks on Bain Capital and other attack ads from the Obama campaign.  It is a strategy that has worked for Obama.  Take the focus off the moribund economy and the 15-20 million unemployed and keep the focus on Romney.  It has worked.  The electorate has suddenly been struck blind of Obama's faults if we are to believe the polls.  I do believe the polls will tighten up as the election draws near, especially if things in the Middle East continue to spiral out of control, a purported coverup in the U.S. Ambassador's death in Libya, etc.  Barring that, I see another four years of unemployment above 8%, an economy doing a "Take Two" insofar as a recession and more out of control spending, courtesy of the man who will get to keep his job, President Obama. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Constitution Day 2012


Monday was a day that liberals/socialists/Democrats were not overly fond. Monday was Constitution Day.  You know, that old, outdated document that liberals only refer to when it suits their agenda.  Constitution Day is a day when we, as Americans, are supposed to honor the very foundation of this nation.  It instills "certain inalienable rights" to Americans.  "On September 17, 1787, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention met for the last time to sign the document they had created. We encourage all Americans to observe this important day in our nation's history by attending local events in your area. Celebrate Constitution Day through activities, learning, parades and demonstrations of our Love for the United State of America and the Blessings of Freedom Our Founding Fathers secured for us."  This was the official line from the Constitution Day web site. This document was hammered together with a lot of acrimony between the different delegates.  But, once they all came together, it was, perhaps, the most profound document ever created by a relatively few men.  Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison and many others did not exactly agree with everything in the U.S. Constitution.  But, they finally agreed to disagree for the greater good, the United States of America. The original copy of the document is preserved in the National Archives Building in Washington, D.C.

Today, we have a president who has shown his disdain for this document written by "white men" and "slave owners" over two centuries ago.  Regardless of what you think of those men who had influence in the writing of the U.S. Constitution, you can not disagree with the magnificence that is in this document.  President Obama has shown he will ignore the Constitution by bypassing Congress on the issue of granting amnesty to illegal immigrant children.  Congress is ordained by the Constitution to make immigration laws.  This president will ignore Congress when they do not bow to his agenda.  President Obama is a disgrace to the office and to the U.S. Constitution.   There has been talk among Democrats (and some "Progressive Republicans") of rewriting the Constitution.  They seemingly want to "update" a document that has served Americans so well.  What our politicians fail to recognize is this document is intended to protect us as U.S. citizens from the government, and not vise versa.  Politicians want a new constitution to give them even more power than they have now.  The sad thing about it, in Obama's America, clearly half the nation is willing to cede that kind of power to the all powerful federal government. With that thought in mind, I leave you this quote from Thomas Jefferson, "The sheep are happier of themselves, than under the care of wolves."

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Joe Biden and Biker Girl


I'm going to say something that might seem controversial to some.  To others, it may seem that I am saying nothing unusual.  Joe Biden is a strange man.  I mean, how else do you explain his behavior?  Remember his using the "F" word when congratulating President Obama on passage of Obamacare?  Talk about embarrassing.   During the 2008 Democratic campaign for President he stated "You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.... I'm not joking."  That effectively ended any chance of his becoming President of the United States.  Just recently, Crazy Joe said that Mitt Romney's banking policies would “put y’all back in chains” in front of a mostly African-American crowd.  Of course, if you thought Joe Biden couldn't top that one, you would be wrong. Joe Biden, in an Ohio diner, snuggled up to some biker chick.  If she wasn't giving him a lap dance, she was at least giving the out of control VP a woody.  According to reports, the biker girl had nowhere to sit.  So, Gentleman Joe pulled a chair next to him and pulled her nearly into his lap.  From looks at the pic I saw, she appeared to be sitting in his lap.  He was definitely nuzzling up to her.  The two biker guys did not appear amused.  At all.  Probably any other guy that would have done that would have wound up in the hospital. 

It is disgusting behavior by the Vice-President of the United States.  I can see Joe Biden wanting to come off as an ordinary guy.  That was the purpose of the visit in the Ohio diner with the biker girl.  But, this is unusual behavior even if he were just an ordinary John Q. Public guy eating lunch.  I am not a psychologist by any means.  But, our VP appears to have mental issues.  I don't know what one would classify Joe Biden's aberrant behavior.  It is worrisome for a man a heartbeat away from the Oval Office.  It's disturbing.  

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Clint Eastwood Speech

A lot has been said of the Clint Eastwood speech last week at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida.  A lot was said about his "conversation" with an empty chair with an imaginary President Obama sitting in it.  Personally, I thought it was funny.  Sure, Clint rambled on at times and seemingly failed at making whatever point he was trying to make.  But, he did hit on some red meat one-liners that conservatives love.  One I liked was the idea that Eric Holder (with the approval of his boss, of course) was going to hold civilian trials in New York City.  "OK, I thought maybe it was just because somebody had the stupid idea of trying terrorists in downtown New York City."  Obama eventually decided to cancel that idea due to public pressure.  Probably the line that got the most applause was one that Democrats just shudder at the thought.  "Something that I think is very important. It is that, you, we -- we own this country...We -- we own it. It is not you owning it, and not politicians owning it. Politicians are employees of ours."  That statement right there is what sets Republicans apart from Democrats.  Democrats have this lifelong idea that, we the people, are sort of servants to the all-powerful federal government.  They believe rights are bestowed upon us from the federal government and not that "out-dated U.S. Constitution."  Politicians are supposed to work for us. Democrats deplore this idea. This is but one reason why I can never be a Democrat. 

Basically, Clint Eastwood's conversation with an empty chair is so strangely ironic because there is an empty suit filling the Presidency right now.  Obama is absent in working to establish policy that is beneficial to Americans.  What did he work on so furiously in spite of record unemployment his first two years?  He worked on his pet project, Obamacare, in an effort to put himself in a separate chapter in history books.  Clint Eastwood recognizes this and spoke what many in the Republican Party are afraid to say.  Eastwood made mention that maybe it was time for a businessman to occupy the Oval Office now.  Not a career politician who has never had a private sector job (which is not doing fine, Mr. President) or even a sainted lawyer who frequently don't have a clue.  Mr. Eastwood is not your usual Hollywood type who is a liberal, left-wing nutjob who lives in a surreal world.  Of course, as Clint Eastwood pointed out, there are many conservatives in Hollywood who are fearful to "come out of the closet" so to speak.  It would destroy their career.  Only actors like Clint Eastwood or Jon Voight can come out with their political preferences because of their long careers and age.  It would take a very brave person to come out at the start of their career and state he or she is a conservative.  In fact, it would be career suicide. 

I'm glad "Dirty Harry" gave his speech.  I found it the highlight of a rather boring convention (as all conventions are, regardless of political affiliation).  The Democratic National Convention is no less boring this week.  I'm sure the Democrats will make mention of Clint Eastwood in as derogatory language as only they can.  He poked fun at humorless Democrats.  He made people laugh, smile and momentarily forget the problems this nation faces for a few minutes.  He hit on some red meat issues that conservatives love such as the many broken promises Obama has made during his tenure in office.  I guess the thing that most people enjoyed about the speech is an old, aged hero, many grew up loving as children and on into adulthood, spoke with the same raw language he did in films. It was great to see a powerful Hollywood type agree with us for a change.  It is refreshing to know that everyone living in that elitist society is not totally insane.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mitt Romney's Republican Convention


The shortened Republican Convention in Tampa, Florida will be a big test for Republican Presidential nominee, Mitt Romney.  Most polls show a dead heat between he and President Obama.  Mitt Romney will have a prime time audience to plead his case.  The accusations against him, from the banshees in the Democratic Party, are about Bain Capital, stupid remarks of Missour's Todd Akin, Romney's birther comment and the accusation that Mitt Romney is a "murderer."  If that sounds like desperation, it's only because they are desperate.  Obama and his cronies have never had to fight in a campagin before.  Starting with his state senate seat to U.S. Senator to President of the United States, Obama has never had to fight this hard in a campaign.  And it is showing as the Obama Campaign is starting to become unraveled with these outlandish remarks.  Regardless, if Romney will focus on the economy, unemployment and present his plans, he can get a huge bump in the polls.  All Obama can counter with is the typical "tax the rich" mantra.  Americans are tired of the constant attacks by Obama.  He has yet to present a reason why he should be reelected.  Oh, sure, he'll say "We can't go back to those Republican policies that got us where we are today" BS.  The only thing about that is Obama, while promising to make things better, has made things worse.

So, Mitt Romney needs to stay positive in his acceptance speech at the Republican Convention.  He needs to take a "morning in America" approach that President Reagan did when he was campaigning against an Obama clone named Jimmy Carter.  Romney needs to lay out his plan in general terms to get this country back to work.  He doesn't have to go into specifics that would cause the audience to tune out.  Mitt Romney needs to reassure the American people that the failed policies of President Obama can be overcome.  He needs to tell them the failed ideology of Socialism will not work in a traditional Capitalist country.  Probably the biggest thing for Mitt Romney is that he needs to be affable, laid back in his speech.  That would help in dispelling his stiff, aloof persona.  This will be the biggest speech in Romney's career.  Governor Romney, most of all, must help assure a troubled and skeptical audience there can be a better future.  Mitt Romney must convince Americans it is ok to let go of "amateur hour" in the Oval Office now.  It's time to put the adults back in the room to stop the wasteful Democratic spending that is about to destroy this country.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Democrats Nominate 92-Year-Old Woman

It isn't every day that a 92 year old gets to be placed in nomination for any type of political office.  But, that is exactly what happened in Watertown, South Dakota.  It appears that the Democratic Party didn't have anyone available to run for the District 5 House Primaries.  So, Democrats nominated 92-year-old Dorothy Kellogg.   Mrs. Kellogg said she really didn't plan on running for office, although she did serve in the state house in the 80s and 90s.  It may also be the first time a candidate's residence was listed in an assisted living location.  Dorothy does not know if she will serve even if elected.  "You know, when you're 92 you don't battle it. It's just the way it is. And I would love to go back. It's a place of good memories, few bad ones," Kellogg said.  She has received positive input from the public.  But, again, Mrs. Kellogg is undecided on what to do.

Yeah, this is a change of pace from my usual political rants.  But, I couldn't pass up a "feel good" story like this with Dorothy Kellogg.  Even though she is in an assisted living facility, she is still willing to lend her considerable expertise for the public good.  In today's blistering partisanship and rancor between Republicans and Democrats, it's great to know there is still a nice lady who feels it is her civic duty to serve even at the young age of 92. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Obama's Politics of Fear

I guess I could have just as easily made the title "Fear of Politics" which would include both political parties, both political ideologies.  But, it seems the Left has a patent on fear-mongering.  For example, no sooner had Mitt Romney named Paul Ryan as his Republican Vice-Presidential candidate then the Obama Zombie attacks come out in full bloom.  Of course, if you listen to the Democrats, Paul Ryan is going to push granny right off the cliff into oblivion.  Then there were attacks that stated Paul Ryan would cut funding from Medicare!  First, just to show how preposterous this is, Paul Ryan is not at the top of the ticket.  Mitt Romney is the Republican Presidential candidate, not Paul Ryan.  Mitt Romney has not bought completely into Ryan's budget cuts.  Secondly, let's name the ONLY president to cut funding from Medicare.  Take your time.  Give up?  None other than the saintly and blessed PRESIDENT OBAMA and his Socialist lackeys cut over $700 billion from Medicare to help fund Obamacare (which, by last count, is going to cost over twice that amount).  Let me state that once again.  PRESIDENT OBAMA AND HIS SOCIALIST LACKEYS CUT OVER $700 BILLION FROM MEDICARE TO HELP FUND OBAMACARE.   You will never see that in the press who are 100% behind the Leftist politics of the Democratic Party.

Goofy Joe Biden, alleged Vice-President of the United States, stated yesterday that "They're (Republicans) are going to put y'all back in chains" in referencing Mitt Romney's comments to unchain Wall St. from the clutches of the Democratic Leftists.  This is the kind of rhetoric that the Romney campaign is going to face in the months leading to the Presidential Election.  God forbid that the focus turns to the "private sector economy that is doing fine" or "unemployment that is now in it's record 41st month above 8%".   No, the Democrats know they can't win on the two big issues that concern Americans most.  Instead, they have to focus on the negative tactics of politics.  The mudslinging and personal attacks (such as calling Romney a "murderer") are only going to get worse.

This is the first election Obama has ever been involved in which he has had to actually work to try and win.  They are going to increase the politics of fear with the polls showing that Paul Ryan is actually helping Romney, not hurting him.  The Obama campaign is like a cornered fox, striking and hissing out in every direction.  They will sling mud in the hopes that something will stick.  This is the only campaign strategy the Obama Zombies have right now.  However, after Labor Day, when the campaign really kicks in, the Democrats will have no choice but to respond to the attacks that are surely coming their way on the economy from Republicans.  It will be interesting to see the Democratic response at that time.  No doubt, the response will be more of the same of political fear-mongering because, once again, that is all the Democrats have in their arsenal.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Harry Reid - Out of Control

I've made several posts about the Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, on The Right Commentary.  I've written about his insanities, his blunt, uncouth statements and his flat out lies.  He never ceases to amaze me.  If Clint Eastwood was Dirty Harry, Senator Reid is "Sleazy Harry."  Sleazy Harry stated, "The word's out that he hasn't paid any taxes for 10 years," Reid said of Romney on the Senate floor Thursday. "Let him prove that he has paid taxes, because he hasn't."  Of course, Reid could not or would not reveal his sources on this statement.  He wouldn't because that would reveal he is a damn liar, which is what everyone in D.C. knows.  Of course, Sleazy Harry's equally dumb sister, Nancy Pelosi, backed up Reid's assertions, again, without an iota of proof.  Senator Reid sullied the position he supposedly stands for by making such a blatant lie while giving a speech on the floor of the Senate.  It was a disgraceful action.  Equally disgraceful are the Democrats who are not condemning Reid for making another provocative statement without any proof.  It is disgusting.  But, this is the day of the Obama Democrats.  The ends justifies the means.  Nothing is out of bounds in meeting their goals of their Socialist agenda.

This statement by Reid is for a specific reason; to keep Romney on the defensive and focus off the moribund economy.  Democrats would love to get their hands on Romney's tax returns to use against him in the campaign.  Romney isn't that much of a fool, I hope.  But, what bothers me most is that Romney is falling right into their trap.  The best thing to do is let his subordinates come out swinging.  President Obama and his Socialist cabal will leave no stone unturned in their attempt to continue the USA on it's current leftward trend.  Lies and damn lies are the order of the day in the Democratic Party.  But, you know what is really bad news for the Democrats?  The American people don't give a damn about Romney's tax returns.  The American people are focused on a pathetic "recovering economy" and unemployment above 8% for a record 41 months in a row.  Reid, Pelosi and Obama can continue their crusade for Romney's tax returns until the cows come home.  That's all they have to fight with today.  Obama can't go on his record.  So, making up lies, as Sleazy Harry did, is the only thing they have left to fight with against the Republicans. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fed Released Illegals Commit 19 Murders

Between 2008 and 2011, the Obama Administration refused to deport some 47,000 illegal aliens it thought posed no threat to American citizens.  This was done under the Administation's "Secure Communities program."   The House Judiciary Committee reported of these 47,000 illegals, there was a recidivism rate of 16 percent.  In all there were nearly 160K immigrants (purportedly most were legal, but I question that) that were flagged by the Secure Communities.  Of that number, immigrants went on to commit 60,000 crimes.  For reasons that have not been explained, the Obama Administration refused to deport 159,286 illegal aliens.  But, the atrocious numbers are those who could have been released, went on to commit 19 murders of Americans, 3 attempted murders and, of course, 142 sex crimes against American citizens. Chairman Lamar Smith said. “But President Obama continues to further his anti-enforcement agenda while innocent Americans suffer the consequences. His unwillingness to enforce immigration laws puts our communities at risk and costs American lives.”   This is totally unacceptable.

The blood of these American citizens are on the hands of President Obama and Big Sis herself, Janet Napolitano, Director of Homeland Security.  We have immigration laws on the books that President Obama has refused to enforce.  He granted a Dream Act amnesty to millions of illegals children without so much as a cursory check to see if crimes have been committed by these "children."  Some of these so-called children are up to 30 years old now.   President Obama, by granting these amnesties to illegals, is pandering to the hispanic community.  Hispanics are another bloc vote of the Democratic Party.  Obama needs the hispanic vote this November if he has any hope of winning reelection.  So, at the expense of American lives, he is granting amnesty to anyone as long as they are of the hispanic heritage.  While that may not be exactly true, it is true that the overwhelming numbers of illegal aliens are hispanic, mainly Mexicans.

At what point do the bloc voters of the Democratic Party see that they are being used?  Democrats do not care about blacks, hispanics or gays.  They see them as an ends to justify the means.  The means, in the Democratic Party case, is to further their Socialist agenda.  Nothing else really matters.  If it is means fooling millions of people into voting for them, so be it.  Someday, I hope these Democratic Party voting blocs wake up to see they are simply being used.  But, somehow, I don't think I will ever live to see that day come.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

You Didn't Build That!

It appears President Obama's remark is continuing to haunt him.  “If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help … Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive,” Mr. Obama said at the time. “Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”  If you just take the statement literally, it appears that Obama simply doesn't understand the Capitalist system that has served this nation so well over the centuries.  He does have a Socialist mindset in that it is the federal government that creates jobs and, thusly, creates wealth.  It is the entrepreneurial spirit of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs and  Bill Gates that have led to so much this nation and the world can utilize to further their ambitions.  Indirectly, President Obama is saying these men are not responsible for their contributions to the world.  The GOVERNMENT is responsible.   Obama has tried backing off this statement.  But, Romney and the Republicans are having none of it.  Obama's Bain Capital attacks have proven fruitless.  Romney continues to gain traction as he has now moved into a tie with Obama in the key battleground state of Virginia. 

Some people are saying the President is correct.  Government loans helped men like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs to their ultimate goal.  Even that is incorrect.  The government has no wealth.  It was taxpayer money that provided that loan.  Taxpayers like Bill Gates are continuing to help people.  But, it was not the federal government as the President likes to insinuate.  This time, his Socialist philosophy has gotten him in hot water with the above statement.  President Obama believes in "spread the wealth," just as he stated to Joe the Plumber during the 2008 campaign.  In other words, spread the wealth to those who are too lazy or lacking in ability to be wealthy.  I believe in giving people the tools to help themselves.  But, to continuing a welfare state, as Obama has done with food stamps, unemployment benefit extensions and other "free" social services is not the way to get this nation back on good, solid economic footing.  It is not fair to the 51% to continue to help the majority of the 49% who get some form of government social service.  To paraphrase President Obama, "At some point, you've received enough government assistance."

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Angry White Men

Crazy Harry Reid.  Just when you think he has said his most stupid remark that cannot be equaled, he proves us wrong...again.  Monday, in a speech before the Senate, the Nevada Senator stated that, "...17 angry white men is attempting to buy the presidential election for Mitt Romney."  Hypocrisy knows no bounds for Democrats such as Harry Reid.  How many angry white men bought the election for Barack Obama in 2008?  There were many "white men" on the, now, villainous Wall St. who supported then Senator Obama.   Of course, this is just another shot across the bow in the never ending class warfare battles Democrats like to invoke from time to time.  Just as the fictitious "war on women," this is another straw man trotted out for consumption.  Harry Reid has never been one to shy away from provocative statements. You would think this wouldn't be news any longer given Reid's history of making dumbass statements.  Imagine the outcry if a Republican senator had stated that "17 angry black men" are trying to win the election for President Obama.   The New York Times, Boston Globe and Washington Post, along with all the liberal electronic media, would be falling all over themselves with angry and fury.  Such is the double standard that conservatives must endure.

The Democrats can't match the Republicans in campaign fundraising.  So, what to do?  Go to the old Democratic strategy of demonizing the opponent.  Things are so bad for Democrats, they have opted to force Republicans to reveal names of their donors in an attempt to intimidate them.  The Campaign Donor Disclosure bill was one such attempt.  The attempt to pass the bill failed.  This was a Democratic response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision in 2010 that removed limits on independent spending by corporations and labor unions. The race between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney is tight.  It is much tighter than Democrats had anticipated.  So, like pouting children, they are striking out in ridiculous fashion.  Harry Reid's racist ramblings is just the latest attempt. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Democrats Strapped For Cash

This has to be somewhat ironic.  The President and the Democratic Party itself is saying we are no longer in a recession.  In fact, both say the recovery started last summer.  Meanwhile, unemployment is steady above 8%, the housing market is stagnant (at best) and consumer spending is down.  That doesn't give one the warm fuzzies that the recession is over.  The ironic part here is that due to his own mishandling of the economy, President Obama is pleading for money from Democratic donors who, quite possibly, simply don't have it to spare. But, you say, "But, look at the Republicans.  Mitt Romney collected a reported $106 million in June.  Just one month."  The President collected about $75 million in June.  That is a disparity of about $30 million between the Republicans and Democrats.  I don't deny, Republicans are more probably more "well-heeled" than Democrats.  But, the underlying tone here (and one Democrats don't like to discuss) is that Republicans are highly motivated this time.  There is one main focus of the party;  defeat President Obama.  It appears the Republicans are pushing really hard to repeal Obamacare.  There is only one way to do this and that is to get rid of the current occupant of the White House.

At this point, even Democrats are saying the White House and, yes, quite possibly the Senate will be out of reach by Labor Day.   This is their viewpoint if donations don't pick up and pick up quickly.  Personally, I find this to be Democratic hyperbole more than anything else.  It is appearing more and more Obama and the Democratic Party are going to be unable to match the Republicans dollar for dollar.  Of course, they are whining about it loudly.  Funny thing though, I don't recall the Democrats crying about it back in 2008 when Obama and the Democratic Party were taking millions and millions of dollars in donations.  The Democrats remind me of a spoiled child.  It doesn't matter if the child already had their ice cream.  That same child wants more than all the others "just because!"  They obviously don't live in the real world.  The Democrats have proven that with their out of control spending.  Now, they complain they don't have enough money to spend to get reelected to spend more of money that does not belong to them.  I suspect reality will set in this November.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day - 2012

A short installation of The Right Commentary today.  I am still suffering with a health issue.  So, that is my reason for not posting my normal Wednesday and Saturday schedule.

Many people, far too many people, just refer to this day as the 4th of July or July 4th.  They do so not really understanding the meaning behind it.  Most people think of this day as one that they have the day off.  Some think of it as just a day at the beach or grilling out in the backyard.  But, the people who wrote the U.S. Declaration of Independence (the same people Bob Beckel referred to as "just dust now."), thought of it as freeing themselves from the shackles of tyranny from a King who considered them as nothing more than indentured servants. These men wanted freedom, they resented taxation without representation.   So, they pledged their lives, their wealth and the welfare of their families in order to gain freedom.  Today, we are witnessing those freedoms in danger of being trampled upon by a President who thinks he is a King.  This President rules by decree just as the King of England did so many years ago.  With the advent of Obamacare, Americans are now forced to pay the largest tax increase in history of this nation.  Sadly, the majority of liberals do not care.  They are too dimwitted to see the larger picture here.  Once government starts taking freedom away, they do not stop.  President Obama and the liberals in Congress will not stop either. 

I'm curious what our forefathers would think of this country today.  Would they be shocked that we stand idly by as a man who would be King actively tries to destroy the very fabric of this country?  A man who gives only lip service to the U.S.Constitution whenever it fits his agenda?  Enjoy this Independence Day.  Pretty soon, it will be Independence Day in name only. 

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. - George Washington

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Justice Roberts Caves in to Obama

It's not really news now. But, as it stands at this moment, Obamacare is officially considered constitutional by the SCOTUS. There was simply no way I could see the individual mandate standing as constitutional. All the arguments the Leftists have made were made moot when the SCOTUS declared that the mandate did not apply to the Commerce Clause of which Obamacare hinged on for the past three years. Instead, the SCOTUS declared that the mandate of Obamacare was a tax levied upon the citizens of this nation. That was declared constitutional, apparently. It appears the federal government can levy any type of tax they wish with this ruling. Of course the Obama Zombies are quickly saying this is not a tax, but a fine. Sure, but that flies directly into the face of the SCOTUS ruling on the Commerce Clause. The Leftists want it both ways. They want to say the fine is constitutional although that wasn't the ruling handed down by the SCOTUS.

It's really a sad day for freedom in this nation. The Leftists are rejoicing in this government overreach of its power. You have to look over their mindless babbling on anything. The more Socialism they can get, the better they like it. None of this would have took place without President Obama (and Leftists in general) bullying Justice John Roberts on this issue as well as the corporate campaign issue in his state of the nation address a couple of years back. There is great disgust among conservatives with Chief Justice Roberts. It appears Chief Justice Roberts changed his mind at the last moment according to some reports. Regardless, the fight over Obamacare will continue. States are saying they will not implement Obamacare. Lawsuits will continue to be filed. Of course, the final say will come to the voters in November of this year.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Obama vs Putin

It appears that Russian president Putin and King Obama are not seeing eye to eye on the Syrian situation.  CBS news reported that both men would barely look at each other after their private talks.  They both later met with the Press Corp.  Judging from the way they sat facing away from each other, it was not a couple of happy campers.  Obama is wanting Russian cooperation with Syria.  Russia is helping Syria with warships, tanks and "military advisers."  It was also reported that the Russian President gave Obama a "lecture" about other situations around the world with which he and Obama are in deep disagreement.  It wasn't that long ago that Obama conveyed to a Putin subordinate that he would appreciate if the Russian President would wait until after the election when he (Obama) would have more "flexibility" to deal with matters of mutual concern.  Apparently, President Putin decided he would throw his weight around the amateurish U.S. President.

The thing that caught my eye was President Putin "lecturing" a U.S. President.  I can't remember the last time that happened.  Yes, I'm sure it has.  But, taking into consideration this is the President who makes unprecedented "bows" to foreign leaders, nothing should surprise me about this U.S. President.  Obama is viewed as a weak President.  Well, except by the legion of doom aka as Obama Zombies.  Obama is weak about everything except helping illegal aliens, forcing legislation down the throats of Americans and spending trillions of dollars we don't have.  I hate the idea of having Obama facing down the likes of Putin.  There is no doubt in my mind Obama will cave in to Putin when push comes to shove.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

First Anti-American President

What more can you say about President Barack Obama?  He shows no inclination to work the legislative process, bypassing Congress on numerous occasions.  He has little regard for the U.S. Constitution.  He proved that yesterday by approving a DREAM Act that goes further than anything Congress had ever planned.  Obama said that he will stop deporting illegals children who came to this country with their illegal parents.  That is basically all you need to know, along with the fact this means immediate amnesty for a million illegals which will transcend itself into about 3 million with aunts, uncles, sister, brother, etc.  These "children," who are eligible up to age 30, can also work here legally.  This puts even more pressure on the 13-15 million unemployed Americans who cannot find work anywhere.

This proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, President Obama has no regard for the plight of this country.  Instead, the only job President Obama is focused on is saving his own job.  What President Obama has done today is reward illegal behavior by adults who knew they were breaking the law by entering this country illegally.  If nothing else, they should be immediately arrested.  What this will do is further antagonize Americans who are tired of the sucking sound coming from social services such as social security, food stamps and unemployment.  This amnesty is nothing more than an election year ploy for votes from Hispanics (who are being pandered to, but apparently don't care).

President Obama (as the title indicates) is truly the first anti-American President in the 236 years of this nation.  He has shown his contempt for anything American (American exceptionalism is quaint).  I suspect Republicans will whine and cry about this latest atrocity by Obama.  But, they will do nothing to try and stop him.  This is just the beginning for Obama.  He wants to unilaterally give amnesty to the 15-20 million illegal aliens in this country.  Obama knows what he is doing is unconstitutional.  He stated not long ago he needs help from Congress to pass the Dream Act Amnesty.  But, Obama is concerned with only one thing now; getting reelected so he can finish the job of destroying this country.  He thinks this will endear him to Hispanics.  He is probably right.  But, this only embitters people more with illegals who are destroying this country.  Obama's action Friday just finished the job that illegals have started.  Congratulations to our beloved President.  RIP USA   Born July 4, 1776  -  Died June 15, 2012.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Jeb Bush RINO

We have not heard much from the irrelevant Jeb Bush lately.  Whenever he feels he is not part of the conversation nationally, he has to stir the masses.  This is especially true toward those on the Right.  Jeb stated Monday that the "...GOP is shifting beyond Reagan and the elder George Bush."   Let's see...where have I heard that before?  Oh, now I remember.  It was from the DEMOCRATS who like to use that famous phrase.  This is particularly true of one Barack Obama.  Jeb Bush went on to say, "...having an orthodoxy that doesn’t allow for disagreement"  There is simply no other way to state it; that is a bald-face lie.  The mere fact that a moderate (Mitt Romney) is the Republican nominee flies into the face of such an assertion by the former governor of Florida.  Mitt Romney did have a tough time getting the nomination from more conservative nominees.  But, that is what the nomination process is all about.  The best man for the nomination usually wins.  That certainly wasn't the case in 2008 when a weak John McCain won the nomination.  Which brings me back to my point.  Moderates do have a voice in the Republican Party.  In my opinion, they have too much of a voice. But, to say the Republican Party would not accommodate Ronald Reagan is disingenuous.

Ronald Reagan would have embraced the fiscal conservatism of the Tea Party, which is where Jeb Bush was directing his criticism.  Ronald Reagan was all about making government smaller and less taxation.  Ronald Reagan was all about more freedoms for people and less regulations for businesses.  To say Ronald Reagan would not be welcomed into the Republican Party of today is ridiculous.  This is something the Democrats have tried to gain traction with this year.  They do so in an attempt to gain traction with their claim that the Republican Party is made up of extremists.  To hear this from a so-called Republican voice in Jeb Bush only reinforces his credentials as a RINO (Republican In Name Only).  What Jeb Bush should be doing is questioning if John F. Kennedy would be welcomed in the Democratic Party of today that is ruled with an iron fist by Progresssives.  If Obama strays from the Left to the Center, hell breaks loose with threats from Unions to the far Left Progressives of the party.  Little is said how Blue Dog Democrats (moderate Democrats) have all but become extinct.  I'm not sure they even have enough left to caucus. There is a definite double standard here from the MSM and, yes, from "Republicans" like Jeb Bush. 

Finally, it would be much easier to prove that moderates such as Jeb Bush have left the principles of the Republican Party  of small government, less taxation and cuts in spending.  George W. Bush was a case in point.  He was wildly spending tax dollars in his final term.  We do not need more of the Bush family in the White House.  The current occupant is destroying our children's future quite well without help from Republicans. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lessons Learned from Wisconsin Recall

This past Tuesday's Wisconsin Recall taught a number of lessons to Unions and to taxpayers as well.  It taught the unions to never pick a fight if you are not 100% sure you can win.  It taught taxpayers to never be intimidated by big labor unions.  It taught me that there is still hope for this country.  Financial accountability is not a thing of the past.  Out of control spending will cease to exist if the current occupant in the Oval Office vacates the premises on January 20, 2013.  Regardless of who is the President on that date, the spending spree, by both Democrats and Republicans, will come to an end.  This country cannot sustain the kind of debt it now has for much longer.  At some point, we will reach a tipping point of which we will be hard pressed to recover.  Both parties share responsibility for this debt.  It just appears the Democrats do not care about the debt being passed on to our children and grandchildren.  When you have a Bob Beckel saying "....there's nothing wrong with the debt.  We print our own money," then you have to acknowledge there are people on the Left who are out of touch with reality.  The same can be said of some on the Right and, of course, the big labor unions who refused to pay more of their medical costs in Wisconsin.  Some unionists will say, of course, that is not the reason for the recall. They will say it was all about collective bargaining rights. Whatever.

Some of the lessons I learned from the Wisconsin Recall Election is that even in a truly blue state, there are people with a conscience.  These people realized that it is not fair for public sector employees to pay far less (medical costs and pension) than their private sector employee counterparts.  I also learned that the Democrats are eating a lot of crow today. Democrats and unions alike said this was going to be a big election for "the middle class" of America.  We were told it would be a harbinger of things to come for the Presidential Election in November.  Of course, they would still be saying those things if they had won.  Governor Scott Walker won by a bigger spread than he did the first time he won. But, all those things they said are true.  Just not for the reasons the Leftists had hoped.  I had hoped the 2010 mid-term elections would have been a wake-up call for President Obama.  It did not deter him on his Leftist agenda.   It is far too much to hope he can change this late in the game.  The Wisconsin Recall was a stake in the heart of a big spending congress and President.  Will they listen to the voters this November?  We'll see.
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