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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Decision Time for Americans

November 6, 2012.  The Presidential Election which is probably the most important in American history.  The choices couldn't be more stark.  On one hand, you have the most radical Left-wing President in Barack Obama this nation has ever elected.  He has no interest in meeting in the middle on any issue.  It's his way or the highway.  He is partisan, he is stubborn and he is arrogant.  President Obama has an ego so big that his ego even has an ego (kudos to Greg Gutfield).  President Obama has never been able to accept criticism.  Unlike former President Bush, Obama absorbs criticism and feels he must automatically respond to it.  I have always gotten the impression President Obama has never understood the enormity of the Office of the President of the United States.  A case in point was his comment on his old friend being arrested and Obama commenting "The police acted stupidly."   Most Presidents grow into the job.  President Obama never has and, hopefully, will not get a chance to do that in the next four years.

Mitt Romney is not the perfect Republican Presidential candidate. He has vacillated on issues over the years from abortion to illegal immigration to health care.  But, Mitt Romney is infinitely better than President Obama.  Obama and his Democratic Progressive branch will continue to spend until this nation falls over the proverbial fiscal cliff (which is not far off now).  The out of control spending has to be stopped.  The only way to do that is to elect Mitt Romney as President.  My vote for Mitt Romney is not so much because I like him.  My vote is due to wanting Obama out of office as soon as possible.  President Obama came into office with tremendous problems facing him.  However, instead of making them better, President Obama has made them worse. The economy is in shambles. Unemployment is still completely unacceptable.  Our drop in AAA rating is a danger sign that doesn't get enough attention.  He has proven tentative on foreign policy with Benghazi being the latest disaster.  You can point to Osama bin Laden all you want.  But, the fact remains there are four dead Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador, in Libya. Obama is more concerned with his position in the world rather than in the USA. 

I hope those of you who read this post will join with me in voting for Mitt Romney.  We must shift away from a nation of dependents and back to a nation of independents.  Americans have always been known for their "can do" spirit to get things done.  The world is waiting for us to return to predominance, to lead once again.  President Obama is not the answer.  President Romney is the only choice.  

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