Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Boehner: Give the Democrats What They Want
As many are aware, the so-called "Fiscal Cliff" is coming at us quite fast. President Obama wants to tax the "rich who make above $250K." Some Republicans are coming around to this, but with a stipulation; cuts in spending across the board. Republicans get only vague responses to this idea when the subject is broached to Democrats. Say "cut spending" to Democrats is similar to saying "stop drinking" to an alcoholic. It's an addiction in both cases. So, right now, House Speaker John Boehner and President Obama are meeting privately to avoid the fiscal cliff in which the Bush Tax Cuts end and taxes increase across the board. That would be disastrous for a still recovering economy. President Obama wants a huge tax increase on the "rich." What our beloved President fails to understand, the so-called "rich" in that $250K bracket that he wants a tax increase, consists of small businessmen. Quick question to the Liberals; who does most of the hiring in this nation, those evil corporations that you demonize or the small businessman (who you also despise)? I think you know small businesses do most of the hiring. It will devastate the small businessman. Why can't you understand this? Even if you increase taxes to 50% on the rich, how much will that go toward cutting the national debt? There will be little change in the debt.
My advice to John Boehner; give the Democrats what they want. They want to increase tax rates, let them do it. There will be a handful of Republicans who will vote with the Democrats in the House. The rest of the Republicans should simply vote "present." That is something President Obama is very familiar with as a state and U.S. Senator. Let the Democrats own this. They feel increasing taxes is the way to prosperity. It is an age old concept of the Progressive. It has never worked in any country. But, again, let the Democrats have what they want. Let them also own the repercussions this will have on the economy and employment. Sure, they will still blame the Republicans. Democrats do not believe in accountability. That's fine. But, even the Obama Zombies who voted for Obama in November will start to realize they have been sold a bill of goods. Even the Obama Zombies will see who pushed this exorbitant tax rate on them. Then again, according to the Russian newspaper Pravda, the Obama Zombies are "illiterate." So, maybe they won't understand who is responsible. Sadly, I must admit that is a possibility also.
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