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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mitt Romney's Republican Convention


The shortened Republican Convention in Tampa, Florida will be a big test for Republican Presidential nominee, Mitt Romney.  Most polls show a dead heat between he and President Obama.  Mitt Romney will have a prime time audience to plead his case.  The accusations against him, from the banshees in the Democratic Party, are about Bain Capital, stupid remarks of Missour's Todd Akin, Romney's birther comment and the accusation that Mitt Romney is a "murderer."  If that sounds like desperation, it's only because they are desperate.  Obama and his cronies have never had to fight in a campagin before.  Starting with his state senate seat to U.S. Senator to President of the United States, Obama has never had to fight this hard in a campaign.  And it is showing as the Obama Campaign is starting to become unraveled with these outlandish remarks.  Regardless, if Romney will focus on the economy, unemployment and present his plans, he can get a huge bump in the polls.  All Obama can counter with is the typical "tax the rich" mantra.  Americans are tired of the constant attacks by Obama.  He has yet to present a reason why he should be reelected.  Oh, sure, he'll say "We can't go back to those Republican policies that got us where we are today" BS.  The only thing about that is Obama, while promising to make things better, has made things worse.

So, Mitt Romney needs to stay positive in his acceptance speech at the Republican Convention.  He needs to take a "morning in America" approach that President Reagan did when he was campaigning against an Obama clone named Jimmy Carter.  Romney needs to lay out his plan in general terms to get this country back to work.  He doesn't have to go into specifics that would cause the audience to tune out.  Mitt Romney needs to reassure the American people that the failed policies of President Obama can be overcome.  He needs to tell them the failed ideology of Socialism will not work in a traditional Capitalist country.  Probably the biggest thing for Mitt Romney is that he needs to be affable, laid back in his speech.  That would help in dispelling his stiff, aloof persona.  This will be the biggest speech in Romney's career.  Governor Romney, most of all, must help assure a troubled and skeptical audience there can be a better future.  Mitt Romney must convince Americans it is ok to let go of "amateur hour" in the Oval Office now.  It's time to put the adults back in the room to stop the wasteful Democratic spending that is about to destroy this country.


  1. I thought that last night's convention seemed unorganized and disinterested. Seems to be the trend in conventions anymore. I guess it doesn't really matter that much, since probably not many at home are watching - they'd rather watch the ball game.

    But in my youth, a party convention was big news - was exciting and uplifting - not boring and sleep-inducing.

    I expect the same from the Democrats. It probably has to do with nominations being secured months in advance of the convention.

    There is no drama, and no amount of hype will make it appear that drama exists.

  2. Andrew, as a rule, all political conventions are dull and boring. I went to the Republican convention in 2004. I will never go again. There was a time when the major networks made a big deal out of these political conventions. But, personally, I think they can do everything they need to do right over the internet.


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