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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Democrats Strapped For Cash

This has to be somewhat ironic.  The President and the Democratic Party itself is saying we are no longer in a recession.  In fact, both say the recovery started last summer.  Meanwhile, unemployment is steady above 8%, the housing market is stagnant (at best) and consumer spending is down.  That doesn't give one the warm fuzzies that the recession is over.  The ironic part here is that due to his own mishandling of the economy, President Obama is pleading for money from Democratic donors who, quite possibly, simply don't have it to spare. But, you say, "But, look at the Republicans.  Mitt Romney collected a reported $106 million in June.  Just one month."  The President collected about $75 million in June.  That is a disparity of about $30 million between the Republicans and Democrats.  I don't deny, Republicans are more probably more "well-heeled" than Democrats.  But, the underlying tone here (and one Democrats don't like to discuss) is that Republicans are highly motivated this time.  There is one main focus of the party;  defeat President Obama.  It appears the Republicans are pushing really hard to repeal Obamacare.  There is only one way to do this and that is to get rid of the current occupant of the White House.

At this point, even Democrats are saying the White House and, yes, quite possibly the Senate will be out of reach by Labor Day.   This is their viewpoint if donations don't pick up and pick up quickly.  Personally, I find this to be Democratic hyperbole more than anything else.  It is appearing more and more Obama and the Democratic Party are going to be unable to match the Republicans dollar for dollar.  Of course, they are whining about it loudly.  Funny thing though, I don't recall the Democrats crying about it back in 2008 when Obama and the Democratic Party were taking millions and millions of dollars in donations.  The Democrats remind me of a spoiled child.  It doesn't matter if the child already had their ice cream.  That same child wants more than all the others "just because!"  They obviously don't live in the real world.  The Democrats have proven that with their out of control spending.  Now, they complain they don't have enough money to spend to get reelected to spend more of money that does not belong to them.  I suspect reality will set in this November.


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