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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Harry Reid - Out of Control

I've made several posts about the Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, on The Right Commentary.  I've written about his insanities, his blunt, uncouth statements and his flat out lies.  He never ceases to amaze me.  If Clint Eastwood was Dirty Harry, Senator Reid is "Sleazy Harry."  Sleazy Harry stated, "The word's out that he hasn't paid any taxes for 10 years," Reid said of Romney on the Senate floor Thursday. "Let him prove that he has paid taxes, because he hasn't."  Of course, Reid could not or would not reveal his sources on this statement.  He wouldn't because that would reveal he is a damn liar, which is what everyone in D.C. knows.  Of course, Sleazy Harry's equally dumb sister, Nancy Pelosi, backed up Reid's assertions, again, without an iota of proof.  Senator Reid sullied the position he supposedly stands for by making such a blatant lie while giving a speech on the floor of the Senate.  It was a disgraceful action.  Equally disgraceful are the Democrats who are not condemning Reid for making another provocative statement without any proof.  It is disgusting.  But, this is the day of the Obama Democrats.  The ends justifies the means.  Nothing is out of bounds in meeting their goals of their Socialist agenda.

This statement by Reid is for a specific reason; to keep Romney on the defensive and focus off the moribund economy.  Democrats would love to get their hands on Romney's tax returns to use against him in the campaign.  Romney isn't that much of a fool, I hope.  But, what bothers me most is that Romney is falling right into their trap.  The best thing to do is let his subordinates come out swinging.  President Obama and his Socialist cabal will leave no stone unturned in their attempt to continue the USA on it's current leftward trend.  Lies and damn lies are the order of the day in the Democratic Party.  But, you know what is really bad news for the Democrats?  The American people don't give a damn about Romney's tax returns.  The American people are focused on a pathetic "recovering economy" and unemployment above 8% for a record 41 months in a row.  Reid, Pelosi and Obama can continue their crusade for Romney's tax returns until the cows come home.  That's all they have to fight with today.  Obama can't go on his record.  So, making up lies, as Sleazy Harry did, is the only thing they have left to fight with against the Republicans. 


  1. This is so rich I'm getting fat.

    For four years conservatives have tarred Mr. Obama as the Kenyan Muslim gun grabbing Affirmative Action food stamp blackety-black socialist-fascist-Nazi.

    The "accusation" being leveled at Mitt Romney is that he is not living up to his father's symbolic gesture of honesty, which every candidate not related to George Romney has agreed to for forty years.

    One of these men has been insulted, and one has not. Ironically, the guy who is screaming the loudest is the one who hasn't been subjected to unsupported accusations for four years.

    Mitt never had to strruggle for anything, and no one has ever had the audacity to question anything he did. The real world is not like that, but Mitt has never occupied any part of the world I inhabit.

    Disclaimer: I am a United States Army veteran (E-5) and unlike President Obama, I am a liberal. Your patriotism may vary.

    I disagree stongly with much of Mr. Obama's politics, but Mitt Romney????


    Everything being equal, I'll take the smart guy over the moron. Obama gets my vote.

  2. Rider, this is what I call a "sandwich comment." There is liberal BS at the start and end, with just a modicum of meat in the middle. Let's start with your off topic comment of Obama the Muslim. What does that charge have to do with Crazy Harry's baseless accusations? So, you are saying, if they do that to my horse, I will do it to there horse? Real smart thinking there, Rider.

    Honesty? Do you really want to go there? Ok, just for giggles, why do you suppose Barack Obama refuses to disclose documents relating to Fast and Furious? In fact, has made an executive order to deny the family of Brian Terry the right to sue to find how weapons from the U.S. government were used to kill this border partrol agent? Why doesn't Obama release his college transcripts that are nearly 30 years old now? What does he have to hide? Honesty?

    Again, the liberal hyperbole. Mitt Romney gave his inheritance to Brigham Young University (http://specfriggintacular.wordpress.com/2012/03/02/mitt-romney-donates-entire-inheritance-to-byu-college-scholarship-funds/). Mitt Romney built THAT wealth the old fashioned way....he earned it (http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2012/jan/20/mitt-romney/mitt-romney-says-he-didnt-inherit-money-his-parent/). I know how liberals hate people who are successful. They didn't BUILD THAT. The government did it for them, right Rider?

    I must say, if you think Obama is not a liberal, then you definitely are to the LEFT of Karl Marx. And, I realize liberals live in a subjective world ("if I say it, then it is true"). But, I'll take a guy who is an experienced businessman over a community organizer every day of the week and twice on Sunday. Then again, President Obama didn't BUILD THAT community organizing, right?


All political views are welcome. That includes the liberal viewpoint as well. Civil discussion is preferred and encouraged. You can disagree without being disagreeable.

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