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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Romneycare Gives Benefits to Illegal Aliens

Governor Rick Perry, whose campaign for the Republican nomination has hit the rocks, has hit Mitt Romney where it hurts most; Romneycare gives benefits to illegal aliens.  Governor Perry's campaign stated, "Governor Romney’s government-mandated healthcare plan provided free care for illegal immigrants in Massachusetts, establishing just the kind of illegal immigration magnet Governor Romney claims to oppose,” Perry spokesman Mark Miner said.  The Perry Campaign also stated that citizenship is not required under the rules of the Health Safety Net which allowed anyone without insurance (including illegals) to go to any medical clinic or hospital to receive medical care at practically no cost.  The Romney Campaign countered that the Health Safety Net Fund was made long after Governor Mitt Romney left office in Massachusetts. However, Perry Campaign spokesmen stated that the Massachusetts Free Care website was updated three days after former Governor Mitt Romney signed the law. In fact, the law clearly states “Your citizenship or immigration status does not affect your eligibility.” 

I must say I find Mitt Romney to be the big hypocritical, flip-flopper that those of us on the Right have always thought him to be.  I have no interest in Rick Perry due to his love affair with illegal aliens in Texas (instate tuition for one thing, heartless if you don't agree is another).  Romney has been blasting Perry for his pandering to illegals  with the instate tuition thing.  All while doing this, Romney had a provision in Romneycare that basically gave free medical assistance to illegal aliens.  I'm really sick of both of these candidates.  Not just due to the fact they are both RINOs.  It goes deeper, to the very core that both men are just big government Republicans in the same manner as Rockefeller,  Nixon and both Bush presidents.  Cain is mopping up both right now according to the latest polls.  It may be, in due part, to his being civil in the debates.  Part of it is that people like the fact he is considered an outsider.  Whatever the reason, Herman Cain is resonating with Republican voters.  Both Romney and Perry better get themselves together.  We get they both like the idea of cheap labor that illegals provide.  What we don't get is why they both are being such hypocrites over the issue of illegals.

I had thought that the economy is what the core of the argument would be in the Republican nomination process.  Right now, it appears that illegal immigration is wounding both Perry and Romney.  Herman Cain?  He's reaping the benefits of the Romney-Perry War.

1 comment:

  1. The Courts and President Obama’s Department of In-Justice, Governors, Mayors and federal and state officials have all the power against the average man or women. But if we unite, as one people we can derail all their plans, as the federal judges have deemed mandatory E-Verify constitutional.

    If you crave to reduce illegal immigration to a trickle, and stop the 20 million or more settled here begin self-deportation. If you are against Sanctuary Cities, Dream Acts or any forthcoming amnesty, bombard your Senators with your voices. The united TEA PARTY is for all legal Americans and you can contact your Federal & State politician office, by calling the Washington Switchboard 202-224-3121 and insist on them voting for the “Legal Workforce Act." (H.R. 2885) You can also send free faxes by going to NumbersUSA website.


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