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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Will Hillary Run?

As a rule, when the President in power has low approval ratings, the party he represents has presidential candidates who poll likewise.  This is not the case with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  She is currently polling with 67% of the vote in Democratic primaries and at about 10-12 points ahead of any Republican candidate.  It's a mystery to many how she can poll this well with such an unpopular president and the Benghazi scandal she will carry into any presidential primaries and debates.  Rest assured, both Democrats and Republicans will bash Hillary Clinton again and again over Benghazi.  There are many questions that still lack answers in that tragic incident. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Obamacare Follies - Part V

I was hesitant to call this story "Obamacare Follies" for the simple fact it makes it appear light-hearted and/or funny.  There is nothing funny about the following story.  Pastor Angran was diagnosed with stage three cancer of the esophagus. He had insurance, but because of a previous heart condition, it did not cover the treatments he needed for his cancer. He found this out just minutes before receiving life-saving chemo.  A worker came in to talk to the pastor.  He was informed that under Obamacare he is not covered for lifesaving chemo treatments.  As a result, the Angrans have emptied their savings account and now are $50K in debt thanks in no small part to Obamacare.  The Angrans can't even afford to pay the premiums which are over $800 a month and with less coverage than their former insurance plan.  Pastor Angran said there is, "no compassion in the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)."  No word from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on whether he thinks Pastor Angran is lying or not.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Political War

It seems that both Republican and Democratic parties are all about protecting their turf, their respective parties.  The never ending battles between the virulent flame throwers, such as Nevada Senator Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi et al, never stops.  The same can be said for some Republicans as well.  I respect Ted Cruz.  I like Ted Cruz.  But, when he engages in this gamesmanship with Democrats, he is lowering himself down to their level.  Harry Reid is comfortable fighting these dirty little battles such as calling all the people complaining about Obamacare a bunch of liars.  Reid knows he can get away with saying such things because he is old and he is a Democrat.  The news media has his back. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Russian Bear Has Awakened

The Winter Olympics were no sooner over when Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to do what all dictators do;  invade a sovereign country such as the Ukraine.  For the moment, Russian troops have limited their invasion to the Crimean peninsula.  Ukraine soldiers are surrendering as this post is  being typed.   President Putin said he reserved the right to use force to defend ethnic Russians while there’s “no such necessity” at present.  But, Putin has left the threat hanging over the collective heads of the people of the Ukraine.  Putin claims extremists orchestrated a coup to dislodge President Viktor Yanukovych. Putin claims that Yanukovych asked for assistance to combat anti-government forces who were protesting his presidency.  Those protests led to his being ousted as President.  Meanwhile, the Ukraine has its own set of problems in trying to have a transitional government in place to react to the menacing Russian Bear at their doorstep.  Right now, Ukraine needs $15 billion in the next 2 1/2 years to stay afloat, Finance Minister Oleksandr Shlapak said March 1.There is no way to pay police or government officials right now.
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