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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Kermit Gosnell: Holocaust of the 21st Century

As the trial of abortion doctor, Kermit Gosnell, continues in Philadelphia, more horrific news comes out describing his Nazi-like abortion procedures.  To begin, none of this doctor's staff was trained or licensed to practice.  That, in and of itself, is simply inexcusable.  Gosnell's crimes involve inducing labor in women who are 6-8 months pregnant and then murder the newborn children.  He is currently charged with the murder of seven infants and one mother who died from an overdose of the drug Demerol.  Some of the horrors described by staff include reports of fetuses and body parts kept in jars and on shelves.  One staff member described an infant being placed in a toilet.  The newborn infant tried to get out.  But, was apparently drowned.  Abortion Rights groups have condemned Kermit Gosnell for his practices.  However, anti-abortion activists say this is an example of the murder taking place in abortion clinics all over the USA.  The biggest complaint, from anti-abortion activists, is that the mainstream media is giving little to no coverage of this "holocaust" of the unborn and newborn infants.   That is exactly what this is, an American Holocaust of the unborn and newborn infants.

I'm not sure how the news media cannot be blaring out news about this horrible crime every day.  Many news outlets consider this a "local crime story."  That is a piss-poor excuse.  The Boston Marathon Bombing was a local crime story if you follow that simplistic logic.  Just by himself, Kermit Gosnell killed far more human beings than the two warped terrorists in Boston.  Gosnell is only being charged for seven deaths, including one mother.  No doubt, this "man" is responsible for many more deaths than this.  To me, this is a the crime of the century.  But, you'll never get that kind of reaction from the abortion rights groups or the MSM.  The MSM does not want to set this up so people can actually see how horrific abortion truly is.  How many other Kermit Gosnells are out there?  Are we to believe this is just an isolated case?  The most vulnerable of our society, infants, are being murdered as soon as they are born.  How can we continue as a society when this sort of thing is allowed?  Abortion is murder.  No one can define the actual time of life.  But, I will continue to insist it is at conception.  I don't want to hear about miscarriages and so forth.  That is a different matter.  But, it is one that abortion rights people like to bring up.

 Meanwhile the holocaust of the 21st century goes largely unreported.  If abortion rights groups were sincere, they would also advocate that the MSM report this horrific crime each and every day.  But, for the past six weeks, there has been very little news about Kermit Gosnell.  I suspect there will continue to be silence on this crime from the MSM.

UPDATE:  Well, it appears the abortionists win again.  Yesterday, it was announced Kermit Gosnell was found not guilty on 3 counts of murder.  Apparently some other counts were dismissed for lack of evidence.  However, four other counts remain to be resolved at this time.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Left Celebrates Death of Margaret Thatcher

The "Iron Lady," Margaret Thatcher, passed away Monday, April 8, 2013.  She was a good friend of President Ronald Reagan.  Both contributed to the end of the Cold War.  The Left will always dispute that.  But, facts are facts.  Both knew the Soviet Union could not keep pace with the advanced wartime weaponry of the USA and Great Britain.  As we all know, the Soviet Union collapsed under its own dead weight.  In other words, we outspent them.  They couldn't keep up.  So, many of the knowledgeable people of that era give both Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher credit for the ultimate demise of the Soviet Union.  Thatcher leaves an enviable legacy behind her.  Most Brits, along with most Americans, mourn her passing.  Unfortunately, that can't be said for the "Intolerant and hateful Left."

There were many instances of people in England popping champagne corks, and just celebrating the death of Margaret Thatcher. That speaks volumes about the nature of Leftists.   People in the city of Bristol in England, and in Glasgow, Scotland cheered and drank to her death.  President Obama, who is poles apart from Thatcher politically, offered up a tribute that caused Leftists everywhere to puke.  Obama stated, "World has lost a great champion of freedom & liberty."  Obama probably didn't mean a word of that.  But, he did what he had to do.  To read the Left reaction to one of their own, just read here. It is disgusting.  I would love to say I am surprised by the reaction from the Socialists who celebrate the death of an old lady.  But, I am not surprised, not at all.  Even more tweets from Twitter are here.  I can understand a furious opposition to someone politically. I get that.  But, what I don't get is the harsh reality that there are people who celebrate the death of someone with whom they disagreed politically.  Yes, politics, is the reason for their celebration.  I would feel the same way about people who celebrated the death of Ted Kennedy, who I completely disagreed with politically.  However, I did not celebrate his untimely death.  What does this say about us as a species to be celebrating death of a fellow human being?  It is disturbing, greatly disturbing.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Illegal Aliens Continue to Cross Border

It seems we have been down this road before.  Illegal aliens crossing the border into the USA is nothing new.  It seems those south of the USA think they have this God-given right to come here by any method necessary to assure themselves a piece of the welfare pie.  Jobs are thought to be the major attraction for illegal aliens.  But, if people will be honest with themselves, they will admit that social services such as "free" food stamps, welfare, social security benefits for anchor babies are the big attraction.  With that thought in mind, it is no surprise to me to learn that illegal aliens and drug smugglers have doubled since two things have taken place.  One, Sequestration , is the easy pick as the blame for out of control border activity.  The Obama administration thinks we are dumb enough  to think $85 billion loss of spending is going to cause untold disasters domestically and internationally.  Of course, cutting back border patrol agent hours is another excuse for Obama to continue his war on America.  Secondly, most importantly, the talk of amnesty in a new immigration law package has potential illegals all over Central America salivating.  Border Patrol agents are saying illegal crossings have doubled and possibly even tripled as Congress rushes to push through another unenforceable immigration law package they have no intention of enforcing except to give a "path to citizenship" aka amnesty to illegals.

It the report linked above is true, there will be hours of the day when the border will not be patrolled at all.  Does anyone think that illegals will not increase now?  Obama wants to blame this on Sequestration.  This is just an excuse by the Obama Administration.  Obama has no intention of enforcing border security.  The Democratic Party is pinning their hopes on illegals getting amnesty and citizenship as a result.  Republicans, fools that they are, think that Hispanics will vote for them if they support amnesty.  The GOP is about to commit political suicide.  As  a result, the USA will eventually become nothing more than a third-world country.  There is no serious debate on allowing a path to citizenship to illegals who broke our laws.  Our political leaders don't want a debate.  They just want to make this a law "so they can see what is inside the bill," as Nancy Pelosi so famously said once. Meanwhile, the border remains as lawless as ever.  Who knows what is coming across that border now? 

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