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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Is Obama Losing His Mind?

The hint I had about what an amateur we had as a President came when the Cambridge Police arresting an old friend of President Obama's.  The President's "...police acted stupidly" comment would be quoted over and over again in the weeks and months afterward.  I thought, this guy is not only amateurish, but he's lacking in intelligence.  For example, this week we have heard oral arguments on Obamacare.  This health care intiative by President Obama is the centerpiece of his administration.  But, the U.S. Supreme Court is on the verge of declaring the entire package as unconstitutional.  How is it that a constitutional law professor didn't know his pride and joy could possibly be unconstitutional?  How about he didn't care if it was constitutional or not?  President Obama has only one thought process.  That being, his way or no way.  Only he can be right.  Everyone else is either wrong or just plain stupid.  He is the most conceited President we have ever had. That brings me to my next point.

The President's "open mic" moment with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is something that puzzles even the most ardent Obama supporter.  Why couldn't he have waited to tell Medvedev that he wanted to wait until after the election so he could have more "flexibility" in dealing with the missile defense system that scares Russia so much?  The first question that pops into one's head; did Obama mean he was going to give Russia what they wanted and to hell with the safety of the United States?  Probably not.  Or possibly he did.  No one knows.  But, it was a strange moment.  It was a moment that one almost would be inclined to believe was done on purpose.  For what reason, no one knows.  No one knows why he stated that Travon Martin would look just like a son Obama would have if Obama had a son.  What exactly was that suppose to infer?  Why would President Obama, once again, get involved with a local incident that now shows the potential of spiraling out of control?  It borders on being totally weird. And why take on the Catholic church over contraceptives back in January?  It is sheer lunacy.

I hate to think what a second term of President Obama would bring.  President Obama appears to be letting the job drive him insane.  Not insane in the sense that the pressure is getting too much for him.  I say he is becoming insane with power and all it encompasses.  This President does not see himself as just the head of the executive branch of government.  In Obama's mind, he is the government.  There is no Legislative branch, there is no Judicial branch.  There is only President Barack Obama.  His "open mic" moment is an indication of just this fact.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The President Acted Stupidly


As everyone and his uncle must know by now, Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old kid in Florida, was shot and killed by George Zimmerman.  The news media has made it known, loud and clear, Mr. Zimmerman is a "white Hispanic."  What the hell is the relevancy of that?  Anyway, at first, the news was that Zimmerman chased down Trayvon and shot him.  Now, witnesses are coming forward to say that it was just the opposite.  In fact, witnesses say it was Trayvon who was the aggressor. Some witnesses said that Trayvon punched Zimmerman, and banged his head on the pavement.  I'm not sure how a full grown man can be that easily overcome by a 17 year old.  Be that as it may, Zimmerman now appears to have had little choice but to shoot the kid under Florida's "self-defense law."  Trayvon's parents are demanding the arrest of Zimmerman, the New Black Panther Party has issued a bounty for George Zimmerman, dead or alive.  I thought that was illegal now.  Regardless, mob rule appears to be shaping up in Florida with the righteous Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton stirring up trouble.  These two race baiters are always looking for an easy buck.  You would think Black people would catch on to these two clowns by now.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.

Enter one President of the United States with nothing better to do.  Once again, President Obama has to get himself embroiled in a local issue.  The comment itself was innocent enough.  "You know, if I had a son he'd look like Trayvon, and I think they are right to expect that all of us as Americans are going to take this with the seriousness it deserves," the President said.  Well, does this mean if it was a white kid or a Hispanic kid that was killed, it would be ok to just let that go by?  Neither one would look like the President.  Where was President Obama, when in just one weekend, 49 people were shot in his hometown of Chicago?  Ten of those were killed, including a six-year old Hispanic girl.  Where is President Obama's comment about her?  Oh, that's right!  The President doesn't have a daughter that looks like this little girl.  So, one has to believe her death is considered just collateral damage in the Windy City.  This is the same President who stated the Cambridge Police Department "acted stupidly" before he had all the facts.  He was royally blasted for this.  It appears Obama does not learn from the mistakes of history.  He has gotten himself involved in another local issue in which he knows nothing about.  He has instructed the Justice Department to look into the Trayvon Martin case.  At last report, nothing about this President demanding a Justice Department probe into the death of the little six-year old girl in Chicago.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Santorum Needs To Step Aside

To use a euphemism popular since the 70s, Rick Santorum has "jumped the shark."  Rick Santorum said (and this is a direct quote), “If they’re going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk of what may be the Etch A Sketch candidate for the future.”  Basically, Rick Santorum was saying that Republicans should give President Obama another term if he (Santorum) is not the Republican nominee.  That, my friends, is one of the most outrageous things I have ever heard a candidate,  for either party, ever say.  To suggest that Republicans should vote for the most radical Left-wing President in U.S. history, if he isn't the Republican nominee, is both reckless and petty.  Ok, it is also childish as hell. It's like the kid that owns the baseball at a sandlot game.  Either I'm the pitcher or I take my baseball and go home.  I knew that Rick Santorum was bitter about the way the Illinois Primary went for him.  But, I never knew he was this self-consumed.  There are some things bigger than yourself and your own aspirations.  The main focus is beating President Barack Obama so he does not have a second term to finish destroying the United States of America.  Rick Santorum has made it clear he doesn't care about the main Republican goal.  The only goal that counts is Rick Santorum as Republican nominee.  Everything else is just "clutter" to this man-child.

I want to make it clear that Mitt Romney was not my first choice for the Republican nomination.  But, compared to Barack Obama, there is no other choice, in my opinion.  Sure, Romney is a moderate and wishy-washy.  But, what can you say about Rick Santorum now?  He is a man that places his own best interests above those of the American people.  The best interest of the American people is to have President Obama known after November as "former President Obama."  But, Rick Santorum now thinks having an Obama second-term is what Republicans should consider if he is not the Republican nominee.    This statement by Rick Santorum is inexcusable.  Nothing he says will make up for this ridiculous comment concerning Obama over Mitt Romney.  I consider this statement even more strange coming from a man who paints himself as the "only true, viable conservative Republican" in the race.  One has to consider now if that is just mere hyperbole by a man who has seen his dream vanish before his eyes.  Ironically, it was Rick Santorum that put the finishing touches of ending that dream.  Rick Santorum is done.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Malia Obama Spring Break in Mexico

It appears that the White House is trying to shut down any news about President Obama's eldest daughter, along with 12 friends, spending spring break in Mexico.  That alone is news.  But, now, the White House is trying to get all news agencies to pull news stories about Malia Obama being there for "security reasons."  I find that a remarkable statement.  If they were concerned about security in the first place, would they allow their daughter to go to one of the most violent countries this side of Afghanistan?  Then let's consider that the U.S. government (yes, the same government her father allegedly leads) has a travel advisory about vacationing in Mexico during spring break.  To ensure security, 25 Secret Service agents have to travel along at taxpayer expense, of course.  That's right.  We are footing the bill for this 13 year old child to go to the most violent country in North America on her spring break.  Along with 12 of her closest friends, of whom I assume, also get this protection from the Secret Service.  If Barack and Michelle Obama were just ordinary parents, people would be asking them if they had their heads screwed on straight for allowing their child in drug war-torn Mexico.  As it is, this story is disappearing all over the internet. 

I'm not buying the security excuse as to why this story has disappeared completely from electronic, print and web media.  I think this has more to do with the criticism of the First Family taking so many vacations at taxpayer expense.  That criticism, especially in a Presidential Election year, is starting to have an effect. This story is disappearing for reasons not stated by the White House.  I find it odd this story disappeared from The Huffington Post (linked to Yahoo and had nothing about Malia vacation).  Some sites are saying "Leave the kids alone."  That same advice did not ever make it's way to the trouble plagued twins of George W. Bush.  If they fell down in a club, it made news the next day they were drunk.  This story is just another in a long line of the media's double standard.  I make note of the Obama daughter's vacation here simply because I find it appalling that President Obama feels that rules not only do not apply to him, but they do not apply to his entire family.  The Obamas should be making a statement Mexico is not safe for other American kids.  Instead, they are promoting spring break to Mexico by allowing Mailia to go.  The message this sends to other American kids (those without Secret Service protection) is unconscionable. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Newt Gingrich: The Bitterness Campaign

Newt, we hardly knew ye.  You came into the campaign castigating Congressman Paul Ryan's deficit reduction plan as "right-wing  social engineering."  Then, realizing you had revealed your "left flank," tried to cover up by saying you didn't say it.  Funny thing about the 21st century; we have this new fangled entity called "cameras" that record everything a politician can say or do.  I realize lying is standard procedure for politicians.  But, lying a second time to cover up makes matters worse.  So, you basically disappeared for quite some time.  You made a comeback of sorts in the polls, if not the ballot box.  You tried to establish yourself as the "conservative candidate."  Making a case for illegal aliens didn't exactly endear you to a lot of the Republican base, namely the conservatives.  But, you were trying to stand out in the crowd.  You eventually got too full of yourself.  You were openly boasting you would be the Republican nominee.  One thing about a person with a big ego; it usually turns around and bites them on the butt.  It's fine and dandy to have self-confidence.  But, for the most part, people don't like a braggart.  A lot of your problems are self-inflicted.  Sadly, you can't seem to realize that.

Now that you are only a token candidate, you are lashing out at others for your misfortune.  The bitterness campaign is in full swing for you. The point of your anger is, of course, Mitt Romney.  Remember when you were determined not to go negative?  That was a strategic mistake on your part.  I am doubtful your campaign manager advised you to be "above it all."  This really sounds like the Newt we have always loved and hated over the years.  You are taking negativity to new heights (or lows perhaps) with your acidic attacks on Romney.  You make an acerbic remark about Romney being a  weak frontrunner that finishes third in MS and AL.  Romney dishes it right back by saying, "What does that say about Newt Gingrich?"  You countered with a feeble effort.  You know it's all over now.  But, you are going to hang on in an attempt to hurt Mitt Romney.  Who are you really hurting?  You are hurting Rick Santorum.  Both you and Santorum are splitting the conservative vote.  Romney is laughing all the way to the nomination.  Even with the loss of AL and MS, Romney did well enough in both states to widen his lead on you and Santorum.  Republicans are screaming for you to get out of the race now.  Alas, hell hath no fury like a politician scorned, eh Newt?  You'll stay in to the bitter end.  In doing so, you are at long last writing the epitaph on your political career.  "Here lies Newt Gingrich.  A bitter politician to the bitter end."

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

AL and MS Republican Primaries

As I type this up, on Republican Primary Day in Mississippi and Alabama, the campaigns of Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney are in full swing around my city (Mobile, AL).  I went to vote Tuesday morning for a host of Republican candidates for both state and local offices and for U.S. Congressman.  I also voted for my choice of Republican Presidential candidate.  I voted for Mitt Romney.  He is far from being the perfect choice.  In fact, in time, I may come to regret that vote if Romney is elected and becomes George W. Bush 2.0.  I would never forgive myself if that happens.  However, even a George W. Bush 2.0 is better than a Barack Obama 1.0 or any other version of President Obama.  Yes, I selected the lesser of four evils Tuesday morning in the Republican Primary here in Alabama.  The local news channels said voting was light.  But, it sure as hell wasn't at my precinct.  I had to get in line to wait for at least 30 minutes.  Other precincts were much lighter than mine. 

Polls have shown that it has been a virtual deadlock between Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum (who was in my city last week on a campaign stop) and Mitt Romney in both Alabama and Mississippi.  I have a sneaking suspicion that Newt Gingrich is going to finish second in both states.  Nothing I can base that on.  Just a feeling.  I think his time has passed by.  On the other hand, if Mitt Romney wins one state and finishes a strong second in the other, this will put immense pressure on both Santorum and Gingrich who continues to insist he will stay in the race regardless of outcome.  If the money runs out, Newt will have no choice but to bow out.  To a lesser extent, that could also be the case for Rick Santorum.  He is not running as well as he would have liked.  Mitt Romney is showing surprising strength in both states.  Romney was not expected to be competitive in Alabama and Mississippi.  He was within a couple of point of Newt Gingrich in MS and virtually tied with Gingrich in AL.  If Romney somehow pulls off an amazing upset and wins both states, there will be little reason for both Gingrich and Santorum to remain in the race.  In fact, you will see their Republican contributors start to abandon them.  It is about time to rally around Romney, warts and all.

UPDATE:  Well, how wrong can I be?  Still, Romney did well in two states that he did not expect to do well at all.  This long GOP nomination process continues.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sandra Fluke - A Liberal Proxy

Remember a couple of months back during one of those seemingly endless debates when George  Stephanopoulos asked Mitt Romney a question about banning contraceptives for women?  Most people thought that was a very strange question at the time.  This is especially true since the debate had centered mostly on the economy.  This question just came out of the blue from George Stephanopoulos.  Or so we thought at the time.  Everyone realizes that Georgie is a hitman for the Democratic Party.  That is just one example of the bias Republicans must contend with during a campaign for President.  It is becoming increasingly apparent that was a precursor of an elaborate Democratic strategy to offset the potential of a brouhaha with the Catholic church over mandatory payment of contraceptives for women.   The Obama Administration and the DNC were planning for this potential fight with the Catholic church.  The strategy was to make it appear that Republicans do not want women to have contraceptives.  It is an attempt to make it appear that Republicans want to ban contraceptives.  Period.  What the Democrats did not expect is the ferocity of this ongoing fight with the Catholic church and others who support them.  This was a serious miscalculation by the Democrats.  They had to do something and do it quickly.

Enter Sandra Fluke, a 30 year old law student (just how long has she been going to school?) at Georgetown.  She suddenly has become the point woman for the Democratic Party in its battle with the Catholic church on the issue of free contraceptives for women.  Sandra Fluke says she needs $3,000 a year to pay for contraceptives. Just how much sex is this homely looking 30 year old law student having? $3K a year for contraceptives?  That is preposterous.  No one is going to believe that.  Well, except if you are a Leftist who will accept anything as long as the taxpayers are footing the bill.  Something else I found puzzling;  who is footing the bill for all these trips (eight at last count) this Georgetown law student is taking to appear on national TV?  Seems I have found an answer.  Reports are that Sandra Fluke is being represented by the PR agency SKDKnickerbocker.  Guess who is the managing editor for this firm?  The infamous Anita Dunn, the former White House Communications Director.  Something that makes you go hmmmmm.  There can be no doubt now.  This is all a contrived and orchestrated event by liberals to have a proxy, in Sandra Fluke, to do their  bidding on an issue that is hurting President Obama.  This is a self-inflicted wound by the Democrats.  As always, they overreach.  They certainly did in this case. But, it is patently obvious this is not about contraceptives for women.  This is a freedom of religion issue.  The Democrats are in serious trouble now.

You won't see the MSM report anything about Anita Dunn being the force behind Sandra Fluke.  They are "all in" for President Obama and the Democratic Party.  But, it does show to what depths the Democrats will go to protect Obama.  This issue will not go away.  The Catholic church is going to see to that.  How does President Obama and the Democratic Party get out of a mess they created themselves?  I have no idea.  But, I do know that the longer this contraceptive issue lingers (and the questions about Sandra Fluke's biased involvement), the more it will hurt the Democratic Party as we march toward the 2012 elections.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Super Tuesday Aftermath

As I sit typing out this blog entry, on Super Tuesday, the consensus appears to be that the Republican nominee for President will not be settled on this day.  That could well be the case.  Both Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are virtually deadlocked nationally in some polls.  In the latest Gallup poll, however, Mitt Romney leads Santorum by 16% (38-22%) nationwide.  I've see this polling change dramatically in a week or less.  So, I'm not willing to put a lot of stock in that right now.  On Super Tuesday, Santorum could possibly take the prize plum of Ohio insofar as delegates.  That would give him additional momentum that would virtually erase whatever lead Romney has nationwide.  The frontrunner has changed so many times until I have lost count.  But, even former Arkansas governor and former Republican Presidential candidate, Mike Huckabee, has stated it appears Republicans are starting to get behind Romney.  Many polls have said that Mitt Romney does better against Barack Obama than any other Republican candidate.  So, depending on what happens when polls close on Super Tuesday, Romney may be the guy that gains momentum even if Santorum wins Ohio.  There are many states at stake.  Romney could well win the majority of states, if not also the majority of delegates at stake.

Personally, I think if Romney does win the majority of states and delegates on Super Tuesday, a subtle nod and wink of acknowledgment will take place throughout the Republican ranks.  The Republican nomination has lasted this long because the conservative base was not convinced Romney is a true conservative.  There are things in his past that would bear this out as truth.  However, he appears to be a born again conservative right now.  So, it is my not so expert opinion that Romney could very easily be acknowledged as the "guy" the Republicans send against President Obama.  Whoever the Republican nominee is will most certainly have his work cut out for him.  An incumbent President is extremely difficult to beat.  However, one must point out that Bill Clinton accomplished this feat quite easily in '92.  The reason?  The economy stupid.  Now, Obama knows this.  He is trumping up a recovering economy.   I won't get into why I find that ludicrous.  Suffice it to say that whatever recovery we are now experiencing is in big trouble as long as gas prices continue to rise.  Obama is not invincible.  He has baggage that could make him very beatable.  But, it is going to take a concerted effort of all Republicans to get behind one man now.  Hopefully, that one man will be decided on Super Tuesday. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Andrew Breitbart - RIP

I only casually followed the career of Andrew Breitbart.  I knew he was the point man of conservative in-your-face rants.  And there is nothing wrong with that.  So many conservatives have always been mild and meek in comparison to their liberal firebrand counterparts.  Andrew was a lot like Michael Moore; you either love him or you hate him.  Most conservatives absolutely loved Andrew Breitbart.  He was a roaring lion of conservative values and issues.  He was non-apologetic for his type of rhetoric.   He wore slings and arrows from the Left as a badge of courage.  Andrew even retweeted the attacks he endured on Twitter.  Mr. Breitbart reveled in the Left-wing attacks.  He was unique, he was fearless.  Now, he is gone.  Andrew Breitbart was only 43 years old.  Far too young to die.  I'm not going to go through all the conspiracy theories about his death.  That will be for another time and another place.  Mr. Breitbart was to purportedly release some tapes on President Obama during his time in college on March 1 that would have wrecked his reelection chances.

Who will replace Andrew Breitbart?  I see no one on the horizon.  Rush Limbaugh repeatedly gets himself into trouble with remarks that are untenable.  Breitbart, for the most part, focused on the political spectrum rather than personalities.  Ann Coulter is combative.  But, she is much like Limbaugh.  She seems to want to generate controversy to sell books.  It works for her.  No, there will never be another Andrew Breitbart.  There may be someone that will similar to him.  But, there will never be anyone just like him.  God Bless his family during this time.
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