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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rick Perry Fading

Tuesday night was another GOP debate in a seemingly endless line of debates.  It seems they have been having debates every week since January.  Once again, the frontrunners, Herman Cain or Mitt Romney, were at center stage, facing withering attacks from third-tier candidates such as Rick Santorum and, alas, Michelle Bachmann.  One former frontrunner, Rick Perry, was also be at the debate.  He must be a glutton for punishment.  He has made himself look foolish, ill-prepared and nonchalant about the whole thing.  True enough, Rick Perry has around $17 million in his war chest.   But, what good is all that money if his poll numbers remain in single digits? 

I've stated before on this blog that Rick Perry's decline can be linked from the time he started supporting illegal aliens.  His Texas Dream Act was unknown by most people (and probably by those people who have contributed money to his campaign).  I don't know how he can make a comeback now.  He can't change what he is and what he is, is a RINO.  He claims to be a fiscal and social conservative.  He is anything but either of the two.  He is George W. Bush Part II in my opinion.  We simply don't need another RINO in the White House.  Barack Obama is a known evil.  We know where he stands on the issues.  But, another character flaw in Perry is that he is not absolutely concrete on where he stands on some issues.  Sure, we know he is all for helping children of illegal aliens.  He made that clear to us with his "heartless" comment.  Again, that was a moment that helped to define the Perry campaign.  It was an ill-advised comment that has continued to haunt him.

I'm not on the Herman Cain bandwagon.  I'm certainly not on the Mitt Romeny bandwagon.  I would vote for either of those two if they were the Republican nominee.  However, if Rick Perry somehow makes a miraculous comeback to win the Republican nomination, I would have to look elsewhere to cast my vote.  I find Perry to be all fluff and no substance.  Furthermore, if he can't stand up to the attacks from Republicans in a debate, how well would he handle attacks from Democrats in Congress  as President?  I don't think we will have to find out.  Perry is done.

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