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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mitt Romney's Republican Convention


The shortened Republican Convention in Tampa, Florida will be a big test for Republican Presidential nominee, Mitt Romney.  Most polls show a dead heat between he and President Obama.  Mitt Romney will have a prime time audience to plead his case.  The accusations against him, from the banshees in the Democratic Party, are about Bain Capital, stupid remarks of Missour's Todd Akin, Romney's birther comment and the accusation that Mitt Romney is a "murderer."  If that sounds like desperation, it's only because they are desperate.  Obama and his cronies have never had to fight in a campagin before.  Starting with his state senate seat to U.S. Senator to President of the United States, Obama has never had to fight this hard in a campaign.  And it is showing as the Obama Campaign is starting to become unraveled with these outlandish remarks.  Regardless, if Romney will focus on the economy, unemployment and present his plans, he can get a huge bump in the polls.  All Obama can counter with is the typical "tax the rich" mantra.  Americans are tired of the constant attacks by Obama.  He has yet to present a reason why he should be reelected.  Oh, sure, he'll say "We can't go back to those Republican policies that got us where we are today" BS.  The only thing about that is Obama, while promising to make things better, has made things worse.

So, Mitt Romney needs to stay positive in his acceptance speech at the Republican Convention.  He needs to take a "morning in America" approach that President Reagan did when he was campaigning against an Obama clone named Jimmy Carter.  Romney needs to lay out his plan in general terms to get this country back to work.  He doesn't have to go into specifics that would cause the audience to tune out.  Mitt Romney needs to reassure the American people that the failed policies of President Obama can be overcome.  He needs to tell them the failed ideology of Socialism will not work in a traditional Capitalist country.  Probably the biggest thing for Mitt Romney is that he needs to be affable, laid back in his speech.  That would help in dispelling his stiff, aloof persona.  This will be the biggest speech in Romney's career.  Governor Romney, most of all, must help assure a troubled and skeptical audience there can be a better future.  Mitt Romney must convince Americans it is ok to let go of "amateur hour" in the Oval Office now.  It's time to put the adults back in the room to stop the wasteful Democratic spending that is about to destroy this country.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Democrats Nominate 92-Year-Old Woman

It isn't every day that a 92 year old gets to be placed in nomination for any type of political office.  But, that is exactly what happened in Watertown, South Dakota.  It appears that the Democratic Party didn't have anyone available to run for the District 5 House Primaries.  So, Democrats nominated 92-year-old Dorothy Kellogg.   Mrs. Kellogg said she really didn't plan on running for office, although she did serve in the state house in the 80s and 90s.  It may also be the first time a candidate's residence was listed in an assisted living location.  Dorothy does not know if she will serve even if elected.  "You know, when you're 92 you don't battle it. It's just the way it is. And I would love to go back. It's a place of good memories, few bad ones," Kellogg said.  She has received positive input from the public.  But, again, Mrs. Kellogg is undecided on what to do.

Yeah, this is a change of pace from my usual political rants.  But, I couldn't pass up a "feel good" story like this with Dorothy Kellogg.  Even though she is in an assisted living facility, she is still willing to lend her considerable expertise for the public good.  In today's blistering partisanship and rancor between Republicans and Democrats, it's great to know there is still a nice lady who feels it is her civic duty to serve even at the young age of 92. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Obama's Politics of Fear

I guess I could have just as easily made the title "Fear of Politics" which would include both political parties, both political ideologies.  But, it seems the Left has a patent on fear-mongering.  For example, no sooner had Mitt Romney named Paul Ryan as his Republican Vice-Presidential candidate then the Obama Zombie attacks come out in full bloom.  Of course, if you listen to the Democrats, Paul Ryan is going to push granny right off the cliff into oblivion.  Then there were attacks that stated Paul Ryan would cut funding from Medicare!  First, just to show how preposterous this is, Paul Ryan is not at the top of the ticket.  Mitt Romney is the Republican Presidential candidate, not Paul Ryan.  Mitt Romney has not bought completely into Ryan's budget cuts.  Secondly, let's name the ONLY president to cut funding from Medicare.  Take your time.  Give up?  None other than the saintly and blessed PRESIDENT OBAMA and his Socialist lackeys cut over $700 billion from Medicare to help fund Obamacare (which, by last count, is going to cost over twice that amount).  Let me state that once again.  PRESIDENT OBAMA AND HIS SOCIALIST LACKEYS CUT OVER $700 BILLION FROM MEDICARE TO HELP FUND OBAMACARE.   You will never see that in the press who are 100% behind the Leftist politics of the Democratic Party.

Goofy Joe Biden, alleged Vice-President of the United States, stated yesterday that "They're (Republicans) are going to put y'all back in chains" in referencing Mitt Romney's comments to unchain Wall St. from the clutches of the Democratic Leftists.  This is the kind of rhetoric that the Romney campaign is going to face in the months leading to the Presidential Election.  God forbid that the focus turns to the "private sector economy that is doing fine" or "unemployment that is now in it's record 41st month above 8%".   No, the Democrats know they can't win on the two big issues that concern Americans most.  Instead, they have to focus on the negative tactics of politics.  The mudslinging and personal attacks (such as calling Romney a "murderer") are only going to get worse.

This is the first election Obama has ever been involved in which he has had to actually work to try and win.  They are going to increase the politics of fear with the polls showing that Paul Ryan is actually helping Romney, not hurting him.  The Obama campaign is like a cornered fox, striking and hissing out in every direction.  They will sling mud in the hopes that something will stick.  This is the only campaign strategy the Obama Zombies have right now.  However, after Labor Day, when the campaign really kicks in, the Democrats will have no choice but to respond to the attacks that are surely coming their way on the economy from Republicans.  It will be interesting to see the Democratic response at that time.  No doubt, the response will be more of the same of political fear-mongering because, once again, that is all the Democrats have in their arsenal.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Harry Reid - Out of Control

I've made several posts about the Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, on The Right Commentary.  I've written about his insanities, his blunt, uncouth statements and his flat out lies.  He never ceases to amaze me.  If Clint Eastwood was Dirty Harry, Senator Reid is "Sleazy Harry."  Sleazy Harry stated, "The word's out that he hasn't paid any taxes for 10 years," Reid said of Romney on the Senate floor Thursday. "Let him prove that he has paid taxes, because he hasn't."  Of course, Reid could not or would not reveal his sources on this statement.  He wouldn't because that would reveal he is a damn liar, which is what everyone in D.C. knows.  Of course, Sleazy Harry's equally dumb sister, Nancy Pelosi, backed up Reid's assertions, again, without an iota of proof.  Senator Reid sullied the position he supposedly stands for by making such a blatant lie while giving a speech on the floor of the Senate.  It was a disgraceful action.  Equally disgraceful are the Democrats who are not condemning Reid for making another provocative statement without any proof.  It is disgusting.  But, this is the day of the Obama Democrats.  The ends justifies the means.  Nothing is out of bounds in meeting their goals of their Socialist agenda.

This statement by Reid is for a specific reason; to keep Romney on the defensive and focus off the moribund economy.  Democrats would love to get their hands on Romney's tax returns to use against him in the campaign.  Romney isn't that much of a fool, I hope.  But, what bothers me most is that Romney is falling right into their trap.  The best thing to do is let his subordinates come out swinging.  President Obama and his Socialist cabal will leave no stone unturned in their attempt to continue the USA on it's current leftward trend.  Lies and damn lies are the order of the day in the Democratic Party.  But, you know what is really bad news for the Democrats?  The American people don't give a damn about Romney's tax returns.  The American people are focused on a pathetic "recovering economy" and unemployment above 8% for a record 41 months in a row.  Reid, Pelosi and Obama can continue their crusade for Romney's tax returns until the cows come home.  That's all they have to fight with today.  Obama can't go on his record.  So, making up lies, as Sleazy Harry did, is the only thing they have left to fight with against the Republicans. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fed Released Illegals Commit 19 Murders

Between 2008 and 2011, the Obama Administration refused to deport some 47,000 illegal aliens it thought posed no threat to American citizens.  This was done under the Administation's "Secure Communities program."   The House Judiciary Committee reported of these 47,000 illegals, there was a recidivism rate of 16 percent.  In all there were nearly 160K immigrants (purportedly most were legal, but I question that) that were flagged by the Secure Communities.  Of that number, immigrants went on to commit 60,000 crimes.  For reasons that have not been explained, the Obama Administration refused to deport 159,286 illegal aliens.  But, the atrocious numbers are those who could have been released, went on to commit 19 murders of Americans, 3 attempted murders and, of course, 142 sex crimes against American citizens. Chairman Lamar Smith said. “But President Obama continues to further his anti-enforcement agenda while innocent Americans suffer the consequences. His unwillingness to enforce immigration laws puts our communities at risk and costs American lives.”   This is totally unacceptable.

The blood of these American citizens are on the hands of President Obama and Big Sis herself, Janet Napolitano, Director of Homeland Security.  We have immigration laws on the books that President Obama has refused to enforce.  He granted a Dream Act amnesty to millions of illegals children without so much as a cursory check to see if crimes have been committed by these "children."  Some of these so-called children are up to 30 years old now.   President Obama, by granting these amnesties to illegals, is pandering to the hispanic community.  Hispanics are another bloc vote of the Democratic Party.  Obama needs the hispanic vote this November if he has any hope of winning reelection.  So, at the expense of American lives, he is granting amnesty to anyone as long as they are of the hispanic heritage.  While that may not be exactly true, it is true that the overwhelming numbers of illegal aliens are hispanic, mainly Mexicans.

At what point do the bloc voters of the Democratic Party see that they are being used?  Democrats do not care about blacks, hispanics or gays.  They see them as an ends to justify the means.  The means, in the Democratic Party case, is to further their Socialist agenda.  Nothing else really matters.  If it is means fooling millions of people into voting for them, so be it.  Someday, I hope these Democratic Party voting blocs wake up to see they are simply being used.  But, somehow, I don't think I will ever live to see that day come.

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