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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Constitution Day 2012


Monday was a day that liberals/socialists/Democrats were not overly fond. Monday was Constitution Day.  You know, that old, outdated document that liberals only refer to when it suits their agenda.  Constitution Day is a day when we, as Americans, are supposed to honor the very foundation of this nation.  It instills "certain inalienable rights" to Americans.  "On September 17, 1787, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention met for the last time to sign the document they had created. We encourage all Americans to observe this important day in our nation's history by attending local events in your area. Celebrate Constitution Day through activities, learning, parades and demonstrations of our Love for the United State of America and the Blessings of Freedom Our Founding Fathers secured for us."  This was the official line from the Constitution Day web site. This document was hammered together with a lot of acrimony between the different delegates.  But, once they all came together, it was, perhaps, the most profound document ever created by a relatively few men.  Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison and many others did not exactly agree with everything in the U.S. Constitution.  But, they finally agreed to disagree for the greater good, the United States of America. The original copy of the document is preserved in the National Archives Building in Washington, D.C.

Today, we have a president who has shown his disdain for this document written by "white men" and "slave owners" over two centuries ago.  Regardless of what you think of those men who had influence in the writing of the U.S. Constitution, you can not disagree with the magnificence that is in this document.  President Obama has shown he will ignore the Constitution by bypassing Congress on the issue of granting amnesty to illegal immigrant children.  Congress is ordained by the Constitution to make immigration laws.  This president will ignore Congress when they do not bow to his agenda.  President Obama is a disgrace to the office and to the U.S. Constitution.   There has been talk among Democrats (and some "Progressive Republicans") of rewriting the Constitution.  They seemingly want to "update" a document that has served Americans so well.  What our politicians fail to recognize is this document is intended to protect us as U.S. citizens from the government, and not vise versa.  Politicians want a new constitution to give them even more power than they have now.  The sad thing about it, in Obama's America, clearly half the nation is willing to cede that kind of power to the all powerful federal government. With that thought in mind, I leave you this quote from Thomas Jefferson, "The sheep are happier of themselves, than under the care of wolves."

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Joe Biden and Biker Girl


I'm going to say something that might seem controversial to some.  To others, it may seem that I am saying nothing unusual.  Joe Biden is a strange man.  I mean, how else do you explain his behavior?  Remember his using the "F" word when congratulating President Obama on passage of Obamacare?  Talk about embarrassing.   During the 2008 Democratic campaign for President he stated "You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.... I'm not joking."  That effectively ended any chance of his becoming President of the United States.  Just recently, Crazy Joe said that Mitt Romney's banking policies would “put y’all back in chains” in front of a mostly African-American crowd.  Of course, if you thought Joe Biden couldn't top that one, you would be wrong. Joe Biden, in an Ohio diner, snuggled up to some biker chick.  If she wasn't giving him a lap dance, she was at least giving the out of control VP a woody.  According to reports, the biker girl had nowhere to sit.  So, Gentleman Joe pulled a chair next to him and pulled her nearly into his lap.  From looks at the pic I saw, she appeared to be sitting in his lap.  He was definitely nuzzling up to her.  The two biker guys did not appear amused.  At all.  Probably any other guy that would have done that would have wound up in the hospital. 

It is disgusting behavior by the Vice-President of the United States.  I can see Joe Biden wanting to come off as an ordinary guy.  That was the purpose of the visit in the Ohio diner with the biker girl.  But, this is unusual behavior even if he were just an ordinary John Q. Public guy eating lunch.  I am not a psychologist by any means.  But, our VP appears to have mental issues.  I don't know what one would classify Joe Biden's aberrant behavior.  It is worrisome for a man a heartbeat away from the Oval Office.  It's disturbing.  

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Clint Eastwood Speech

A lot has been said of the Clint Eastwood speech last week at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida.  A lot was said about his "conversation" with an empty chair with an imaginary President Obama sitting in it.  Personally, I thought it was funny.  Sure, Clint rambled on at times and seemingly failed at making whatever point he was trying to make.  But, he did hit on some red meat one-liners that conservatives love.  One I liked was the idea that Eric Holder (with the approval of his boss, of course) was going to hold civilian trials in New York City.  "OK, I thought maybe it was just because somebody had the stupid idea of trying terrorists in downtown New York City."  Obama eventually decided to cancel that idea due to public pressure.  Probably the line that got the most applause was one that Democrats just shudder at the thought.  "Something that I think is very important. It is that, you, we -- we own this country...We -- we own it. It is not you owning it, and not politicians owning it. Politicians are employees of ours."  That statement right there is what sets Republicans apart from Democrats.  Democrats have this lifelong idea that, we the people, are sort of servants to the all-powerful federal government.  They believe rights are bestowed upon us from the federal government and not that "out-dated U.S. Constitution."  Politicians are supposed to work for us. Democrats deplore this idea. This is but one reason why I can never be a Democrat. 

Basically, Clint Eastwood's conversation with an empty chair is so strangely ironic because there is an empty suit filling the Presidency right now.  Obama is absent in working to establish policy that is beneficial to Americans.  What did he work on so furiously in spite of record unemployment his first two years?  He worked on his pet project, Obamacare, in an effort to put himself in a separate chapter in history books.  Clint Eastwood recognizes this and spoke what many in the Republican Party are afraid to say.  Eastwood made mention that maybe it was time for a businessman to occupy the Oval Office now.  Not a career politician who has never had a private sector job (which is not doing fine, Mr. President) or even a sainted lawyer who frequently don't have a clue.  Mr. Eastwood is not your usual Hollywood type who is a liberal, left-wing nutjob who lives in a surreal world.  Of course, as Clint Eastwood pointed out, there are many conservatives in Hollywood who are fearful to "come out of the closet" so to speak.  It would destroy their career.  Only actors like Clint Eastwood or Jon Voight can come out with their political preferences because of their long careers and age.  It would take a very brave person to come out at the start of their career and state he or she is a conservative.  In fact, it would be career suicide. 

I'm glad "Dirty Harry" gave his speech.  I found it the highlight of a rather boring convention (as all conventions are, regardless of political affiliation).  The Democratic National Convention is no less boring this week.  I'm sure the Democrats will make mention of Clint Eastwood in as derogatory language as only they can.  He poked fun at humorless Democrats.  He made people laugh, smile and momentarily forget the problems this nation faces for a few minutes.  He hit on some red meat issues that conservatives love such as the many broken promises Obama has made during his tenure in office.  I guess the thing that most people enjoyed about the speech is an old, aged hero, many grew up loving as children and on into adulthood, spoke with the same raw language he did in films. It was great to see a powerful Hollywood type agree with us for a change.  It is refreshing to know that everyone living in that elitist society is not totally insane.

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